Schematic for Galactic Marine Armor Chest Plate

NameGalactic Marine Armor Chest Plate
CategoryBody Armor
DescriptionGalactic Marines and the clone cold assault troopers, the predecessors of the Imperial snowtroopers, wore similar body armor; the differences being omitted/retooled details on the Galactic Marine Armor (particularly the maroon coloration) and the addition of a backplate. The Marines were distinguished by their unique visor gear: synthmesh designed to keep out various hazards such as snow, sand, airborne fungus, and ash.
Game BaseNGE - Stock
Skill NeededTrader - Munitions - Level 10 - Munition Fundamentals IV
Complexity15 - Requires Generic Crafting Tool
Schematic Size3
Resources Needed200
Crate Size1
QualityNot set

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 100 of Polymer
  2. Requires 100 of Steel
  3. Requires 3 identical Armor Core
  4. Requires 1 Fiberplast Panel
  5. Requires 1 Reinforced Fiber Panel
  6. Optional 1 Bio-Enhancement Cartridge (looted)
  7. Optional 1 Appearance Enhancement
  8. Optional 1 Appearance Enhancement (looted)
  9. Optional 1 Armor Power Bit

Experimentation Properties

  • Condition DR=33% OQ=33% SR=33%
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