Resource Information for Amowawroite

Server: SWG Restoration 3

Color Legend: Great Good Fair Poor
Amowawroite - Kammris Iron
Rate: 926
   Age: Inactive



Reported: 2025-02-14 15:51:28 (UTC) - (4 weeks ago) by: Philosophy

Activity Log (click/tap to expand)

Schematics Viewer:
SchematicRateExp. Line and WeightsRes. Class
Advanced Assault Core957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Kammris Iron
Alliance Needler Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
C-10 "Dragoneye Reaper"942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
CC-V 'Legion' Cryo Projector942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Covert Retaliation942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
DC-15 Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
DC15 Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
DL44 "Dosh Special" Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Darksting Assassin942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
E11 Carbine MarkII942.70Maximum Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
E5 Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
EE3 Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Exemplar's Mark942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Heavy Republic Flame Thrower942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Ion Relic Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Lava Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Liquidsilver L7942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Massassi Guardian Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
N'Gant-Zarvel 9118 Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Nym's Slug-thrower Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Power Hammer942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Red Hydra Z-5942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Vershyi Sharpshooter942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Kammris Iron
Modified X1 Carbine914.00Min/Max Damage PE=33 OQ=66Kammris Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement A960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement A - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement D - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement E - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement F - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement G - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement H - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement I - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement J - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement K - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement L - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement M960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement M - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement N960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Beast Dietary Supplement N - Mark II960.00XP Bonus/Charges OQ=33 SR=33 UT=33Iron
Assault Armor Segment957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Droideka Personal Shield957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Old Republic Personal Shield957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Imperial Test Prototype957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 1957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 2957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 3957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Iron
Standard Assault Core957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype I953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype II953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype III953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IV953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype V953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Mark I Starfighter Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Mark II Starfighter Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Mark III Starfighter Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Mark IV Starfighter Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Mark V Starfighter Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Nova Industries Mark V Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
Orion Industries Mark V Engine953.00Mass/Armor/Hitpoints OQ=25 UT=75Iron
A-Wing Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
B-Wing Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Black Sun AEG-77 Vigo Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Havoc Starfighter Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Imperial YE-4 Gunship Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Incom X4 Gunship Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 1952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 2952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 3952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 4952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
KSE Firespray Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 1952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 2952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 3952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 4952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 1952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 2952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
M22-T "Krayt" Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Naboo N-1 Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 1952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 2952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 3952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 4952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
T-Wing Interceptor Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Advanced Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Aggressor Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Bomber Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Defender Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Interceptor Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Oppressor Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE/In Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
VT-49 Decimator Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Vaksai Heavy Starfighter Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
X-Wing Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Y-Wing "Longprobe" Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
YKL-37R Nova Courier Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
YT-1300 Chassis Blueprints952.30Hitpoints HR=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Element Processor948.70Enzyme Purity OQ=33 UT=66Iron
Enzyme Re-Processor948.70Purity OQ=33 UT=66Iron
Acid Stream Launcher942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Beam Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Beam Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Berserker Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
CR-1 Blast Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
DL 44 Metal Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Element Processor942.70Mutagen Potential OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Enzyme Re-Processor942.70Mutagen OQ=66 SR=33Iron
FWG5 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Fallann Hyper-Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Gaderiffi Baton942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Gamorrean Battleaxe942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Heavy Acid Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Heavy Particle Beam Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Kashyyyk Spiritblade942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Launcher Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Legendary Reaper Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Light Lightning Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Lightning Beam Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Nak'tra Crystal Knife942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Plasma Flame Thrower942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Pulse Cannon942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Rocket Launcher942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Ryyk Blade942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Tchotchee Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Tusken King's Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Tusken Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Two-Handed Sith Sword942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Two-handed Axe942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Witches War Fan942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Iron
Droideka Personal Shield940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
Old Republic Personal Shield940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Imperial Test Prototype940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 1940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 2940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 3940.00Condition OQ=50 UT=50Iron
A-Wing Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
B-Wing Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Black Sun AEG-77 Vigo Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Havoc Starfighter Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Imperial YE-4 Gunship Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Incom X4 Gunship Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 1937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 2937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 3937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Ixiyen Fast Attack Craft Chassis Blueprints, Style 4937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
KSE Firespray Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 1937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 2937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 3937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kihraxz Light Fighter Chassis Blueprints, Style 4937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 1937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Kimogila Chassis Blueprints, Style 2937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
M22-T "Krayt" Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Naboo N-1 Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 1937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 2937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 3937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Rihkxyrk Attack Ship Chassis Blueprints, Style 4937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
T-Wing Interceptor Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Advanced Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Aggressor Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Bomber Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Defender Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Interceptor Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE Oppressor Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
TIE/In Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
VT-49 Decimator Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Vaksai Heavy Starfighter Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
X-Wing Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
Y-Wing "Longprobe" Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
YKL-37R Nova Courier Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
YT-1300 Chassis Blueprints937.50Mass MA=25 OQ=25 SR=25 UT=25Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype I919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype II919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype III919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IV919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype V919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Mark I Starfighter Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Mark II Starfighter Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Mark III Starfighter Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Mark IV Starfighter Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Mark V Starfighter Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Nova Industries Mark V Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Orion Industries Mark V Engine919.30Drain CD=66 OQ=33Iron
Droideka Personal Shield918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Enzyme Centrifuge Burst Piston918.00Purity/Mutagen CD=50 OQ=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype I918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype II918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype III918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IV918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype V918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Mark I Starfighter Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Mark II Starfighter Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Mark III Starfighter Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Mark IV Starfighter Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Mark V Starfighter Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Nova Industries Mark V Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Old Republic Personal Shield918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Orion Industries Mark V Engine918.00Engine Y/P/R CD=33 PE=33 OQ=33Iron
Personal Shield Generator Imperial Test Prototype918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 1918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 2918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Personal Shield Generator Mk 3918.00Recharge Rate CD=50 OQ=50Iron
Enzyme Extraction Canister914.00Purity/Mutagen DR=20 OQ=80Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype I914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype II914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype III914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype IV914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
MandalMotors HIgh Output Engine Prototype V914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Mark I Starfighter Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Mark II Starfighter Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Mark III Starfighter Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Mark IV Starfighter Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Mark V Starfighter Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Nova Industries Mark V Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
Orion Industries Mark V Engine914.00Engine Speed PE=50 OQ=50Iron
AB-1 Landspeeder1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
AV-21 Landspeeder Vehicle Deed1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Advanced Flare S Swoop1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Advanced Tantive-4 Landspeeder1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Hover Lifter Speeder (Custom)1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Speederbike1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Swoop1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
V-35 Landspeeder1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Vehicle Deed: Advanced STAP-11000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
X-34 Landspeeder1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
XP-38 Landspeeder1000.00Hit Points SR=100Ferrous Metal
Energy Protection Armor Layer957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Ferrous Metal
Heat Protection Armor Layer957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Ferrous Metal
Kinetic Protection Armor Layer957.00Special Protection OQ=50 SR=50Ferrous Metal
Mustafarian Panning Droid954.40Hit Points HR=40 OQ=20 SR=40Ferrous Metal
A Black Sun Razor Knuckler942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Berserker Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Blaster Fist942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Buzz-Knuck942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
CDEF Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
DH17 Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
DH17 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
DH17 Short Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
DL44 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
DL44 XT942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
E11 Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
FWG5 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Gaderiffi Baton942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Knuckles of the Katarn942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
LD-1 Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Massassi Knuckler942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Nightsister Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Power5 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Reinforced Combat Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Scout Blaster942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Special Ops Bola Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Stun Baton942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Survival Knife942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Tenebrous Edge942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Vibro Blade942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Vibro Knuckler942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
Vibrosword942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Ferrous Metal
RE Enhance Module914.00Overall Quality OQ=100Ferrous Metal
Double-Bladed Third Generation Lightsaber845.70Min/Max Damage CD=33 OQ=66Ferrous Metal
Third Generation Lightsaber845.70Min/Max Damage CD=33 OQ=66Ferrous Metal
Two-Handed Third Generation Lightsaber845.70Min/Max Damage CD=33 OQ=66Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 1811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 2811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 3811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 4811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 5811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Module - Droid Armor 6811.60Armor Rating/Quality CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Standard Heavy Weapon Core811.60Min/Max Damage CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Standard Melee Weapon Core811.60Min/Max Damage CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Standard Ranged Weapon Core811.60Min/Max Damage CD=50 OQ=50Ferrous Metal
Dual-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement Module983.00Cybernetic Electrical Resistance SR=50 UT=50Metal
Tri-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement Module983.00Cybernetic Electrical Resistance SR=50 UT=50Metal
Uni-Core Electrical Resist Enhancement Module983.00Cybernetic Electrical Resistance SR=50 UT=50Metal
Advanced Blaster Pistol Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Advanced Blaster Rifle Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Blaster Pistol Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Blaster Rifle Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Projectile Pistol Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Projectile Rifle Barrel971.30Min/Max Damage OQ=33 SR=66Metal
Advanced Heavy Harvesting Mechanism965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Advanced Ore Mining Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Advanced Turbo Fluidic Drilling Pump Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Automated Flora Farm965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Chemical Extractor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Deep Crust Chemical Extractor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Elite Deep Crust Chemical Extractor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Elite Efficiency Moisture Vaporator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Elite Flora Farm965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Elite Mineral Mining Installation965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Elite Natural Gas Processor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Fusion Power Generator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Geothermal Power Generator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Heavy Mineral Mining Installation965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Heavy Natural Gas Processor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: High Capacity Flora Farm965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Micro Flora Farm965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Mineral Mining Installation965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Moisture Vaporator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Natural Gas Processor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Personal Chemical Extractor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Personal Mineral Extractor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Personal Moisture Vaporator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Personal Natural Gas Processor965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Solar Power Generator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Deed for: Wind Power Generator965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Fluidic Drilling Pump Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Harvesting Mechanism965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Heavy Harvesting Mechanism965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Light Ore Mining Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Ore Mining Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Turbo Fluidic Drilling Pump Unit965.30Extraction Rate HR=25 SR=25 UT=50Metal
Basic Assault Core957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Metal
Basic Battle Core957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Metal
Basic Reconnaissance Core957.00Condition OQ=50 SR=50Metal
Component - Repair Unit Casing948.70Charges OQ=33 UT=66Metal
Blackscale Acid Launcher942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Blackscale Stun Stick942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Chestplate Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Helmet Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Left Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Left Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Leggings Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Right Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Bone Armor Right Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Buzz-Knuck942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
CC-V 'Legion' Cryo Projector942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
CDEF Carbine942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
CDEF Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
CDEF Rifle942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Chestplate Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Helmet Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Left Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Left Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Leggings Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Right Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Chitin Armor Right Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Cryo Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
D18 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
DH17 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
DL44 Pistol942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
DL44 XT942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Gaderiffi Baton942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Heavy Axe942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Chestplate Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Helmet Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Left Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Leggings Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Ithorian Guardian Armor Right Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Kaminoan Great Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Kashyyyk Bladestick942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Knuckles of the Katarn942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Mabari Armor Chestplate Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Mabari Armor Helmet Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Mabari Armor Leggings Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Massassi Knuckler942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Melee Weapon Reinforcement942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Metal Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Nightsister Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Chestplate Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Helmet Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Left Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Left Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Leggings Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Right Bicep Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Padded Armor Right Bracer Appearance942.70Condition DR=33 OQ=33 SR=33Metal
Power Hammer942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Rantok942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Reinforced Combat Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Scout Blaster942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Survival Knife942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Sword942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Tenebrous Edge942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Two-handed Cleaver942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Vibro Blade942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Vibro Knuckler942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Vibro Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Vibrosword942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Witches War Fan942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Metal
Incubator Unit940.00Quality OQ=50 UT=50Metal
Component - Diagnostic Circuit931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Metal
Droid Reconstruction Kit - A931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Metal
Droid Repair Kit - A931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Metal
Burst Focusing Muzzle914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Control Unit914.00Quality OQ=100Metal
Droid Battery914.00Charges OQ=100Metal
Electronics GP Module914.00Quality OQ=100Metal
Electronics Memory Module914.00Quality OQ=100Metal
Elemental Dispersal Tuning Kit914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Elite Camp914.00Lifetime OQ=100Metal
Energy Distributor914.00Quality OQ=100Metal
High Power Barrel914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Inertial Fluctuator Kit914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Droideka Shield914.00Shield Heatsink OQ=100Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Electric Shocker914.00Arc Projector OQ=100Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Flame Jet914.00Fire Potency OQ=100Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Rapid Discharge Batteries914.00Dump Capacitors OQ=100Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Regenerative Plating914.00Quickset Metal OQ=100Metal
Module - Droid Combat - Torture Panel914.00Pain Inducer OQ=100Metal
Reinforced Stock914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Structure Customization Kit914.00Charges DR=50 OQ=50Metal
Tactical Grip914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Tactical Grip Kit914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Tactical Scope914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Tuning Coupler914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Weight Balancing Kit914.00Efficiency DR=66 OQ=33Metal
Deed for: Automated Flora Farm818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Chemical Extractor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Deep Crust Chemical Extractor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Elite Deep Crust Chemical Extractor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Elite Efficiency Moisture Vaporator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Elite Flora Farm818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Elite Mineral Mining Installation818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Elite Natural Gas Processor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Fusion Power Generator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Geothermal Power Generator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Heavy Mineral Mining Installation818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Heavy Natural Gas Processor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: High Capacity Flora Farm818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Micro Flora Farm818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Mineral Mining Installation818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Moisture Vaporator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Natural Gas Processor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Personal Chemical Extractor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Personal Mineral Extractor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Personal Moisture Vaporator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Personal Natural Gas Processor818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Solar Power Generator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Deed for: Wind Power Generator818.00Hopper Size MA=33 UT=66Metal
Blackbane Nail942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Cryo Lance942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Kaminoan Great Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Kashyyyk Bladestick942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Metal Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Reinforced Combat Staff942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Stone Knife942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Survival Knife942.70Min/Max Damage OQ=66 SR=33Mineral
Incubator Unit940.00Quality OQ=50 UT=50Mineral
Type 1 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 10 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 11 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 18 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 2 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 3 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 4 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Type 5 Firework914.00Charges OQ=100Mineral
Bacta Kit Charge Loader931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark I931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark II931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark III931.30Charges OQ=66 UT=33Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark I914.00Power PE=33 OQ=66Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark II914.00Power PE=33 OQ=66Inorganic
Bacta Kit Mark III914.00Power PE=33 OQ=66Inorganic
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