Server specific schematics

Started by frapus, Dec 21, 2024, 04:23 PM

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Is there a way to submit Legends schematics that are missing from the Farming and Ranching update a few years ago? I would be more than happy to compile the list. "An Experimental Injector" and the subs, Domestics- food & chem.


I'd love to see the schematic for A Smuggler's Ring added please.
Requires 35 units of Kerol Fire-Gem Crystalline Gemstone.
Requires 20 units of Diatium Copper.
Requires 3 identical Jewelry Setting from a factory crate.
Requires 25 units of Lubricating Oil.
Requires 1 Illegal Core Booster.

Slicing: Weapon
OQ: 50%
UT: 50%