Schematic for Corellian Brandy

NameCorellian Brandy
DescriptionThere is no brandy more flavorful and savory than Corellian Brandy. Must be made with real Corellian fruits...otherwise its just brandy. Ingredients in this beverage are known to be potent antidotes, increasing your resistance to disease.
Game BaseNGE - Stock
Skill NeededTrader - Domestic - Level 42 - Domestic Essentials VI
Complexity8 - Requires Generic Crafting Tool
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed40
Crate Size25
QualityHigh Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 20 of Corellia Berry Fruit
  2. Requires 20 of Corellian Fruit
  3. Requires 1 Alcohol
  4. Requires 1 Container
  5. Optional 1 Additive

Experimentation Properties

** Note: best resources below operate from a one hour cache. Newly added resources may not show up immediately.

Current Resources

  • Corellia Berry Fruit
    1. Dircka (541.40)
  • Corellian Fruit
    1. Ireloh (412.60)

Server Best Resources