Schematic for Beast Dietary Supplement I

NameBeast Dietary Supplement I
DescriptionA dietary supplement that increases a beasts experience gain. Formulated for: Capper Spineflaps, Carrion Spats, Corellian Butterflys, Fynocks, Mynocks, and Vynocks.
Game BaseNGE - Stock
Skill NeededTrader - Munitions - Level 86 - Munition Mastery V
Complexity30 - Requires Specialized Crafting Tool and Private Crafting Station
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed1000
Crate Size25
QualityHigh Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 250 of Crystalline Gemstone
  2. Requires 750 of Copper
  3. Requires 1 Chemical Reactive Unit

Experimentation Properties

  • Experimental Beast Experience Gain OQ=33% SR=33% UT=33%
** Note: best resources below operate from a one hour cache. Newly added resources may not show up immediately.

Current Resources

Server Best Resources