Swg Aurora

Started by Akossa, Jun 15, 2023, 05:07 PM

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Hello Aurora changed from pre-cu to nge mid 2021. Possibility to change that?

Server Name: SWG Aurora
Game Folder (where profiles exist): Aurora
Type: precu or nge: NGE
URL of server website: https://www.swg-aurora.fr/

Thank you


I have updated it to NGE

Quote from: Akossa on Jun 15, 2023, 05:07 PMHello Aurora changed from pre-cu to nge mid 2021. Possibility to change that?

Server Name: SWG Aurora
Game Folder (where profiles exist): Aurora
Type: precu or nge: NGE
URL of server website: https://www.swg-aurora.fr/

Thank you
Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.


Thank you very much. 😁