Schematic for Seeker Droid

NameSeeker Droid
CategoryGeneric Item
DescriptionA seeker droid used by Bounty Hunters to identify and track their targets. Using the "Identify Target" option on this droid will return information to you on the name and waypoint of your Mark. Using the "Track Target" option on this droid will constantly update information on the waypoint of your Mark.
Game BasePRECU - Stock
Skill NeededDroid Engineer - Level 6289 - Intermediate Droid Blueprints
Complexity16 - Requires Specialized Crafting Tool
Schematic Size1
Resources Needed100
Crate Size25
QualityLow Quality

Materials Needed:

  1. Requires 70 of Chemical
  2. Requires 30 of Ferrous Metal
  3. Requires 1 Electronics GP Module
  4. Requires 1 Electronics GP Module
  5. Requires 1 Electronics Memory Module

Experimentation Properties

  • Low Quality Schematic - Any resource quality works for this schematic
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