Schematics for SWG Plus

Server Info
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
a BandfillN/A
A Black Sun Razor KnucklerHQ
A BWDL19 RifleHQ
a Chidinkalu HornN/A
A Droid BodyLQ
A Droid HeadLQ
a FanfarN/A
a FizzzN/A
a Kloo HornN/A
A Lantern (style 1)LQ
A Lantern (style 2)LQ
A Legendary E5 CarbineHQ
A Legendary Nightsister Energy LanceHQ
A Legendary Power HammerHQ
A Legendary Stun BatonHQ
A Legendary T21 RifleHQ
A Majestic ThroneLQ
a MandoviolN/A
a NalargonN/A
A Posed Stormtrooper StatueLQ
a SlitherhornN/A
a TrazN/A
a ValahornN/A
a XanthaN/A
A-Wing Chassis BlueprintsHQ
A-Wing Texture Kit (Style 7)LQ
A280 Blaster RifleHQ
AB-1 LandspeederHQ
Access LockLQ
Acid Protection Armor LayerN/A
Acid Stream LauncherHQ
Acidic Paragon Vibro AxeHQ
Administrator's RobeN/A
Advanced Armor Layer PrimusN/A
Advanced Armor Layer SecundasN/A
Advanced Armor Layer TertiusN/A
Advanced Assault CoreN/A
Advanced Battle CoreN/A
Advanced Blaster (Green)HQ
Advanced Blaster (Red)HQ
Advanced Blaster Pistol BarrelHQ
Advanced Blaster Rifle BarrelHQ
Advanced CampHQ
Advanced Chemical Reactive UnitHQ
Advanced Control UnitMixed
Advanced DisruptorHQ
Advanced Flare S SwoopHQ
Advanced Heavy Harvesting MechanismHQ
Advanced Heavy Weapon CoreHQ
Advanced Ion CannonHQ
Advanced Laser RifleHQ
Advanced Melee Weapon CoreHQ
Advanced Melee Weapon ReinforcementHQ
Advanced Micro Sensor SuiteMixed
Advanced Ore Mining UnitHQ
Advanced Projectile Pistol BarrelHQ
Advanced Projectile Rifle BarrelHQ
Advanced Ranged Weapon CoreHQ
Advanced Reconnaissance CoreN/A
Advanced Tantive-4 LandspeederHQ
Advanced Turbo Fluidic Drilling Pump UnitHQ
Advanced Vibro Blade UnitHQ
Advanced Weapon ScopeHQ
Advanced Weapon StockN/A
Agitator MotorLQ
Air CakeHQ
Alliance DisruptorHQ
Alliance Needler CarbineHQ
Almond-Kwevvu Crisp MunchiesHQ
Ambient Solar Energy Surveying ToolLQ
Ammo BandolierN/A
an Ommni BoxN/A
Ancient Metal ChairLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Left ArmLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Left ForearmLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Left HandLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Right ArmLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Right ForearmLQ
Antilles BioGen 980 Series Right HandLQ
Appearance Schematic Mandalorian Armor BootsN/A
Appearance Schematic Mandalorian Armor ChestplateN/A
Appearance Tab Belt (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Gloves (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Jacket (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Left Bicep (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Left Bracelet (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Left Bracer (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Necklace (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Right Bicep (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Right Bracelet (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Right Bracer (invisible)LQ
Appearance Tab Vest (invisible)LQ
Arakyd Probe DroidLQ
ARC-170 Texture Kit (Style 1)LQ
ARC-170 Texture Kit (Style 2)LQ
Armoire (Stylish)LQ
Armor Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IHQ
Armor Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IIHQ
Armor Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IIIHQ
Armor Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IVHQ
Armor Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark VHQ
Armor PaddingLQ
Armor Power BitLQ
Armor Reinforcement Panel - Mark IHQ
Armor Reinforcement Panel - Mark IIHQ
Armor Reinforcement Panel - Mark IIIHQ
Armor Reinforcement Panel - Mark IVHQ
Armor Reinforcement Panel - Mark VHQ
Armor Repair KitHQ
Assault Armor SegmentN/A
Assorted FruitsLQ
Athakam Medtech Chest CavityLQ
Athakam Medtech Left Arm ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Left Forearm ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Left Hand ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Legs ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Right Arm ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Right Forearm ReplacementLQ
Athakam Medtech Right Hand ReplacementLQ
AV-21 Landspeeder Vehicle DeedHQ
Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles Survival BackpackLQ
Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles Survival Backpack V2LQ
B-Wing Chassis BlueprintsHQ
B-Wing Texture Kit (Style 7)LQ
B-Wing Texture Kit (Style 8)LQ
Bacta Kit Charge LoaderHQ
Bacta Kit Mark IHQ
Bacta Kit Mark IIN/A
Bacta Kit Mark IIIN/A
Bake Master's CapN/A
Ballot Box TerminalLQ
Bantha ButterLQ
Bantha RadishN/A
Barricade Construction ToolLQ
Basic Assault CoreN/A
Basic Battle CoreN/A
Basic CamosN/A
Basic CampHQ
Basic Melee Weapon CoreHQ
Basic Ranged Weapon CoreHQ
Basic Reconnaissance CoreN/A
Basilisk War DroidHQ
Battle Armor SegmentN/A
Beam RifleHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement AHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement A - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement BHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement B - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement CHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement C - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement DHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement D - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement EHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement E - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement FHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement F - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement GHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement G - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement HHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement H - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement IHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement I - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement JHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement J - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement KHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement K - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement LHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement L - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement MHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement M - Mark IIHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement NHQ
Beast Dietary Supplement N - Mark IIHQ
Beast Encoder and ReplicatorHQ
Belted JacketN/A
Belted SkirtN/A
Belted VestN/A
Berserker RifleHQ
Bespin PortHQ
Bikini LeggingsN/A
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Left Arm EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Left Forearm EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Left Hand EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Legs EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Right Arm EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Right Forearm EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Right Hand EnhancementLQ
Bio-Tech Industries Combat Torso EnhancementLQ
Bivoli TempariHQ
Black Leather BeltN/A
Black Sun AEG-77 Vigo Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Black Sun Executioner's HackHQ
Blackbane NailHQ
Blackhand AnnihilatorHQ
Blackscale "Hall Sweeper" CarbineHQ
Blackscale Acid LauncherHQ
Blackscale Stun StickHQ
Blade of Nyenthi'OrisHQ
Blap BiscuitHQ
Blaster FistHQ
Blaster Pistol BarrelHQ
Blaster Rifle BarrelHQ
Blob CandyHQ
Blood ChowderHQ
Bloodshot RipperHQ
Blubbery Fish SubstituteHQ
Blue MilkHQ
Bofa TreatHQ
Bone Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Bone Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Bookcase (Stylish)LQ
Booster Overdriver - Mark IHQ
Booster Overdriver - Mark IIHQ
Booster Overdriver - Mark IIIHQ
Booster Overdriver - Mark IVHQ
Booster Overdriver - Mark VHQ
Booster Repair KitHQ
Bothan Bola CarbineHQ
Bottle, fatLQ
Bottle, tallLQ
Bounty Hunter PackLQ
Breath of HeavenHQ
Bristle Hide BeltN/A
Broad-spectrum NutrientsHQ
C-10 "Dragoneye Reaper"HQ
C-M "Reaper" Sniper RifleHQ
C-M Frag Storm Heavy ShotgunHQ
Cabinet (elegant)LQ
Cafe ChairLQ
Cafe TableLQ
Cafe Table (Looted)LQ
Camp Module: Camp BatteryHQ
Camp Module: Cloning TubeLQ
Camp Module: Clothing StationLQ
Camp Module: Entertainment AreaLQ
Camp Module: Food StationLQ
Camp Module: Imperial RecruiterLQ
Camp Module: Junk DealerLQ
Camp Module: Rebel RecruiterLQ
Camp Module: Ship StationLQ
Camp Module: Shuttle BeaconLQ
Camp Module: Structure StationLQ
Camp Module: Weapon StationLQ
Candle 'Bestine'LQ
Candle 'Coronet'LQ
Candle 'Dearic'LQ
Candle 'Restuss'LQ
Candle 'Theed'LQ
Caramelized PknebHQ
Cargo PocketLQ
Cargo VestN/A
Cartridge BeltN/A
Casual JacketN/A
Casual PantsN/A
Casual ShirtN/A
Casual ShoesN/A
Cavaellin CreamsHQ
CC-V 'Legion' Cryo ProjectorHQ
CDEF CarbineHQ
Cereal FlakesLQ
Chaff LauncherHQ
Chaff PackHQ
Chair (Stylish)LQ
Champion's SwordHQ
Chance CubeLQ
Charric CarbineHQ
Chassis - 8D8 DroidLQ
Chassis - ASN-121 DroidLQ
Chassis - Battle DroidLQ
Chassis - Binary Load Lifter ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - CWW8 DroidLQ
Chassis - Droideka DroidLQ
Chassis - Dwarf Spider DroidLQ
Chassis - Guardian Mark IILQ
Chassis - LE Repair ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - LIN Demolitionmech DroidLQ
Chassis - MagnaGuardLQ
Chassis - Mark IV Sentry DroidLQ
Chassis - Mining Droid MK3LQ
Chassis - Pit DroidLQ
Chassis - Probot ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - Protocol ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - R2 ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - R3 ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - R4 ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - Super Battle DroidLQ
Chassis - Surgical ADV DroidLQ
Chassis - Union Sentry DroidLQ
Chassis Repair KitHQ
Cheap Cafe TableLQ
Chef's ApronN/A
Chemical Reactive UnitHQ
Chemical RecyclerLQ
Chemical Survey DeviceLQ
Chest (Stylish)LQ
Chitin Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Chitin Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Citros Snow CakeHQ
Cloak (Hood Up)N/A
Cloaked DressN/A
Closed BasketLQ
Clothing and Armor Crafting StationHQ
Clothing and Armor Crafting ToolHQ
Coarse Fish SubstituteHQ
Cold Protection Armor LayerN/A
Cold Weather GlovesN/A
Cold Weather JacketN/A
Combat Vehicle Construction ToolLQ
Comfortable SlacksN/A
Component - Advanced Droid Frame UnitLQ
Component - Capacitor Discharge UnitHQ
Component - Capacitor Discharge Unit - AdvancedHQ
Component - Diagnostic CircuitHQ
Component - Diagnostic Circuit - AdvancedHQ
Component - Droid BrainLQ
Component - Droid Brain - AdvancedLQ
Component - Droid Motive SystemLQ
Component - Droid Motive System - AdvancedLQ
Component - Droid Sensor PackageLQ
Component - Droid Storage CompartmentMixed
Component - Manipulator ArmLQ
Component - Manipulator Arm Package SetLQ
Component - Redundant Power SupplyHQ
Component - Redundant Power Supply - AdvancedHQ
Component - Repair Unit CasingHQ
Component - Repair Unit Casing - AdvancedHQ
Component - Unit Delivery CartridgeHQ
Component - Unit Delivery Cartridge - AdvancedHQ
Component Analysis ToolHQ
Composite Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Composite Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Conduit Repair KitHQ
Configurable DiceLQ
Control UnitMixed
Cooked Fish SubstituteHQ
Cooked Meat SubstituteHQ
Corellian AleHQ
Corellian BrandyHQ
Corellian DestroyerHQ
Corellian MistN/A
Corestrike RancorHQ
Couch (Stylish)LQ
Council Member ChairLQ
Councilman's RobeN/A
Covert RetaliationHQ
CR-1 Blast CannonHQ
Crafted Armor Color KitHQ
Crafted Bat PheromoneN/A
Crafted Spider PheromoneN/A
Crafter's ApronN/A
Crafter's PantsN/A
Crafting Scanner InterfaceHQ
Creature HabitatN/A
Creature RecyclerLQ
Crested Battle PaddingN/A
Crested NeckpieceN/A
Crested VestN/A
Crusader M-XII PistolHQ
Crusader M-XX Heavy RifleHQ
Crusader Mark III BeltN/A
Crusader Mark III BootsN/A
Crusader Mark III Chest PlateN/A
Crusader Mark III GlovesN/A
Crusader Mark III HelmetN/A
Crusader Mark III Left BicepN/A
Crusader Mark III Left BracerN/A
Crusader Mark III LeggingsN/A
Crusader Mark III Right BicepN/A
Crusader Mark III Right BracerN/A
Cryo LanceHQ
Curved SwordHQ
Czerka Dart CarbineHQ
D18 PistolHQ
Dark SashN/A
Darksting AssassinHQ
Darstai'is SickleHQ
Data Terminal (Radar Screen)LQ
Data Terminal (Standing)LQ
Data Terminal (Wall Mount)LQ
Dathomir CakeN/A
Dawnsorrow RifleHQ
DC-15 CarbineHQ
DC15 RifleHQ
DD6 PistolHQ
DE-10 PistolHQ
Death-Hammer PistolHQ
Deathrain D-50HQ
Deceased Shackled PrisonerLQ
Deceased StormtroopersLQ
Decorated BeltN/A
Decorative CampfireLQ
Decorative DressN/A
Decorative HeaddressN/A
Decorative SkirtN/A
Decorative Survival KnifeLQ
Decorative VestN/A
Decorative Waist WrapN/A
Deed for: 8D8 DroidLQ
Deed for: ASN-121 DroidLQ
Deed for: Automated Flora FarmHQ
Deed for: Battle DroidLQ
Deed for: Binary Load Lifter DroidLQ
Deed for: Binary Load Lifter Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Chemical ExtractorHQ
Deed for: Corellia BankLQ
Deed for: Corellia CantinaLQ
Deed for: Corellia City HallLQ
Deed for: Corellia Cloning FacilityLQ
Deed for: Corellia GarageLQ
Deed for: Corellia HospitalLQ
Deed for: Corellia ShuttleportLQ
Deed for: Corellia TheaterLQ
Deed for: Corellian Guild HallLQ
Deed for: CWW8 DroidLQ
Deed for: Dantooine Meditation Area (Garden)LQ
Deed for: Dathomir Obelisk (Garden)LQ
Deed for: Deep Crust Chemical ExtractorHQ
Deed for: DroidekaLQ
Deed for: Dwarf Spider DroidLQ
Deed for: DZ70 DroidLQ
Deed for: DZ70 Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Elite Deep Crust Chemical ExtractorHQ
Deed for: Elite Efficiency Moisture VaporatorHQ
Deed for: Elite Flora FarmHQ
Deed for: Elite Mineral Mining InstallationHQ
Deed for: Elite Natural Gas ProcessorHQ
Deed for: Endor Huts (Garden)LQ
Deed for: Equipment FactoryLQ
Deed for: Food FactoryLQ
Deed for: Fusion Power GeneratorHQ
Deed for: Generic Planet Guild HallLQ
Deed for: Geothermal Power GeneratorHQ
Deed for: Guardian Mark II DroidLQ
Deed for: Heavy Mineral Mining InstallationHQ
Deed for: Heavy Natural Gas ProcessorHQ
Deed for: High Capacity Flora FarmHQ
Deed for: High Efficiency Moisture VaporatorHQ
Deed for: INS-444 DroidLQ
Deed for: Kashyyyk Tree HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Corellia HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Corellia House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Large GardenLQ
Deed for: Large Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Large Naboo HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Tatooine HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Windowed Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Large Windowed Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: LE Repair DroidLQ
Deed for: LE Repair Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: LIN Demolitionmech DroidLQ
Deed for: MagnaGuardLQ
Deed for: Mark IV Sentry DroidLQ
Deed for: Medium Corellia HouseLQ
Deed for: Medium GardenLQ
Deed for: Medium Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Medium Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Medium Naboo HouseLQ
Deed for: Medium Tatooine HouseLQ
Deed for: Medium Windowed Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Medium Windowed Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Merchant TentLQ
Deed for: Micro Flora FarmHQ
Deed for: Mineral Mining InstallationHQ
Deed for: Mining Droid MK3LQ
Deed for: Moisture VaporatorHQ
Deed for: MSE DroidLQ
Deed for: MSE Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Naboo BankLQ
Deed for: Naboo CantinaLQ
Deed for: Naboo City HallLQ
Deed for: Naboo Cloning FacilityLQ
Deed for: Naboo GarageLQ
Deed for: Naboo Guild HallLQ
Deed for: Naboo HospitalLQ
Deed for: Naboo ShuttleportLQ
Deed for: Naboo TheaterLQ
Deed for: Natural Gas ProcessorHQ
Deed for: Personal Chemical ExtractorHQ
Deed for: Personal Mineral ExtractorHQ
Deed for: Personal Moisture VaporatorHQ
Deed for: Personal Natural Gas ProcessorHQ
Deed for: Pit DroidLQ
Deed for: Power DroidLQ
Deed for: Power Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: ProbotLQ
Deed for: Probot, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Protocol DroidLQ
Deed for: Protocol Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: R2 DroidLQ
Deed for: R2 Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: R3 DroidLQ
Deed for: R3 Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: R4 DroidLQ
Deed for: R4 Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: R5 DroidLQ
Deed for: R5 Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Singing Mountain-style HutLQ
Deed for: Small Corellia HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Corellia House (Floorplan 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Corellia House (Style 2, Floorplan 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Corellia House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Small GardenLQ
Deed for: Small Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Floorplan 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2, Floorplan 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Naboo HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Naboo House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Tatooine HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Tatooine House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Windowed Generic Planet HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Windowed Generic Planet House (Style 2)LQ
Deed for: Small Windowed Naboo HouseLQ
Deed for: Small Windowed Tatooine HouseLQ
Deed for: Solar Power GeneratorHQ
Deed for: Structure FactoryLQ
Deed for: Super Battle DroidLQ
Deed for: Surgical DroidLQ
Deed for: Surgical Droid, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Tatooine BankLQ
Deed for: Tatooine CantinaLQ
Deed for: Tatooine City HallLQ
Deed for: Tatooine Cloning FacilityLQ
Deed for: Tatooine GarageLQ
Deed for: Tatooine Guild HallLQ
Deed for: Tatooine HospitalLQ
Deed for: Tatooine ShuttleportLQ
Deed for: Tatooine TheaterLQ
Deed for: Treadwell DroidLQ
Deed for: Union Sentry DroidLQ
Deed for: Wearables FactoryLQ
Deed for: WED Treadwell, Advanced ModelLQ
Deed for: Wind Power GeneratorHQ
Deepwell Capacitor Prototype AlphaHQ
Deepwell Capacitor Prototype BetaHQ
Deepwell Capacitor Prototype DeltaHQ
Deepwell Capacitor Prototype EpsilonHQ
Deepwell Capacitor Prototype GammaHQ
Deflector Shield Emitter AssemblyLQ
Deflector Shield Generator - Energy RayLQ
Deflector Shield Generator - ParticleLQ
Deflector Shield Projector PlateLQ
Deneelian Fizz PuddingHQ
Desert Command JacketN/A
Desert CrawlersLQ
Desk Lamp 'Bantha'LQ
Desk Lamp 'Rancor'LQ
DH-18a Pistol PrototypeHQ
DH17 CarbineHQ
DH17 PistolHQ
DH17 Short CarbineHQ
Diagnostic ScreenLQ
Dignified BeltN/A
Diner Booth SeatingLQ
Diner Counter Center PieceLQ
Diner Counter Corner Piece 1LQ
Diner Counter Corner Piece 2LQ
Diner TableLQ
Dining TableLQ
Display FishLQ
Disruptor PistolHQ
Disruptor RifleHQ
DL 44 Metal PistolHQ
DL-T Heavy Blaster PistolHQ
DL44 "Dosh Special" PistolHQ
DL44 PistolHQ
Doctor BagN/A
Doctor's DressN/A
Double RobeN/A
Double-Bladed Fifth Generation LightsaberHQ
Double-Bladed First Generation LightsaberHQ
Double-Bladed Fourth Generation LightsaberHQ
Double-Bladed Second Generation LightsaberHQ
Double-Bladed Third Generation LightsaberHQ
DP-23 RifleHQ
Dress BlouseN/A
Dress RobeN/A
Dress ShirtN/A
Dress ShoesN/A
Dress SlacksN/A
Dress SlippersN/A
Dress Uniform JacketN/A
Drinking PitcherLQ
Droid BatteryHQ
Droid Brain Upgrade - Mark IHQ
Droid Brain Upgrade - Mark IIHQ
Droid Brain Upgrade - Mark IIIHQ
Droid Brain Upgrade - Mark IVHQ
Droid Brain Upgrade - Mark VHQ
Droid Customization KitHQ
Droid Dance ModuleLQ
Droid Decal KitHQ
Droid Detection DeviceLQ
Droid Interface Repair KitHQ
Droid Interface ScannerHQ
Droid Reconstruction Kit - AHQ
Droid Reconstruction Kit - BHQ
Droid Reconstruction Kit - CHQ
Droid Reconstruction Kit - DHQ
Droid Repair Kit - AHQ
Droid Repair Kit - BHQ
Droid Repair Kit - CHQ
Droid Repair Kit - DHQ
Droideka Personal ShieldN/A
Droidsmith's Tool SetLQ
Dry Fruit SubstituteHQ
Dual Wave SynthesizerLQ
Dual-Core Acid Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Dual-Core Action Enhancement ModuleHQ
Dual-Core Cold Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Dual-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Dual-Core Health Enhancement ModuleHQ
Dual-Core Heat Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Duel RecorderLQ
Dunelizard Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Dunelizard Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
DX2 PistolHQ
DXR6 Heavy CarbineHQ
E-Web RifleHQ
E11 CarbineHQ
E11 Carbine MarkIIHQ
E11 RifleHQ
E5 CarbineHQ
Edible Nano ConstructorsHQ
EE3 CarbineHQ
Electric PolearmHQ
Electrical Protection Armor LayerN/A
Electronics GP ModuleMixed
Electronics Memory ModuleMixed
Elegant ArmoireLQ
Elegant BookcaseLQ
Elegant Cafe TableLQ
Elegant ChairLQ
Elegant ChestLQ
Elegant CouchLQ
Elegant End TableLQ
Elegant Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Elegant GownN/A
Elegant LoveseatLQ
Element Processing CanisterHQ
Element Processing Control UnitHQ
Element Processing FilterHQ
Element Processing System FuseHQ
Element ProcessorHQ
Element Processor Plasma ArrayHQ
Elemental Corrosive ChamberHQ
Elemental Cryo ChamberHQ
Elemental Electric ChamberHQ
Elemental Plasma ChamberHQ
Elite Armor (POB ship only)HQ
Elite Booster (POB ship only)HQ
Elite CampHQ
Elite Capacitor (POB ship only)HQ
Elite CarbineHQ
Elite Engine (POB ship only)HQ
Elite Gaderiffi BatonHQ
Elite Gauss Cannon (POB ship only)HQ
Elite Mining Laser (Y8 only)HQ
Elite Railgun (POB ship only)HQ
Elite Reactor (POB ships only)HQ
Elite Shields (POB ships only)HQ
Elite Tusken RifleHQ
Elshandruu Pica ThundercloudHQ
EM Emitter LauncherHQ
EM Emitter PackHQ
Emerald PendantN/A
End TableLQ
End Table (Stylish)LQ
Endor RootN/A
Energy DistributorMixed
Energy Protection Armor LayerN/A
Energy Saver Battery - Mark IHQ
Energy Saver Battery - Mark IIHQ
Energy Saver Battery - Mark IIIHQ
Energy Saver Battery - Mark IVHQ
Energy Saver Battery - Mark VHQ
Engine Limiter - Mark IHQ
Engine Limiter - Mark IIHQ
Engine Limiter - Mark IIIHQ
Engine Limiter - Mark IVHQ
Engine Limiter - Mark VHQ
Engine Overdriver - Mark IHQ
Engine Overdriver - Mark IIHQ
Engine Overdriver - Mark IIIHQ
Engine Overdriver - Mark IVHQ
Engine Overdriver - Mark VHQ
Engine Overhaul - Mark IHQ
Engine Overhaul - Mark IIHQ
Engine Repair KitHQ
Engine Stabilizer - Mark IHQ
Engine Stabilizer - Mark IIHQ
Enhanced E11 CarbineHQ
Enzyme CentrifugeHQ
Enzyme Centrifuge Burst PistonHQ
Enzyme Centrifuge MotorHQ
Enzyme Centrifuge Separation FilterHQ
Enzyme Centrifuge Separation MixtureHQ
Enzyme Centrifuge Separation TrayHQ
Enzyme Extraction CanisterHQ
Enzyme Extraction ControlHQ
Enzyme ExtractorHQ
Enzyme Re-ProcessorHQ
Enzyme Re-Processor CapsuleHQ
Enzyme Re-Processor CoolantHQ
Enzyme Re-Processor FilterHQ
Eventide SmasherHQ
Exceptional Imperial E-11 CarbineHQ
Exceptional Rebel DL 44 PistolHQ
Exemplar's MarkHQ
Exo-Protein PowderN/A
Exo-Protein WafersHQ
Exotic LeotardN/A
Exotic Leotard (Duplication)LQ
Experimental Blaster (Green)HQ
Experimental Blaster (Red)HQ
Experimental DisruptorHQ
Experimental Ion CannonHQ
Experimental Lung VatLQ
Exquisite GownN/A
Extended Life Battery - Mark IHQ
Extended Life Battery - Mark IIHQ
Extended Life Battery - Mark IIIHQ
Extended Life Battery - Mark IVHQ
Extended Life Battery - Mark VHQ
Extended Life Fuel Cell - Mark IHQ
Extended Life Fuel Cell - Mark IIHQ
Extended Life Fuel Cell - Mark IIIHQ
Extended Life Fuel Cell - Mark IVHQ
Extended Life Fuel Cell - Mark VHQ
Extremely Revealing SkirtN/A
Fallann Hyper-RifleHQ
Fancy BeltN/A
Fashionably Pleated SkirtN/A
Fast Charge Fuel Cell - Mark IHQ
Fast Charge Fuel Cell - Mark IIHQ
Fast Charge Fuel Cell - Mark IIIHQ
Fast Charge Fuel Cell - Mark IVHQ
Fast Charge Fuel Cell - Mark VHQ
Fatty Fish SubstituteHQ
Fatty Meat SubstituteHQ
Feathered Armor Appearance EnhancementLQ
Featherweight FWG5 PistolHQ
Fiberplast PanelLQ
Fifth Generation LightsaberHQ
Fighter FlightsuitN/A
Firestar 10-KHQ
Fireworks Show PackageN/A
First Generation LightsaberHQ
Fish TankLQ
Fishing PoleLQ
Flame ThrowerHQ
Flanged JessoonN/A
Flared Cuff ShirtN/A
Flared JacketN/A
Flex-form ShirtN/A
Flora RecyclerLQ
Flora Survey ToolLQ
Floral DelightN/A
Fluidic Drilling Pump UnitHQ
Food and Chemical Crafting StationHQ
Food and Chemical Crafting ToolHQ
Formal GownN/A
Formal ShirtN/A
Formfitting UndershirtN/A
Fourth Generation LightsaberHQ
Framed Beetle SpecimensLQ
Free-Standing Lamp 'Azeron'LQ
Free-Standing Lamp 'Blueleaf'LQ
Free-Standing Lamp 'Razorcoil'LQ
Free-Standing Lamp 'Tallbirch'LQ
Fryer Repair ToolN/A
FWG5 PistolHQ
Gaderiffi BatonHQ
Galactic Marine Armor Chest PlateN/A
Gamorrean BattleaxeHQ
Gand Shockprod StaffHQ
Gas Pocket Survey DeviceLQ
Gemstone CrestN/A
Generator TurbineLQ
Generic Crafting ToolHQ
Geonosian Reinforcement CoreHQ
Geonosian Sonic BlasterHQ
Geonosian Sword CoreHQ
Geothermal Energy Survey DeviceLQ
Glass ShelvesLQ
Golden BraceletN/A
Golden SymbolN/A
Gralinyn JuiceHQ
Grand Ball GownN/A
Grand Healer's RobeN/A
Grand Mayoral RobeN/A
Grand Twi'lek HeadpieceN/A
Grenadier's BeltN/A
Grievance StrikerHQ
Grooved Two-handed SwordHQ
Gruuvan ShaalHQ
Gungan Head StatueLQ
Gunman's DusterN/A
Gunship Armor Mark IHQ
Gunship Armor Mark IIHQ
Gunship Armor Mark IIIHQ
Gunship Capacitor Mark IHQ
Gunship Capacitor Mark IIHQ
Gunship Capacitor Mark IIIHQ
Gunship ReactorHQ
Gunship ShieldsHQ
Hanging Banner: The MaidenLQ
Harvesting MechanismHQ
Havoc Starfighter Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Heat Protection Armor LayerN/A
Heavy Acid RifleHQ
Heavy AxeHQ
Heavy Battery - Mark IHQ
Heavy Battery - Mark IIHQ
Heavy Battery - Mark IIIHQ
Heavy Battery - Mark IVHQ
Heavy Battery - Mark VHQ
Heavy Blaster (Green)HQ
Heavy Blaster (Red)HQ
Heavy BreadN/A
Heavy Crystal SymbolN/A
Heavy DisruptorHQ
Heavy Elemental ChamberHQ
Heavy FlightsuitN/A
Heavy Food AdditiveLQ
Heavy Fuel Cell - Mark IHQ
Heavy Fuel Cell - Mark IIHQ
Heavy Fuel Cell - Mark IIIHQ
Heavy Fuel Cell - Mark IVHQ
Heavy Fuel Cell - Mark VHQ
Heavy GlovesN/A
Heavy Harvesting MechanismHQ
Heavy Ion CannonHQ
Heavy Lightning CannonHQ
Heavy Particle Beam CannonHQ
Heavy Reinforced JacketN/A
Heavy Republic Flame ThrowerHQ
Heavy Shoulder PadN/A
Hide BootsN/A
High Capacity Projector - MK5HQ
High Capacity Scatter PistolHQ
High Quality BootsN/A
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Left ArmLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Left ForearmLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Left HandLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic LegsLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Right ArmLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Right ForearmLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic Right HandLQ
Holowan Mechanicals Cybernetic TorsoLQ
Hot PantsN/A
Hover Lifter Speeder (Custom)HQ
Huge Cargo Hold (POB only)HQ
Huge Cargo Hold (Starfighter)HQ
Hyper Yeast AdditiveHQ
Hyper Yeast ConcentrateHQ
IFF Confuser LauncherHQ
IFF Confuser PackHQ
Immense Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Imperial Brand XN/A
Imperial Command HatN/A
Imperial Gunner HelmetLQ
Imperial Player Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Imperial Tie Interceptor Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Imperial YE-4 Gunship Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Improved CampHQ
Incom Elite II Prototype Engine (POB ship only)HQ
Incom X4 Gunship Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Incubator UnitHQ
Infiltration SuitN/A
Infiltrator LeggingsN/A
Intelligent NanonutrientsHQ
Interdiction Burst GeneratorLQ
Interplanetary Survey DroidHQ
Intimidator PistolHQ
Intricate DressN/A
Ion Relic PistolHQ
Ion Stunner PistolHQ
Ithorian ApronN/A
Ithorian Aquatic PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Athletic GearN/A
Ithorian BaggiesN/A
Ithorian Block Panel JacketN/A
Ithorian Buckle PantsN/A
Ithorian CamosN/A
Ithorian Cargo JacketN/A
Ithorian Cargo PantsN/A
Ithorian Casual ShortsN/A
Ithorian Ceremonial GarbN/A
Ithorian Comfort-FlexN/A
Ithorian Crested NeckpieceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Defender Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Dress JacketN/A
Ithorian Easy Fit ShirtN/A
Ithorian Elder's DressN/A
Ithorian Elegant Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Emerald PendantN/A
Ithorian Fade Dyed ShirtN/A
Ithorian Fade Pattern JacketN/A
Ithorian Fiery ShirtN/A
Ithorian Frilled JacketN/A
Ithorian Frilly ShirtN/A
Ithorian Gemstone CrestN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Half SweaterN/A
Ithorian Heavy Crystal SymbolN/A
Ithorian Heavy JacketN/A
Ithorian Heavy PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Heavy PantsN/A
Ithorian Hemmed SkirtN/A
Ithorian Immense Gemstone NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Jazzy JacketN/A
Ithorian Jungle ShortsN/A
Ithorian KhakisN/A
Ithorian Knitted ShirtN/A
Ithorian Large PendantN/A
Ithorian Leather GearN/A
Ithorian Leather Work GlovesN/A
Ithorian LifejacketN/A
Ithorian Light PulloverN/A
Ithorian Long SweaterN/A
Ithorian Med Team JacketN/A
Ithorian Merchant's RobeN/A
Ithorian Meshweave PantsN/A
Ithorian Metal NecklaceN/A
Ithorian MistHQ
Ithorian Mystic PantsN/A
Ithorian Mystic ShirtN/A
Ithorian Nath-Nath Ball OutfitN/A
Ithorian NewsboyN/A
Ithorian Officer's JacketN/A
Ithorian OvershirtN/A
Ithorian Pants w/ Knee PadsN/A
Ithorian Patrol PantsN/A
Ithorian Patterned SkirtN/A
Ithorian Plated NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Plated PantaloonN/A
Ithorian Priest's RobeN/A
Ithorian Racing GearN/A
Ithorian Reinforced TrousersN/A
Ithorian Religious CapN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Sentinel Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ithorian Short Cargo JacketN/A
Ithorian Short Trim JacketN/A
Ithorian Silver PendantN/A
Ithorian Sport ShirtN/A
Ithorian Sports PulloverN/A
Ithorian Stately NecklaceN/A
Ithorian Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Striped PendantN/A
Ithorian Striped ShirtN/A
Ithorian Striped ShortsN/A
Ithorian Striped SkirtN/A
Ithorian Supported ShirtN/A
Ithorian Tech JacketN/A
Ithorian Technical SuitN/A
Ithorian Three Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Tight Fit JumpsuitN/A
Ithorian Tight Fit ShirtN/A
Ithorian Twin Striped PantsN/A
Ithorian Two Pocket ShirtN/A
Ithorian Two Tone ShirtN/A
Ithorian Warm JacketN/A
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 3HQ
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 4HQ
Jawa BeerHQ
Jawa Ion PistolHQ
Jawa Ion RifleHQ
Jeweled Necklace of Nightsister OriginN/A
Jewelry SettingLQ
Jinkins J-1 RifleHQ
Jinsu RazorHQ
Juicy Fruit SubstituteHQ
Junti MaceHQ
Juyo SaberstaffHQ
K-18 RationsHQ
Kalranoos CarbineHQ
Kaminoan Great StaffHQ
Kanali WafersHQ
Karkan RibenesHQ
Kashyyyk BladestickHQ
Kashyyyk SpiritbladeHQ
Kashyyyk Stalker PistolHQ
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Ceremonial Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Kessel SpecialN/A
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 3HQ
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 4HQ
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Kimogila Heavy Fighter WingletsLQ
Kinetic Protection Armor LayerN/A
Kitchen ChairLQ
Kitchen Master's HatN/A
Kiwik Clusjo SwirlHQ
Knuckles of the KatarnHQ
Koensayr Reactor "Star Synthesis" Archetype AHQ
Koensayr Reactor "Star Synthesis" Archetype BHQ
Koensayr Reactor "Star Synthesis" Archetype CHQ
Koensayr Reactor "Star Synthesis" Archetype DHQ
Koensayr Reactor "Star Synthesis" Archetype EHQ
Kommerken SteakHQ
KSE Firespray Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Kuat Drive Yard Experimental Booster BR-1xHQ
Kuat Drive Yard Experimental Booster BR-2xHQ
Kuat Drive Yard Experimental Booster BR-3xHQ
Kuat Drive Yard Experimental Booster BR-4xHQ
Kuat Drive Yard Experimental Booster BR-5xHQ
KYD21 PistolHQ
Labor JacketN/A
Large BedLQ
Large Cargo Hold (POB only)HQ
Large Cargo Hold (Starfighter)HQ
Large Cargo Hold (Y-8 Only)HQ
Large CouchLQ
Large Couch (Looted)LQ
Large GlassLQ
Large HeadwrapN/A
Large PendantN/A
Large Pocket PantsN/A
Large Potted Plant, Style OneLQ
Large Potted Plant, Style TwoLQ
Laser CarbineHQ
Launcher PistolHQ
Lava CannonHQ
LD-1 RifleHQ
Leather BeltN/A
Leather GlovesN/A
Leather Trim ShirtN/A
Leather Work GlovesN/A
Legendary Crimson Nova PistolHQ
Legendary Reaper CannonHQ
Legendary Starlight CarbineHQ
Legendary Vortex RifleHQ
Lekku Ys'rakN/A
Lifeblood CleaverHQ
Light Blaster (Green)HQ
Light Blaster (Red)HQ
Light BustierN/A
Light DisruptorHQ
Light Food AdditiveLQ
Light Ion CannonHQ
Light Lightning RifleHQ
Light Ore Mining UnitHQ
Light Power Core UnitLQ
Lightning Beam CannonHQ
Lightsaber Crafting ToolkitMixed
Lined ShortsN/A
Lined WorkshirtN/A
Link-Steel Reinforced GlovesN/A
Liquidsilver L7HQ
Lithitanium CarbineHQ
Long Formal JacketN/A
Long Leather GlovesN/A
Long Uniform GlovesN/A
Long VestN/A
Long Vibro AxeHQ
Longsleeve GownN/A
Longsleeve ShirtN/A
Loose DressN/A
Loveseat (Chase Lounge)LQ
Loveseat (Stylish)LQ
Low-Cut TopN/A
Luxurious GownN/A
Luxury CampHQ
M22-T "Krayt" Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Mabari Armor Belt AppearanceN/A
Mabari Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Mabari Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Mabari Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Mabari Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Mabari Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
MagnaGuard ElectrostaffHQ
Maiden's DressN/A
Maintenance Reduction Kit - Mark IHQ
Maintenance Reduction Kit - Mark IIHQ
Maintenance Reduction Kit - Mark IIIHQ
Maintenance Reduction Kit - Mark IVHQ
Maintenance Reduction Kit - Mark VHQ
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IHQ
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IIHQ
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IIIHQ
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IVHQ
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype VHQ
Mandalorian WineHQ
Mangy VestN/A
Manufacturing MechanismLQ
Marauder Battle Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Marauder Battle Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Mark I BoosterHQ
Mark I Concussion LauncherHQ
Mark I Concussion Missile PackHQ
Mark I Droid InterfaceHQ
Mark I Durasteel PlatingHQ
Mark I Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark I Image-Rec LauncherHQ
Mark I Image-Rec Missile PackHQ
Mark I Mining LaserHQ
Mark I Proton LauncherHQ
Mark I Proton Missile PackHQ
Mark I Seismic LauncherHQ
Mark I Seismic Missile PackHQ
Mark I Shield GeneratorHQ
Mark I Spacebomb LauncherHQ
Mark I Spacebomb PackHQ
Mark I Starfighter EngineHQ
Mark I Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mark II BoosterHQ
Mark II Concussion LauncherHQ
Mark II Concussion Missile PackHQ
Mark II Deflector Shield GeneratorHQ
Mark II Droid InterfaceHQ
Mark II Durasteel PlatingHQ
Mark II Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark II Image-Rec LauncherHQ
Mark II Image-Rec Missile PackHQ
Mark II Mining LaserHQ
Mark II Proton LauncherHQ
Mark II Proton Missile PackHQ
Mark II Seismic LauncherHQ
Mark II Seismic Missile PackHQ
Mark II Spacebomb LauncherHQ
Mark II Spacebomb PackHQ
Mark II Starfighter EngineHQ
Mark II Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mark III BoosterHQ
Mark III Concussion LauncherHQ
Mark III Concussion Missile PackHQ
Mark III Deflector Shield GeneratorHQ
Mark III Droid InterfaceHQ
Mark III Durasteel PlatingHQ
Mark III Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark III Mining LaserHQ
Mark III Proton LauncherHQ
Mark III Proton Missile PackHQ
Mark III Seismic LauncherHQ
Mark III Seismic Missile PackHQ
Mark III Starfighter EngineHQ
Mark III Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mark IV BoosterHQ
Mark IV Deflector Shield GeneratorHQ
Mark IV Droid InterfaceHQ
Mark IV Durasteel PlatingHQ
Mark IV Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark IV Proton LauncherHQ
Mark IV Proton Missile PackHQ
Mark IV Starfighter EngineHQ
Mark IV Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mark V BoosterHQ
Mark V Deflector Shield GeneratorHQ
Mark V Droid InterfaceHQ
Mark V Durasteel PlatingHQ
Mark V Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark V Starfighter EngineHQ
Mark V Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mark VI Fusion ReactorHQ
Mark VI Weapons CapacitorHQ
Mass Reduction Kit - Mark IHQ
Mass Reduction Kit - Mark IIHQ
Mass Reduction Kit - Mark IIIHQ
Mass Reduction Kit - Mark IVHQ
Mass Reduction Kit - Mark VHQ
Massassi Enforcer BladeHQ
Massassi Guardian CarbineHQ
Massassi KnucklerHQ
Master Crafted DC-15 RifleHQ
Master Crafted EE3 CarbineHQ
Max Damage Intensifier - Mark IHQ
Max Damage Intensifier - Mark IIHQ
Max Damage Intensifier - Mark IIIHQ
Max Damage Intensifier - Mark IVHQ
Max Damage Intensifier - Mark VHQ
Meat JerkyHQ
Meatlump Grill (syle 1)LQ
Meatlump Grill (syle 2)LQ
Medium Cargo Hold (POB Only)HQ
Medium Cargo Hold (Starfighter)HQ
Medium Cargo Hold (Y-8 Only)HQ
Medium Food AdditiveLQ
Melee Weapon ReinforcementHQ
Mercenary BandolierN/A
Metal BandN/A
Metal BikiniN/A
Metal BraceletN/A
Metal ChairLQ
Metal FastenersLQ
Metal NecklaceN/A
Metal RecyclerLQ
Metal StaffHQ
Micro Sensor SuiteMixed
Micro-Chaff LauncherHQ
Micro-Chaff PackHQ
Micronutrient SupplementHQ
Mid-Grade Blaster (Green)HQ
Mid-Grade Blaster (Red)HQ
Mid-Grade DisruptorHQ
Mid-Grade Ion CannonHQ
Military Travel PackLQ
Min Damage Intensifier - Mark IHQ
Min Damage Intensifier - Mark IIHQ
Min Damage Intensifier - Mark IIIHQ
Min Damage Intensifier - Mark IVHQ
Min Damage Intensifier - Mark VHQ
Mineral Survey DeviceLQ
Mining-Grade CapacitorHQ
Mining-Grade ReactorHQ
Modest SkirtN/A
Modified Republic BlasterHQ
Modified X1 CarbineHQ
Module - Auto-RepairHQ
Module - Crafting Station - ClothingLQ
Module - Crafting Station - FoodsLQ
Module - Crafting Station - Ship ComponentsLQ
Module - Crafting Station - StructuresLQ
Module - Crafting Station - WeaponsLQ
Module - Creature HarvestHQ
Module - Detonation 1HQ
Module - Detonation 2HQ
Module - Detonation 3HQ
Module - Detonation 4HQ
Module - Detonation 5HQ
Module - Droid Armor 1HQ
Module - Droid Armor 2HQ
Module - Droid Armor 3HQ
Module - Droid Armor 4HQ
Module - Droid Armor 5HQ
Module - Droid Armor 6HQ
Module - Droid CombatHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Droideka ShieldHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Electric ShockerHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Flame JetHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Rapid Discharge BatteriesHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Regenerative PlatingHQ
Module - Droid Combat - Torture PanelHQ
Module - Droid Data 1Mixed
Module - Droid Data 2Mixed
Module - Droid Data 3Mixed
Module - Droid Data 4Mixed
Module - Droid Data 5Mixed
Module - Droid Data 6Mixed
Module - Droid Data 7LQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 1HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 2HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 3HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 4HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 5HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 6HQ
Module - Droid Item Storage 7HQ
Module - Droid RepairLQ
Module - Droid Structure Maintenance 1HQ
Module - Droid Structure Maintenance 2HQ
Module - Droid Structure Maintenance 3HQ
Module - Effect - AvianLQ
Module - Effect - ConfettiLQ
Module - Effect - Dancing JawaLQ
Module - Effect - Electric FogLQ
Module - Effect - FoamLQ
Module - Effect - Mind BloomLQ
Module - Hand SampleHQ
Module - Merchant BarkerLQ
Module - Personality - Geeky Droid ChipLQ
Module - Personality - Prissy Droid ChipLQ
Module - Personality - Sarcastic Droid ChipLQ
Module - Personality - Slang Droid ChipLQ
Module - Personality - Stupid Droid ChipLQ
Module - Personality - Worshipful Droid ChipLQ
Module - PlaybackLQ
Multipocket BandolierN/A
Multipocket BeltN/A
Multisaccharide DimateHQ
Multisaccharide PentamateHQ
Multisaccharide TetramateHQ
Muscle ShirtN/A
Mustafar Bandit SwordHQ
Mustafarian Panning DroidHQ
N-K ExecuterHQ
N'Gant-Zarvel 9118 CarbineHQ
Naboo N-1 Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Nak'tra Crystal KnifeHQ
Nak'tra Crystal RifleHQ
Necrosis NightbladeHQ
Nemoidian Bird CageLQ
Nightsister Carnage BeretN/A
Nightsister Energy LanceHQ
Nightsister LanceHQ
Nightsister Pestilence LeggingsLQ
Noble SkirtN/A
Nova Industries Mark V EngineHQ
Nova Industries Prototype Ion CannonHQ
Null Bolt Blaster (POB ship only)HQ
Nullifier XHQ
Nutrient BurnoutN/A
Nym's Slug-thrower CarbineHQ
Obsidian LanceHQ
Obsidian SwordHQ
Offensive Patrol Construction ToolLQ
Old Republic Personal ShieldHQ
One Hundred Sided Dice SetLQ
Ore Mining UnitHQ
Ore RecyclerLQ
Orion Industries Mark V EngineHQ
Orion Industries Prototype DisruptorHQ
Orveth Gas CartridgeHQ
P-8 Lamprey PistolHQ
Padded Armor Belt AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Padded Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Padded JacketN/A
Padded PulloverN/A
Padded WorkpantsN/A
Paneled BootsN/A
Paramilitary CamosN/A
Parwan NutricakeHQ
Parwan SyrupN/A
Patrol Point Construction ToolLQ
Patterned Slip DressN/A
Patterned Wookiee GlovesN/A
Perfectly-Calibrated PistolHQ
Personal Shield Generator Imperial Test PrototypeN/A
Personal Shield Generator Mk 1N/A
Personal Shield Generator Mk 2N/A
Personal Shield Generator Mk 3N/A
Pikatta PieHQ
Pilot Ace Field PackLQ
Pilot's JacketN/A
Plain RobeN/A
Plain ShirtN/A
Plain Short RobeN/A
Plasma Flame ThrowerHQ
Plated NecklaceN/A
Player Association Galactic RegistryLQ
Pleated DressN/A
Pleated SkirtN/A
Pocketed ShortsN/A
Pocketed Work PantsN/A
Portable Bazaar TerminalLQ
Portable Deep FryerN/A
Portable Space TerminalLQ
Portable StoveLQ
Potted Tree, Style OneLQ
Pouch BeltLQ
Pouffy Ithorian Chef HatN/A
Power ConditionerLQ
Power Core UnitLQ
Power HammerHQ
Power5 PistolHQ
Professor's DeskLQ
Projectile Pistol BarrelHQ
Projectile Rifle BarrelHQ
Prop Double Mystical Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Double Mystical Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Double Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Double Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Double Sparkle Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Double Sparkle Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Glowstick (Left)N/A
Prop Glowstick (Right)N/A
Prop Metal Fan (Right)N/A
Prop Mystical Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Mystical Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Sparkle Ribbon (Left)N/A
Prop Sparkle Ribbon (Right)N/A
Prop Sparkler (Left)N/A
Prop Sparkler (Right)N/A
Prop Staff (Left)N/A
Prop Staff (Right)N/A
Prop Sword (Left)N/A
Prop Sword (Right)N/A
Prop Torch (Left)N/A
Prop Torch (Right)N/A
Protein Supplement BN/A
Proton CarbineHQ
Proton RifleHQ
Pulse CannonHQ
Pyollian CakeHQ
Quality CampHQ
Quick Recharge Battery - Mark IHQ
Quick Recharge Battery - Mark IIHQ
Quick Recharge Battery - Mark IIIHQ
Quick Recharge Battery - Mark IVHQ
Quick Recharge Battery - Mark VHQ
Quick Shot Upgrade - Mark IHQ
Quick Shot Upgrade - Mark IIHQ
Quick Shot Upgrade - Mark IIIHQ
Quick Shot Upgrade - Mark IVHQ
Quick Shot Upgrade - Mark VHQ
Quicktrigger CountermandHQ
Quilted PantsN/A
R.I.S. Armor Boots AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Chestplate AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Gloves AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Helmet AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor LayerLQ
R.I.S. Armor Left Bicep AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Left Bracer AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Leggings AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Right Bicep AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor Right Bracer AppearanceLQ
R.I.S. Armor SegmentLQ
Radio Draft SchematicLQ
Rakririan Burnout SauceHQ
Rancor AidHQ
Rank SashN/A
RE Enhance ModuleHQ
Reactor Limiter - Mark IHQ
Reactor Limiter - Mark IIHQ
Reactor Limiter - Mark IIIHQ
Reactor Limiter - Mark IVHQ
Reactor Limiter - Mark VHQ
Reactor Overcharger - Mark IHQ
Reactor Overcharger - Mark IIHQ
Reactor Overcharger - Mark IIIHQ
Reactor Overcharger - Mark IVHQ
Reactor Overcharger - Mark VHQ
Reactor Repair KitHQ
Rebel Player Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Rebel Trooper HelmetLQ
Rebel X-Wing Player Association Data-Screen CartridgeLQ
Reclining ChairLQ
Reconnaissance Armor SegmentN/A
Red Hydra Z-5HQ
Refined SkirtN/A
Reinforced Combat StaffHQ
Reinforced Fiber PanelLQ
Reinforced JacketN/A
Reinforced JumpsuitN/A
Reinforced PantsN/A
Reinforced PulloverN/A
Reinforced Work ShirtN/A
Renegade PistolHQ
Replica Exar Kun BrazierLQ
Replica Exar Kun TableLQ
Republic BlasterHQ
Revealing BikiniN/A
Revealing FleshwrapN/A
Revealing TopN/A
Reverse Engineering ToolHQ
Rhiss Mark-20HQ
Ribbed PantsN/A
Ribbed ShirtN/A
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 3HQ
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 4HQ
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship WingletsLQ
Rilctur CarbineHQ
Robe of HonorN/A
Rocket LauncherHQ
Ruby BlielHQ
Rucksack of the Tusken KingLQ
Rugged JacketN/A
Rustic ArmoireLQ
Rustic BookcaseLQ
Rustic CabinetLQ
Rustic Cafe TableLQ
Rustic ChairLQ
Rustic ChestLQ
Rustic CouchLQ
Rustic End TableLQ
Rustic Love SeatLQ
Ryyk BladeHQ
Sayormi HeartstrikerHQ
Sayormi SoutstingerHQ
Scientific Work DeskLQ
Scout BlasterHQ
Scout JacketN/A
Scyk Light Fighter (High Mass Variant) Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Scyk Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 1HQ
Scyk Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 2HQ
Scythe BladeHQ
Second Generation LightsaberHQ
Seeker DroidLQ
Sensor Decoy LauncherHQ
Sensor Decoy PackHQ
Sfor Republic CarbineN/A
SG82 RifleHQ
Shellfish Harvesting ToolLQ
Shield Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IHQ
Shield Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IIHQ
Shield Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IIIHQ
Shield Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark IVHQ
Shield Effectiveness Intensifier - Mark VHQ
Shield Energy Saver Kit - Mark IHQ
Shield Energy Saver Kit - Mark IIHQ
Shield Energy Saver Kit - Mark IIIHQ
Shield Energy Saver Kit - Mark IVHQ
Shield Energy Saver Kit - Mark VHQ
Shield Generator Repair KitHQ
Shield Intensifier - Mark IHQ
Shield Intensifier - Mark IIHQ
Shield Intensifier - Mark IIIHQ
Shield Intensifier - Mark IVHQ
Shield Intensifier - Mark VHQ
Shield Limiter - Mark IHQ
Shield Limiter - Mark IIHQ
Shield Limiter - Mark IIIHQ
Shield Limiter - Mark IVHQ
Shield Limiter - Mark VHQ
Shield Overcharger - Mark IHQ
Shield Overcharger - Mark IIHQ
Shield Overcharger - Mark IIIHQ
Shield Overcharger - Mark IVHQ
Shield Overcharger - Mark VHQ
Shoe SoleLQ
Short SkirtN/A
Short VestN/A
Short WrapN/A
Shortsleeve JacketN/A
Shortsleeve ShirtN/A
Shoulder StrapN/A
Sidebuttoned ShirtN/A
Sigiled Waist WrapN/A
Silver PendantN/A
Simple ShirtN/A
Simple VestN/A
Simple Waist WrapN/A
Simplified BeltN/A
Sinew Wrapped KnifeHQ
Sith SwordHQ
Sith ThroneLQ
Six Sided Dice SetLQ
Slave BrazierLQ
Sleeveless DressN/A
Sleeveless JacketN/A
Small BedLQ
Small BustierN/A
Small Cantina SeatLQ
Small Cargo Hold (POB only)HQ
Small Cargo Hold (Starfighter)HQ
Small Cargo Hold (Y-8 only)HQ
Small CouchLQ
Small GlassLQ
Small Ithorian Chef HatN/A
Small Modern End TableLQ
Small Pocket BeltN/A
Small Potted Plant, Style OneLQ
Small Potted Plant, Style TwoLQ
Small Structure Storage ModuleLQ
Small TableLQ
Smuggler's DelightHQ
Snow BootsN/A
Socket Cluster - Combat and General ModulesLQ
Socket Cluster - Combat Modules OnlyLQ
Socket Cluster - General Modules OnlyLQ
Socket Retrofitting ToolLQ
Sofa ChairLQ
Soft UndershirtN/A
Sour Fruit SubstituteHQ
Spec-Ops DusterN/A
Spec-Ops PackLQ
Special Ops Bola CarbineHQ
Speed Limiter Upgrade - Mark IHQ
Speed Limiter Upgrade - Mark IIHQ
Speed Limiter Upgrade - Mark IIIHQ
Speed Limiter Upgrade - Mark IVHQ
Speed Limiter Upgrade - Mark VHQ
Spiced TeaHQ
Sports BustierN/A
Sports WrapN/A
Squared Metal ChairLQ
SR Combat PistolHQ
Stage Backdrop GeneratorLQ
Stage ControllerLQ
Stage Pyrotechnic MachineLQ
Stage Smoke MachineLQ
Standard Assault CoreN/A
Standard Battle CoreN/A
Standard BootsN/A
Standard Heavy Weapon CoreHQ
Standard Melee Weapon CoreHQ
Standard Ranged Weapon CoreHQ
Standard Reconnaissance CoreN/A
Starshine SurpriseHQ
Starship Crafting StationHQ
Starship Crafting ToolHQ
Starship Paint KitLQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 1LQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 2LQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 3LQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 4LQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 5LQ
Starship Texture Kit, Style 6LQ
Stately NecklaceN/A
Stone KnifeHQ
Strange Ithorian PantsN/A
Strap BeltN/A
Street LampLQ
Strike Assault LanceHQ
Striker PistolHQ
Stringy Meat SubstituteHQ
Striped PantsN/A
Striped PendantN/A
Striped SlacksN/A
Structural ModuleLQ
Structure and Furniture Crafting StationHQ
Structure and Furniture Crafting ToolHQ
Structure Customization KitHQ
Structure Storage ModuleLQ
Stun BatonHQ
Sturdy BootsN/A
Suit BeltN/A
Suit JacketN/A
Suit ShirtN/A
Survival KnifeHQ
Sweet Cake MixLQ
Sweet Fruit SubstituteHQ
Swoop HelmN/A
Synthetic ClothLQ
T-Wing Interceptor Chassis BlueprintsHQ
T21 RifleHQ
Table-Top LampLQ
Table-Top Lamp 'Corellia'LQ
Table-Top Lamp 'Coruscant'LQ
Table-Top Lamp 'Naboo'LQ
Table-Top Lamp 'Tatooine'LQ
Tactical SkinsuitN/A
Tangle PistolHQ
Tanned HideLQ
Tantel Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Left Bicep AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Right Bicep AppearanceN/A
Tantel Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
TC-22 Blaster Rifle ReplicaHQ
Tchotchee PistolHQ
Tech PackLQ
Technical Console (flat)LQ
Technical Console (w screens)LQ
Teltier NoodlesHQ
Ten Sided Dice SetLQ
Tender Meat SubstituteHQ
Tenebrous EdgeHQ
Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor RifleHQ
The Black FalconHQ
The VoidHQ
Thermal BootsN/A
Thin Pleated SkirtN/A
Thin Striped PantsN/A
Third Generation LightsaberHQ
Tibanna Gas CartridgeHQ
TIE Advanced Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Advanced WingletsLQ
TIE Aggressor Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Bomber Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Defender Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Fighter Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Fighter Deed (Heavy Variant)HQ
TIE Interceptor Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Light Duty Fighter Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE Oppressor Chassis BlueprintsHQ
TIE/In Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Tight JacketN/A
Tipless GlovesN/A
Toolchest (Short)LQ
Toolchest (Tall)LQ
Totem Pole Style 1LQ
Tower Construction ToolLQ
Tractor BeamHQ
Trader's FlightsuitN/A
Trandoshan Hunter's LanceHQ
Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle Mark-1BHQ
Trandoshan Hunting RifleHQ
Trandoshan Laser RifleHQ
Transport FlightsuitN/A
Travel BiscuitsHQ
Travel PackLQ
Treasured Bar Counter Curve Piece 1LQ
Treasured Bar Counter Curve Piece 2LQ
Treasured Bar Counter Curve Piece 3LQ
Treasured Bar Counter Piece 1LQ
Treasured Bar Counter Piece 5LQ
Tree-Dweller's HoodN/A
Tri-Core Acid Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Tri-Core Action Enhancement ModuleHQ
Tri-Core Cold Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Tri-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Tri-Core Health Enhancement ModuleHQ
Tri-Core Heat Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Trim Lined ShirtN/A
Trophy FishLQ
Tumble BlenderLQ
Turbo Fluidic Drilling Pump UnitHQ
Turret Construction ToolLQ
Tusken King's RifleHQ
Tusken MixN/A
Tusken RifleHQ
Twelve Sided Dice SetLQ
Twenty Sided Dice SetLQ
Twi'lek Bone CrestN/A
Twi'lek Lekku WrapN/A
Twi'lek Noble's CrestN/A
Twin Bladed GlaiveHQ
Two Pocket BeltN/A
Two-handed AxeHQ
Two-handed CleaverHQ
Two-handed Curved SwordHQ
Two-Handed Fifth Generation LightsaberHQ
Two-Handed First Generation LightsaberHQ
Two-Handed Fourth Generation LightsaberHQ
Two-Handed Obsidian SwordHQ
Two-Handed Second Generation LightsaberHQ
Two-Handed Sith SwordHQ
Two-Handed Third Generation LightsaberHQ
Two-Handed Tulrus SwordHQ
Two-Strap BandolierN/A
Two-Tone Formal SkirtN/A
Type 1 FireworkHQ
Type 10 FireworkHQ
Type 11 FireworkHQ
Type 18 FireworkHQ
Type 2 FireworkHQ
Type 3 FireworkHQ
Type 4 FireworkHQ
Type 5 FireworkHQ
Ubese Armor Boots AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Chestplate AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Gloves AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Helmet AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Left Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Leggings AppearanceN/A
Ubese Armor Right Bracer AppearanceN/A
Ubese Bandolier AppearanceN/A
Ubese ShirtN/A
Uni-Core Acid Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uni-Core Action Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uni-Core Cold Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uni-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uni-Core Health Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uni-Core Heat Resist Enhancement ModuleHQ
Uniform BootsN/A
Unprogrammed Droid Command ModuleLQ
Upholstered ChairLQ
UR-G8 PistolHQ
Urnsor'is SoulLeecherHQ
Utility BeltN/A
V-35 LandspeederHQ
v1 Flight ComputerLQ
v2 Flight ComputerLQ
v3 Flight ComputerLQ
v4 Flight ComputerLQ
v5 Flight ComputerLQ
v6 Flight ComputerLQ
Vagnerian CanapeHQ
Vaksai Heavy Starfighter Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Vasarian BrandyHQ
Vehicle Customization KitHQ
Vehicle Deed: Advanced STAP-1HQ
Vehicle Lava Resistance KitLQ
Vehicle Restoration KitN/A
Vercupti of Agazza BoleruueeHQ
Veronian Berry WineN/A
Vershyi SharpshooterHQ
Vested JacketN/A
Vexa Flechette PistolHQ
Vibro AxeHQ
Vibro BladeHQ
Vibro Blade UnitHQ
Vibro KnucklerHQ
Vibro LanceHQ
VT-49 Decimator Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Wall ModuleLQ
Warm HatN/A
Water Survey DeviceLQ
Weapon Capacitor Repair KitHQ
Weapon Efficiency BoosterHQ
Weapon Power BitLQ
Weapon RackLQ
Weapon Repair KitHQ
Weapon, Droid, and General Item Crafting StationHQ
Weapon, Droid, and General Item Crafting ToolHQ
Weaponsmith Tool SetLQ
Weighted Waist WrapN/A
Weighted Wookiee HoodN/A
Weighted Wookiee PulloverN/A
WESTAR-34 Blaster PistolHQ
WESTAR-M5 Blaster RifleHQ
Whistler Modified CarbineHQ
Widebuckle BeltN/A
Wind Current Surveying ToolLQ
Winged HawtpantsN/A
Witches War FanHQ
Women's ShoesN/A
Wood StaffHQ
Wooden ChairLQ
Wooden PalletLQ
Wookiee Arm WrapsN/A
Wookiee Battle PaddingN/A
Wookiee Hide JerkinN/A
Wookiee Padded GlovesN/A
Wookiee Sage's HoodN/A
Wookiee Shoulder PadN/A
Wookiee SmockN/A
Wookiee Strapped GlovesHQ
Wookiee ToothpickHQ
Wookiee Traveller's HelmN/A
Wookiee Under Armor ShirtN/A
Wooly JacketN/A
Wooly ShirtN/A
Work SlacksN/A
Workman's BeltN/A
Workman's GlovesN/A
Wrapped BootsN/A
Wrapped SkirtN/A
Wrinkled PantsN/A
X-34 LandspeederHQ
X-Wing Chassis BlueprintsHQ
X-Wing Side StrakesLQ
X-Wing Texture Kit (Style 7)LQ
X-Wing Texture Kit (Style 8)LQ
Xandank LanceHQ
XP-38 LandspeederHQ
Xris Acid SwordHQ
Y-Wing "Longprobe" Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Y-Wing Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Y-Wing Longprobe Texture Kit (Style 6)LQ
Y-Wing Texture Kit (Style 6)LQ
YKL-37R Nova Courier Chassis BlueprintsHQ
YT-1300 Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Z-95 Chassis BlueprintsHQ
Z-95 Chassis Blueprints (High Mass Variant)HQ
Z-95 Side StrakesLQ
Z-95 Texture Kit (Style 7)LQ
Z-95 Texture Kit (Style 8)LQ
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