Crafting Station vs. Crafting Droid

Started by Valakai, Oct 17, 2020, 04:48 PM

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As title says

Any advantages or disadvantages?
Crafting droid vs. Non-capped Crafting station. Which one is better to use?


Quote from: Valakai on Oct 17, 2020, 04:48 PMAs title says

Any advantages or disadvantages?
Crafting droid vs. Non-capped Crafting station. Which one is better to use?

I have never noticed much of a difference, but I use capped on both.
Going by numbers that game allows us to see, a capped droid has an effectiveness of +15, a capped station +45
I have crafted in the field with the droid and not noticed any difference on stuff, I was still standing within city limits of research center. However much of the stuff I do in the field don't rely as much on amazing rolls either.

But when I craft something special like a collection part or a decon gun I always use the station because I want to take no chances on missing an amazing roll.
Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.


what server/game are you playing? If NGE, then yes the rating matters. If pre-CU then no, the rating does not matter, it is not used.


I agree with the NGE the station rating matters, also you would not use a droid to craft anything that would need to be capped

Hello @savacc ...long time since we talked