Schematic for Y-Wing "Longprobe" Chassis Blueprints

NameY-Wing "Longprobe" Chassis Blueprints
CategoryShip Chassis
DescriptionSimilar to the Y-wing, however, it is the tier 2 Rebel fighter, and the second gun is slaved to the front (unlike the regular version whose 2'nd gun is a turret manned by a 2'nd player). Its 3 major improvements are the forward-facing gun, about 20k more mass (so you still generally experiment for hitpoints), and 1 more ordnance hardpoint.
Game BasePRECU - Stock
Skill NeededShipwright - Level 7330 - Spaceframe Engineering II: Standard Assault Ships
Complexity31 - Requires Specialized Crafting Tool and Private Crafting Station
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed30000
Crate Size1
QualityHigh Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 3000 of Fiberplast
  2. Requires 3000 of Iron
  3. Requires 3000 of Inert Petrochemical
  4. Requires 3000 of Aluminum
  5. Requires 3000 of Low-Grade Ore
  6. Requires 3000 of Low-Grade Ore
  7. Requires 3000 of Steel
  8. Requires 9000 of Steel

Experimentation Properties

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