Schematic for Ithorian Apron

NameIthorian Apron
DescriptionA heavy duty leather apron that is worn around the neck and tied behind the back to protect the wearer's clothes from getting dirty or torn.
Game BasePRECU - Stock
Skill NeededTailor - Level 9354 - Formal Wear IV: High Fashion
Complexity20 - Requires Specialized Crafting Tool
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed60
Crate Size----
QualityNot set

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 20 of Fiberplast
  2. Requires 40 of Chemical
  3. Requires 2 identical Synthetic Cloth
  4. Requires 2 identical Metal Fasteners
  5. Requires 4 identical Fiberplast Panel

Experimentation Properties

  • Low Quality Schematic - Any resource quality works for this schematic
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