SWG: Utopia Request

Started by TalisaKnight, Jun 19, 2024, 04:44 PM

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We are looking to launch our server within the next three months, but here is our information. You can also remove the entry for SWG Resurgence as that server closed last year.

Server Name: SWG Utopia
Game Folder (where profiles exist): Arcadia
Type: precu or nge: NGE
URL of server website: https://swgutopia.com/

I've also submitted to GalaxyHarvester.

Thank you,



Quote from: TalisaKnight on Jun 19, 2024, 04:44 PMWe are looking to launch our server within the next three months, but here is our information. You can also remove the entry for SWG Resurgence as that server closed last year.

Server Name: SWG Utopia
Game Folder (where profiles exist): Arcadia
Type: precu or nge: NGE
URL of server website: https://swgutopia.com/

I've also submitted to GalaxyHarvester.

Thank you,
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