Schematic for Component - Diagnostic Circuit - Advanced

NameComponent - Diagnostic Circuit - Advanced
CategoryDiagnostic Circuit
DescriptionThis advanced circuit board provides high-speed access to the blueprints, instructions, and data that it contains, which is necesary for performing repairs on almost all types of droids.
Game BaseNGE - Stock
Skill NeededTrader - Engineering - Level 90 - Engineering Mastery VI
Complexity15 - Requires Generic Crafting Tool
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed25
Crate Size----
QualityHigh Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 15 of Malab Siliclastic Ore
  2. Requires 10 of Platinite Copper

Experimentation Properties

** Note: best resources below operate from a one hour cache. Newly added resources may not show up immediately.

Current Resources

  • Malab Siliclastic Ore
    1. Nothing currently in spawn
  • Platinite Copper
    1. Inauha (762.70)

Server Best Resources

Used in Schematics: