Schematic for Component Analysis Tool

NameComponent Analysis Tool
DescriptionThis tool is used by Reverse Engineers to analyze starship components. All looted ship components have a reverse engineering level---placing that number of identical components in this tool, then using the tool, will result in the creation of a starship component superior in quality to the ones consumed in the process.
Game BaseNGE - Stock
Skill NeededTrader - Structures - Level 18 - Structure Fundamentals VI
Complexity11 - Requires Generic Crafting Tool
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed65
Crate Size25
QualityHigh Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 50 of Steel
  2. Requires 15 of Chemical

Experimentation Properties

  • Experimental Charges CD=50% OQ=50%
** Note: best resources below operate from a one hour cache. Newly added resources may not show up immediately.

Current Resources

Server Best Resources