Schematics for SWG Plus

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IFF Confuser LauncherHQ
IFF Confuser PackHQ
Immense Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Imperial Brand XN/A
Imperial Command HatN/A
Imperial Gunner HelmetLQ
Imperial Player Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Imperial Tie Interceptor Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Imperial YE-4 Gunship Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Improved CampHQ
Incom Elite II Prototype Engine (POB ship only)HQ
Incom X4 Gunship Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Incubator UnitHQ
Infiltration SuitN/A
Infiltrator LeggingsN/A
Intelligent NanonutrientsHQ
Interdiction Burst GeneratorLQ
Interplanetary Survey DroidHQ
Intimidator PistolHQ
Intricate DressN/A
Ion Relic PistolHQ
Ion Stunner PistolHQ
Ithorian ApronN/A
Ithorian Aquatic PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Athletic GearN/A
Ithorian BaggiesN/A
Ithorian Block Panel JacketN/A
Ithorian Buckle PantsN/A
Ithorian CamosN/A
Ithorian Cargo JacketN/A
Ithorian Cargo PantsN/A
Ithorian Casual ShortsN/A
Ithorian Ceremonial GarbN/A
Ithorian Comfort-FlexN/A
Ithorian Crested NeckpieceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Dress JacketN/A
Ithorian Easy Fit ShirtN/A
Ithorian Elder's DressN/A
Ithorian Elegant Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Emerald PendantN/A
Ithorian Fade Dyed ShirtN/A
Ithorian Fade Pattern JacketN/A
Ithorian Fiery ShirtN/A
Ithorian Frilled JacketN/A
Ithorian Frilly ShirtN/A
Ithorian Gemstone CrestN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Half SweaterN/A
Ithorian Heavy Crystal SymbolN/A
Ithorian Heavy JacketN/A
Ithorian Heavy PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Heavy PantsN/A
Ithorian Hemmed SkirtN/A
Ithorian Immense Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Jazzy JacketN/A
Ithorian Jungle ShortsN/A
Ithorian KhakisN/A
Ithorian Knitted ShirtN/A
Ithorian Large PendantN/A
Ithorian Leather GearN/A
Ithorian Leather Work GlovesN/A
Ithorian LifejacketN/A
Ithorian Light PulloverN/A
Ithorian Long SweaterN/A
Ithorian Med Team JacketN/A
Ithorian Merchant's RobeN/A
Ithorian Meshweave PantsN/A
Ithorian Metal NecklaceN/A
Ithorian MistHQ
Ithorian Mystic PantsN/A
Ithorian Mystic ShirtN/A
Ithorian Nath-Nath Ball OutfitN/A
Ithorian NewsboyN/A
Ithorian Officer's JacketN/A
Ithorian OvershirtN/A
Ithorian Pants w/ Knee PadsN/A
Ithorian Patrol PantsN/A
Ithorian Patterned SkirtN/A
Ithorian Plated NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Plated PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Priest's RobeN/A
Ithorian Racing GearN/A
Ithorian Reinforced TrousersN/A
Ithorian Religious CapN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Short Cargo JacketN/A
Ithorian Short Trim JacketN/A
Ithorian Silver PendantN/A
Ithorian Sport ShirtN/A
Ithorian Sports PulloverN/A
Ithorian Stately NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Striped PendantN/A
Ithorian Striped ShirtN/A
Ithorian Striped ShortsN/A
Ithorian Striped SkirtN/A
Ithorian Supported ShirtN/A
Ithorian Tech JacketN/A
Ithorian Technical SuitN/A
Ithorian Three Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Tight Fit JumpsuitN/A
Ithorian Tight Fit ShirtN/A
Ithorian Twin Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Two Pocket ShirtN/A
Ithorian Two Tone ShirtN/A
Ithorian Warm JacketN/A
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 3HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 4HQ
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