Star Wars Galaxies Command List (ground)
Note: This is a mix of NGE and pre-NGE commands.
- % - Used in making a macro. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. The available variables are:
- %TU - your full name (first and last)
- %TT - your current look at target target's full name
- %NU - your first name
- %NT - your target's short version name (first only)
- %SU - personal subjective pronoun: he/she/it for the speaker
- %ST - he/she/it for the target
- %OU - personal objective pronoun: him/her/it for the speaker
- %OT - him/her/it for your target
- %PU - possessive: his/her/its for the speaker
- %PT - his/her/its for your target
- %RU - your species
- %RT - your target's species
- %KU - your profession title
- %KT - your target's profession title
- /accuse - /accuse: You point accusingly at everyone else. /accuse self: Have you been bad? Tsk, tsk. /accuse target: You point accusingly at (target name).
- /ache - /ache: You ache all over. /ache self: Eat something bad? Your stomach grumbles and aches. /ache target: You let (target name) know that your body aches for (him, her, or it).
- /acidcone1 - This attack inflicts acid damage on multiple targets
- /acidcone2 - This attack inflicts acid damage on multiple targets
- /acidsingle1 - This attack inflicts massive acid damage on a single target
- /acidsingle2 - Single target acid attack.
- /actionshot1 - This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Action pool drain and regeneration rates.
- /actionshot2 - This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Action pool drain and regeneration rates.
- /activateclone - Allows you to activate your clone if you've been killed or deathblown and the cloning screen fails to appear. This can only be used after you are dead.
- /addpower - Allows you to deposit power without using the radial menu.
- /adjust - /adjust: You adjust your outfit. There you go! Perfect! /adjust self: You tighten down your gear and get ready for action. /adjust target: You adjust (target name)'s outfit for (him, her, or it).
- /adn - /adn: You openly show that your patience has expired. /adn self: A bit frustrated with yourself? /adn target: You encourage (target name) to hurry. Any day now!
- /afk - sets you character to "Away from keyboard" so others know you are not currently available.
- /afk4drink - /afk4drink: We'll be waiting! You announce you are AFK to get a drink. /afk4drink self: You let everyone know that you will be going to grab a drink next break. /afk4drink target: You remind everyone that (target name) went AFK to go get a beverage.
- /afk4food - /afk4food: Your stomach will thank you. You announce you are AFK to grab a bite. /afk4food self: You announce that you will be AFK to grab some food at the next break in the action. /afk4food target: You let everyone know that (target name) went AFK to find sustenance.
- /afkmessage - Displays (or changes if you add text after) the messages that will appear to others when you are in the AFK state.
- /afktime - Displays (or changes if you add number after) how long before you automatically go to AFK state when not interacting with game.
- /agree - /agree: You nod in agreement. /agree self: You agree with yourself. /agree target: You agree with (target name).
- /aim - This combat move allows you to give up an attack round in order to gain better accuracy on your next ranged attack.
- /airguitar -
- /alarmclock (minutes)(message) - The text message will display for you after the selected time passed. Example, "/alarmclock 60 Walk the dog" will remind you to walk your dog in an hour
- /alias (name) (value) - Creates command /(name) with value (value). Example: "/alias flos /flo 1;/pause 10;/flo 2;/pause 10;" Command _name_ may then be used in a macro. Commands survive server resets, and apply to all characters on the computer.
- /amazing - /amazing: That was amazing! How did they do that? /amazing self: You amaze yourself! /amazing target: You try to amaze (target name) with a magic trick.
- /animalAttack - This ability allows a Jedi to enter the mind of his or her look-at target and cause it to attack the current combat target. Note that this ability will only work on creatures.
- /animalCalm - This ability will cause a target that is in combat to stop attacking, returning to its normal peaceful state. Note that this ability will only work on creatures.
- /animalScare - This ability allows a Jedi to enter the mind of the target and fill it with unease, scaring the target away. Note that this ability will only work on creatures.
- /anon - Set your character to anonymous for the purpose of searches.
- /anxious - /anxious: You feel anxious. /anxious self: You look around anxiously. /anxious target: You look anxiously at (target name).
- /apologize - /apologize: OOPS!! Sorry everyone!! /apologize self: You apologize to yourself. But what good is that doing to do unless you forgive yourself too? /apologize target: You apologize to (target name) and beg (his, her, or its) forgiveness.
- /applaud - /applaud: You give a hearty round of applause. /applaud self: You give yourself a hand. Go ahead, you deserve it! /applaud target: Bravo! Bravo! You give (target name) an ovation.
- /arch - Arch Back /arch: You arch your back like a cat. /arch self: You arch your back in an effort to work the kinks out. SNAP! CRACK! POP! /arch target: You arch your back seductively for (target name).
- /areatrack - Gives the Ranger the ability to track area clues to determine what type of people or creatures have been in the area recently. The type of creatures that can be tracked depend upon what sub-abilities you have.
- /areatrack - Gives the Ranger the ability to track animals through the area track command.
- /areatrack - Gives the Ranger the ability to track the direction of the target using the /areatrack command.
- /areatrack - Gives the Ranger the ability to track non-player characters.
- /areatrack - Gives the ranger the ability to track the distance to the target.
- /areatrack - Gives the Ranger the ability to track players for 500m
- /attend - /attend: You listen hard. /attend self: You listen to something only you can hear. /attend target: You listen to (target name).
- /autoDeclineDuel - To turn this feature on, type the slash command /autoDeclineDuel in the spatial chat window. To turn this feature off, type the slash command /autoDeclineDuelin the spatial chat window again to allow duel invites.
- /avoidIncapacitation - This ability allows a Jedi to prevent themselves from going into an unconscious state. This power only last for a short time and can quickly deplete a Jedi of Force power if they try to remain conscious for a lengthy period of time.
- /ayt - /ayt: You try to figure out who is AFK and who is not. /ayt self: I don't know. Are you really here? /ayt target: Hello? (target name)? Well it seems (his, her, or its) lights are on, but is anyone home?
- /backhand - /backhand: You raise your hand as if to backhand slap someone. /backhand self: You backhand slap your other palm, emphasizing your point. /backhand target: You slap (him, her, or it) in the face with a swift backhand.
- /backhand - /backhand: You raise your hand as if to backhand slap someone. /backhand self: You backhand slap your other palm, emphasizing your point. /backhand target: You slap (him, her, or it) in the face with a swift backhand.
- /bad - /bad: Uh. What just went horribly wrong? /bad self: Just how bad have you been? /bad target: You make it obvious that you think (target name) has been bad.
- /badfeeling - /badfeeling: You have a bad feeling about this... /badfeeling self: You start to express your bad feeling and think better of it. /badfeeling target: You signal to (him, her, or it) that you have a bad feeling about this...
- /bah - /bah: BAH! /bah self: You take one look at your surroundings and think aloud, "BAH!" /bah target: You look (target name) up and down and utter, "BAH!"
- /bak - /bak: You let everyone know you are back at your keyboard. /bak self: You smile contentedly as you realize you are back to your old self again! /bak target: You wish that (target name) would come back to (his, her, or its) keyboard.
- /bandflourish - When /bandflourish is turned on, band members utilizing it will synchronize their flourishes to be more band-like. However, you do not get any experience for this like you would for a normal flourish.
- /bandleader - Transfers Band Leader status to indicated player.
- /bang - /bang: You bang your head to the music. /bang self: You bang your head against the wall. /bang target: You bang (target name)'s head against the wall.
- /bark - /bark: You get on all fours and bark like a dog. /bark self: You bark at yourself. /bark target: BARK BARK! You bark at (target name).
- /bateyelashes - /batlashes: And whom are you trying to impress? You bat your lashes. /batlashes self: You practice batting your lashes. /batlashes target: You bat your lashes at (target name).
- /bbl - /bbl: You tell everyone you will be back later... See ya soon! /bbl self: Trying to have an out of body experience, are we? /bbl target: You let (target name) know that you will be back later.
- /beam - /beam: Feeling radiant, are we? /beam self: You beam at yourself. /beam target: You beam at (target name).
- /beckon - /beckon: You do your best to gather everyone around you. /beckon self: You summon your inner strength. /beckon target: You motion at (target name) to come here.
- /belch - /belch: You let out a resounding belch! Feel better? /belch self: You try to muffle your belch. /belch target: You belch in (target name)'s face.
- /berserk2 - While berserk, you cause more melee damage to your targets but get hit more often in return. This is more powerful than Berserk 1.
- /berzerk1 - While berserk, you cause more melee damage to your targets but get him more often in return.
- /bite - /bite: You snap your teeth at everyone around you. /bite self: You bite your lip nervously. /bite target: You bite (target name) on the leg.
- /blame - /blame: You blame everyone else. /blame self: You blame yourself. /blame target; You blame (target name).
- /bleed - /bleed: MEDIC!! You bleed on the ground. /bleed self: You bleed all over yourself and make a nice pool of blood at your feet. /bleed target: You bleed all over (target name).
- /bleed - /bleed: MEDIC!! You bleed on the ground. /bleed self: You bleed all over yourself and make a nice pool of blood at your feet. /bleed target: You bleed all over (target name).
- /bleedingshot - This ranged attack is of medium power, but can cause its target to bleed.
- /blink - /blink: You blink. /blink self: You blink in disbelief. /blink target: You blink in disbelief at (target name).
- /blow - /blow: You pull out a string and some soapy water and proceed to blow bubbles. /blow self: You blow your hair out of your face. /blow target: You blow in (target name)'s ear.
- /blowkiss - /blowkiss: You blow kisses. /blowkiss self: Got it! You catch a kiss. /blowkiss target: You blow a kiss to (target name).
- /blush - /blush: You blush. /blush self: You blush in embarassment. /blush target: You blush at (target name).
- /bmoc - /bmoc: You look around for the BMOC. /bmoc self: You are "THE MAN"!! You declare yourself BMOC. /bmoc target: You cast your BMOC vote for
- /bob - /bob:You bob your head to the beat. /bob self: You go bobbing for apples. /bob target: You bob up from behind (target name).
- /bodyshot1 - This attack targets our attack on your targets Health pool, making it much more effecient than attacking normally. Also increases damage with an increased chance to hit. Cost is dependant on the weapon used.
- /bodyshot2 - This attack is more powerful than bodyshot 1, targetting your targets Health pool it's the staple of the Pistoleer's life.
- /bodyslam - /bodyslam: Unable to find a target, you pull a stuffed animal from your pack and bodyslam it! TAKE THAT! /bodyslam self: You pick yourself up and throw yourself on the ground. /bodyslam target: You try to pick up (target name) and bodyslam (him, her, or it).
- /boogle - /boogle: You boogle at that concept. /boogle self: You boogle at yourself. What were you thinking? /boogle target: You boggle at (target name). What did (he, she, it) just say?
- /bored - /bored: Bored! /bored self: You go stir-crazy from boredom. /bored target: You tell (target name) that you are bored of (him, her, it).
- /bounce - /bounce: You bounce around with excitement. /bounce self: You try to bounce yourself off the ground. /bounce target: You bounce circles around (target name).
- /bouquet - /bouquet: Wow! Great trick! You pull a flower out of thin air. /bouquet self: You grab a flower and inhale deeply of the flowers' smell. /bouquet target: Awww. How nice of you! You give a flower bouquet to (target name).
- /bow - /bow: You bow. /bow self: You gracefully perform a flourished bow. /bow target: You bow to (target name).
- /bow2 - /bow2: You bow. /bow2 self: You gracefully perform a flourished bow. /bow2 target: You bow to (target name).
- /bow3 - /bow3: You bow. /bow3 self: You gracefully perform a flourished bow. /bow3 target: You bow to (target name).
- /bow4 - /bow4: You bow. /bow4 self: You gracefully perform a flourished bow. /bow4 target: You bow to (target name).
- /bowhead - /bowhead: You bow. /bowhead self: You gracefully perform a flourished bow. /bowhead target: You bow to (target name).
- /brandish - /brandish: You brandish your weapon at the general area. /brandish self: You look exasperated and sarcastically brandish your weapon. /brandish target: You brandish your weapon menacingly at (target name).
- /brb - /brb: Be Right Back! /brb self: You take a leave of absence from reality. /brb target: You tell (target name) that you will be right back.
- /broadcastgalaxy -
- /broadcastplanet -
- /brt - /brt: BRT! /brt self: Not much farther now!! /brt target: You tell (target name) to go on and that you will be right there.
- /burp - /burp: You burp loudly torward the judges. /burp self: Was it tasty? You burp to yourself and get a bitter, acidic taste in your mouth. /burp target: You burp in (target name)'s face.
- /burstrun - Using this command will allow you to run very fast for a short time. It is a useful way to escape a tight situation. Once you slow down, you will be very tired.
- /bye - /bye: BYE! /bye self: BYE-BYE! /bye target: You wish (target name) well and hope to see (him, her, or it) soon.
- /cackle - /cackle: You cackle. /cackle self: You cackle insanely at yourself. /cackle target: You cackle in (target name)'s face.
- /callretreat - /callretreat: RETREAT!! /callretreat self: You prepare to retreat. /callretreat target: You give (target name) the signal to retreat.
- /callstop - /callstop: Everybody stop! /callstop self: You bravely try to stop the onrushing world. /callstop target: You order (target name) to stop.
- /calm - /calm: You try to calm everyone down. /calm self: You take a deep breath and count to 10. 1.. 2.. 3.. /calm target: You try to calm (target name) down.
- /cancelCraftingSession - Ends your current crafting session.
- /catchbreath - /catchbreath: You wheeze and gasp for air as you try to catch your breath. /catchbreat self: You rest your hands on your knees and try to catch your breath. /catchbreath target: You signal to (target name) that you will be just a moment as you catch your breath.
- /censor - /censor: You are applied at the usage of obscenities. /censor self: You scold yourself and wash your own mouth with soap. /censor target: You censor (target name).
- /centerofbeing - This command will cause your character to focus on avoiding combat blows. This will only apply when you are wielding a melee weapon.
- /changeBandMusic - Used by the band leader to change the song the band is playing.
- /changeDance - Changes the dance you are doing
- /channelForce - This ability allows a Jedi to quickly convert some of his natural life energy into usable Force power.
- /chargeshot1 - This ranged attack can knock a target down.
- /chase - /chase: You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here! /chase self: You turn circles, chasing your own tail. /chase target: You chase (target name) around the area.
- /chatRoomBrowser -
- /chatRooms -
- /chatRoomWho -
- /cheek - /cheek: You turn your head and expose your cheek looking for a kiss. /cheek self: You point to your cheek indicating where to kiss. /cheek target: You give (target name) a tender kiss on the cheek.
- /cheer - /cheer:You cheer wildy. /cheer self: You cheer for yourself! YAY ME! /cheer target: YAY!! You cheer for (target name).
- /chestpuff - /chestpuff: You puff up your chest and attempt to look imposing. /chestpuff self: You chest-puff and pump up your own ego a bit. /chestpuff target: You realize that (target name) is just chest-puffing and let (him, her, or it) know that (he, she, or it) full of hot air.
- /chortle - /chortle: You chortle. /chortle self: With a series of nasally snorts, you chortle to yourself. /chortle target: You chortle uncontrollably at the sight of (target name).
- /chuckle - /chuckle: You chuckle. /chuckle self: You chuckle to yourself. /chuckle target: You chuckle politely at (target name).
- /claim - this is short for the /claimVeteranReward command. This command is used to bring up the choices for the new veteran rewards, in addition to the Sorosuub Yacht.
- /claimVeteranReward - This command is used to bring up the choices for the new veteran rewards, in addition to the Sorosuub Yacht.
- /clap - /clap: You clap your hands together. /clap self: You give yourself a hand. /clap target: You clap for (target name).
- /claw - /claw: You hiss and bare your claws. /claw self: You remove a file from your pack and begin to sharpen your claws. /claw target: You claw at (target name).
- /clientMood -
- /clientSocial -
- /clone -
- /closeeyes - /closeeyes: You close your eyes for a moment. /closeeyes self: You close your eyes for a moment, thinking. /closeeyes target: You close your eyes, unwilling to look at (target name).
- /coloredlights - Creates an effect.
- /combarea - /combarea: Looking for something? You comb the area. /combarea self: There you are! /combarea target: You comb the area searching for (target name).
- /combatAim -
- /combatEscape -
- /combatModeCheck -
- /combatSpam -
- /combatTarget -
- /combhair - /combhair: You claw at the knots in your hair in desperate need of a comb. /combhair self: You comb your hair. There! Perfect! /combhair target: You comb (target name)'s hair.
- /comfort - /comfort: You comfort everyone and let them know it will be OK. /comfort self: You subtly drop the hint that you could use more comforting. /comfort target: You comfort (him, her, or it).
- /command - When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "command"
- /commandBrowser -
- /commandBrowserMacro -
- /commandBrowserString -
- /community -
- /con - Displays difficulty rating of creature or NPCs compared to the your skill with your weapon in hand.
- /conceal - This allows you to use a camo kit to become far less noticable to NPC's and Mobs while in a concealed state. This can also be used on other players.
- /concealshot - Ranged sneak attack that can damage a target without them knowing where the shot came from.
- /congratulate - /congratulate: Congrats to all! /congratulate self: You give yourself a pat on the back. /congratulate target: You congratulate (him, her, or it).
- /consent - Allows targeted player to use the /corpse command on your corpse.
- /contemplate - /contemplate: You contemplate. /contemplate self: You contemplate your future. /contemplate target: You contemplate (target name)'s future.
- /conversationResponse0 -
- /conversationResponse1 -
- /conversationResponse2 -
- /conversationResponse3 -
- /conversationResponse4 -
- /conversationResponse5 -
- /conversationStart - Starts a conversation with the target.
- /conversationStart -
- /conversationStop - Ends a conversation with the target.
- /conversationStop -
- /corpse - Moves your corpse to you if you are within 20 meters.
- /cough - /cough: *COUGH* *COUGH* /cough self: *cough* *ahem* You hack out a stifled cough. Trying to tell someone something? /cough target: You cough in (his, her, or its) face.
- /cover - /cover: You tell everyone to cover up! /cover self: Feeling a draft? /cover target: Get some clothes on (target name)!
- /covereyes - /covereyes: You cover your eyes. /covereyes self: You hide your eyes behind your crossed arms. /covereyes target: You cover (his, her, or its) eyes.
- /cower - /cower: You cower. /cower self: You cower submissively. /cower target: You cower away from (him, her, or it).
- /cringe - /cringe: EEP! You cringe. /cringe self: You cringe at the thought. /cringe target: You cringe away from (target name) in fear.
- /cry - /cry: You burst into tears. /cry self: You cry uncontrollably. /cry target: You cry on (his, her, or its) shoulder.
- /cuckoo -
- /culater - /culater: See ya later. /culater self: "Not if I see you first!" /culater target: See ya later, (target name).
- /curse - /curse: You spew obscenities. /curse self: You quietly curse yourself. /curse target: You spew obscenities at (target name), and let (him, her, or it) have it.
- /curtsey - /curtsey: You curtsey for your audience. /curtsey self: You perform a very formal curtsey. /curtsey target: You curtsey to (target name).
- /dance - /dance: You dance about the area. /dance self: You dance with yourself. /dance target: You grab (target name) and drag (him, her, or it) to the dance-floor.
- /dazzle - Performs a dazzling effect of color and lights.
- /debugPrint -
- /deepbow - /deepbow: You bow deeply. /deepbow self: You bow deeply before yourself and almost fall over. /deepbow target: You bow deeply before (target name), showing great respect.
- /defend - /defend: You try to stand imposingly, exhibiting your intent to defend the area. /defend self: You prepare to defend yourself. /defend target: You step in front of (target name), ready to defend (him, her, or it).
- /demand - When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "demand"
- /demure - /demure: You blush shyly. /demure self: You blush, smiling secretly. /demure target: You blush shyly at (target name).
- /denyservice - Entertainers can use this command to add/remove a name to a list of people who will not be healed by viewing their show. The list expires at the end of the playing session.
- /deride - /deride: Playing the town fool? You ridicule everyone about you. /deride self: You deride yourself. /deride target: You laugh at (target name) with contempt.
- /dies -
- /disagree - /disagree: You politely disagree. /disagree self: You change your mind and disagree with your last statement. /disagree target: You disagree with (target name).
- /disband - (Group Leader Only) Disbands current target or entire group if no target is named.
- /distract - Performs a distracting effect of color and lights.
- /diveshot - A diving shot that will cause you to roll and attack at the same time, leaving you in a prone position.
- /doh - /doh: Doh! /doh self: DOH! DOH! DOH! /doh target: You look at (him, her, or it) and say "DOH!"
- /doubletap - This attack fires two bolts at once, causing additional damage to the target.
- /down - /down: You point at the ground. /down self: You're staying right here! /down target: You tell (target name) to stay right here.
- /dragplayer - This command allows you to drag an incapacitatied player to safety. It functions similarly to the /corpse comman, in that you must be somewhat close fo this command to work.
- /drainForce - This attack allows a Jedi to drain stored Force power from another Jedi.
- /dream - /dream: You float away on a fluffy white cloud. /dream self: Daydreaming again? /dream target: Dreamy, isn't (he, she, or it)?
- /droidtrack - With this ability you will receive a continuous update from your droid on where you target has been.
- /drool - /drool: You drool incessantly, creating a small puddle at your feet. /drool self: You drool all over yourself. /drool target: You drool all over (him, her, or it).
- /drop - Drops the targetted item in your possession.
- /duck - /duck: You duck! /duck self: Quack! Quack! /duck target: You duck behind (target name).
- /duel - Challenges the targetted player to a duel. Duels are to the death or until both players type /endduel.
- /dump - Stops all macros from running.
- /earth - Displays the earth time
- /echo -
- /echuta - /echuta: E chu ta! /echuta self: You foam at the mouth, driveling as you curse under your breath. /echuta target: You spray (target name) with spittle as you curse at (him, her, or it) in (his, her, or its) face.
- /eek - /eek: Eek! /eek self: You take one look at yourself and exclaim "EEK!" /eek target: You look at (target name) and exclaim "EEK!"
- /eject - If you are stuck in a building or other feature of the landscape, this should unstick you.
- /elbow - /elbow: You try to clear the immediate area about you by throwing out your elbows. /elbow self: You cringe in pain as you hit your funny bone. /elbow target: You elbow (target name) in (his, her, or its) side.
- /emboldenpets - This causes your pets to become bolder, at some cost to you.
- /embrace - /embrace: You hold your arms out offering a gentle embrace. /embrace self: You give yourself a warm embrace. /embrace target: You gently hold (target name) in your arms and give ( him, her, or it) a warm embrace.
- /emote - Displays whatever text you follow it with as an action of your character. For example, if your name is Laine and you type "/emote loves Tatooine." then "Laine loves Tatooine." will be seen by everyone in your area.
- /encourage - /encourage: Go Team Go! /encourage self: You can do it! /encourage target: You encourage (him, her, or it).
- /endduel - Ends a duel. Both players must do this to stop the duel.
- /enragepets - This command causes all of your pets to become berserk for a time, causing more damage but also taking more.
- /evilgrin - /evilgrin: You crack an evil grin. /evilgrin self: You grin evily at your thoughts. /evilgrin target: You flash a wicked grin at (target name).
- /examine - Brings up a window with information about the target.
- /exhausted - /exhausted: You collapse to the ground exhausted /exhausted self: You singnal that you are absolutly exhausted /exhausted target: You inform (target name) that you are exhausted and must rest.
- /eyebrow - /eyebrow: You raise an eyebrow. /eyebrow self: You raise an eyebrow at yourself. /eyebrow target: You raise an eyebrow at (him, her, or it). What is (he, she, or it) up to?
- /eyeshot - Damages an opponent's mind with a powerful attack, and can also blind the target.
- /faint - /faint: You faint. /faint self: You look pale, as if about to faint. /faint target: You faint into (his, her, or its) arms.
- /false - /false: You believe that is false. /false self: On second thought, you don't believe what you just said is true. /false target: You refuse to believe what (he, she, it) is saying.
- /faq - /faq: You direct everyone to the FAQ. /faq self: You reference to the FAQ. /faq target: You direct (target name) to the FAQ.
- /fastblast - This ranged attack hits a target's torso and arms for a high amount of damage.
- /fear - /fear: You tremble with fear. /fear self: You become paralyzed with fear. /fear taret: You scream in terror at the sight of (him, her, or it).
- /featuredSolo - /featuredSolo: Performs a featured solo sot light effect.
- /feel - /feel: You feel blindly at your surroundings. /feel self: You feel about yourself, checking for holes. /feel target: You feel (his, her, or its) bicep. What do you think?
- /feh - /feh: FEH! /feh self: You look at the condition of your gear and exclame, "FEH!" /feh target: You look disgustedly at (target name) and utter, "FEH!"
- /feigndeath - This command allows the smuggler the ability to pretend he has been incapacitated. Enemies might just leave the smuggler alone...
- /fiddle - /fiddle: You fiddle with random objects. /fiddle self : You pull a puzzle cube from your pack and fiddle with it. /fiddle target: You fiddle with (target name)'s gear.
- /fidget - /fidget: you fidget restlessly. /fidget self: You fidget restlessly in anticipation. /fidget target: You fidget restlessly at (target name).
- /find - Brings up list of commonly searched for locations. Selecting a location will create a waypoint to the nearest one of that type. To remove the waypoints you created, type /find clear.
- /findFriend - /findFriend will only work when the player you are trying to find has you on their friend's list. It will create or update a 'friend' waypoint to a friend's current location.
- /firejet - Creates an effect.
- /firejet2 - /firejet2: Performs a fire jet column effect.
- /firelightningcone1 - This ranged area attack fires a cone in front of the player, damaging multiple opponents at once with a huge electrical blast.
- /firelightningcone2 - This powerful ranged area attack fires in a cone in front of the player, damaging multiple opponents at once with a huge electrical blast. This is more powerful than Lightning Cone 1.
- /firelightningsingle1 - This ranged attack blasts a target with a high jolt of electicity, causing good damage.
- /firelightningsingle2 - Causes a powerful blast of electricity to a single target.
- /firstaid - This Medic ability lets you stop a target's bleeding.
- /firstpalm - /fistpalm: You pound your fist into your palm. Curses! /fistpalm self: You slam your palm into your fist, muttering under your breath. /fistpalm target: You slam your palm with your fist, muttering under your breath about (target name)'s idiocy.
- /fish - Start Fishing
- /flail - /flail: You flail wildly. /flail self: You flail wildy at yourself, as if trying to get something off your body. /flail target: You flail at (target name).
- /flame - /flame: You take a deep breath and exhale verbal flames everywhere. /flame self: You put your flame-proof suit. /flame target: You verbally flame (target name).
- /flamecone1 - This ranged attack covers multiple enemies in a flaming sheet of fire.
- /flamecone2 - This ranged attack covers multiple enemies in a flaming sheet of fire.
- /flamesingle1 - This command sends a blast of attacks towards a single target, causing massive damage.
- /flamesingle2 - This ranged attack fires multiple bursts of fire at a single opponent.
- /flashbomb -
- /flashspeeder - This command creates a deed for the Flash Speeder in your inventory. A "free" gift given to those that pre-ordered the Star Wars Galaxies expansion: Jump to Lightspeed. The Flash Speeder will appear in your inventory as a DEED. If you ever want a new Flash Speeder you can /flashspeeder, pay 20K, and get a new one. The deeds are no drop and can only be put in inventory or bank.
- /flee - /flee: FLEE!! /flee self: Time to flee? /flee target: GO! RUN AWAY! FLEE!!
- /flex - /flex: You flex your muscles. /flex self: You flex your bicep and secretly push it up with your other hand. /flex target: You flex for (him, her, or it).
- /flip - /flip: You flip a coin. /flip self: You flip head-over-heels. /flip target: You flip head-over-heels for (target name).
- /flipcoin -
- /flirt - /flirt: You flirt with danger. /flirt self: You flirt with yourself. A little self-involved are we? /flirt target: You flirt with (him, her, or it).
- /flourish 1 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 2 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 3 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 4 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 5 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 6 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 7 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flourish 8 - Flourish actions change depending on your chosen skill. /flo (n) can be used as well.
- /flower - /flower: You pull a delicate flower from your pack and hold it gently. /flower self: You inhale deeply trying to smell the flower's sweet scent. /flower target: You give a delicate flower to (target name).
- /flurryshot1 - This ranged attack can make a single target dizzy.
- /flurryshot2 - This ranged attack can make multiple targets dizzy at once.
- /flushingshot1 - Allows you to startle and stun a single opponent.
- /flushingshot2 - Allows you to startle and stun multiple opponents at the same time.
- /flutter - /flutter: You heart flutters wildy. /flutter self: Your heart flutters wildly as you clench your chest hand-over-hand. /flutter target: Your heart flutters at the sight of (him, her, or it).
- /follow - Autofollows your target. Use /stopfollow to cease following.
- /fool - /fool: You look around for you FOOL brand. /fool self: You brand yourself the fool. /fool target: You brand (target name) as the FOOL!
- /forceAbsorb1 - This ability allows a Jedi to absorb some of the Force power from an incoming Force.
- /forceAbsorb2 - This ability allows a Jedi to absorb some of the Force power from an incoming Force attack. This ability will absorb more Force power than Force Absorb 1.
- /forceArmor1 - This ability allows a Jedi to create a protective barrier around themself that will stop a portion of incoming damage. This ability will only stop normal damage types.
- /forceArmor2 - This ability allows a Jedi to create a protective barrier around themself that will stop a portion of incoming damage. This ability will only stop normal damage types.
- /forceChoke - This ability allows a Jedi Master to use the Force to constrict the air passage of the target, doing a considerable amount of damage.
- /forceCureDisease - Cures target of any disease state effects.
- /forceCurePoison - Cures the target of any poison state effects.
- /forceFeedback1 - This ability allows a Jedi to cause damage to an opponent when they are attacked with Force attacks for a short period of time.
- /forceFeedback2 - This ability allows a Jedi to cause damage to an opponent when they are attacked with Force attacks for a short period of time. This ability feeds back a greater amount of damage from a Force attack than Force Feedback 1.
- /forceIntimidate1 - Causes all enemies within a cone radius (16 meter radius) eminating from the Jedi to become intimidated.
- /forceIntimidate2 - Causes all enemies within a cone radius (33 meter radius) eminating from the Jedi to become intimidated.
- /forceknockdown1 - This attack allows a Jedi to release a kinetic burst from his or her palm. This will not damage the target but it is enough to knock them down.
- /forceknockdown2 - This attack allows a Jedi to release a large kinetic burst from his or her palm. This will knock down multiple targets in the area, but will not do any damage.
- /forceKnockdown3 - This attack allows a Jedi to release a large kinetic burst from his or her palm. This will knock down multiple targets in the area, but will not do any damage.
- /forceLightningCone1 - This attack allows a Jedi to direct a fork of lightning to hit multiple targets.
- /forceLightningCone2 - This attack allows a Jedi to direct a lightning strike against a multitude of targets. While doing more damage than Force Lightning Cone 1, this attack also has a chance of causing all targets struck by the lightning to become dizzy.
- /forceLightningSingle1 - This attack allows a Jedi to direct an arc of electricity to the target.
- /forceLightningSingle2 - This attack allows a Jedi to direct a bolt of lightning towards the target. This has a chance of stunning the target as well as doing more damage than Force Lightning Single 1.
- /forceMeditate - This ability allows a Jedi to enter a state where their stored Force power can replenish faster than normal. A Jedi is very vulnerable while in this meditative state.
- /forceofwill - This meditative art allows the incapacitated user to attempt to channel their mental energies back into their conscious mind thereby returning the used to an active state much sooner then normally attainable.
- /forceResistBleeding - This ability allows a Jedi to use their Force power to increase their bodies natural resistance to bleeding.
- /forceResistDisease - This ability allows a Jedi to use their Force power to increase their bodies natural resistance to diseases.
- /forceResistPoison - This ability allows a Jedi to use their Force power to increase their bodies natural resistance to poisons.
- /forceResistStates - This ability allows a Jedi to use their Force power to increase their bodies natural resistance to various state attacks.
- /forceRun1 - Increases your run speed for a short duration.
- /forceRun2 - Increases your run speed for a short duration. This ability allows you to run faster than with Force Run 1.
- /forceRun3 - Increases your run speed for a short duration. This ability allows you to run with blinding speed.
- /forceShield1 - This ability allows a Jedi to create a barrier around themself that will stop a portion of incoming Force attacks.
- /forceShield2 - This ability allows a Jedi to create a barrier around themself that will stop a significant portion of incoming Force attacks. This ability will stop more damage than Force Shield 1.
- /forceSpeed1 - This ability allows a Jedi to perform actions slightly faster than normal.
- /forceSpeed2 - This ability allows a Jedi to perform actions faster than normal. This ability allows the Jedi to move faster than with Force Speed 1.
- /forceThrow1 - This attack allows a Jedi to throw nearby junk at the target.
- /forcethrow2 - This attack allows a Jedi to throw many objects at the target, and will very likely hit any enemies that are standing near the target.
- /forceWeaken1 - This ability allows a Jedi to debilitate his or her opponent, making the target more vulnerable to attack.
- /forceWeaken2 - This ability allows a Jedi to severely debilitate his or her opponent, making the target more vulnerable to attack. This ability is more powerful than Force Weaken 1.
- /friend - Brings up your friends list.
- /frown - /frown: You frown. /frown self: You frown at yourself. /frown target: You frown at (him, her, or it).
- /fullautosingle1 - This ranged attack shoots multiple bolts at once at a single target.
- /fullautosingle2 - This ranged attack shoots multiple bolts at once at a single target.
- /fume - /fume: You fume with rage. /fume self: You fume and mouth words best left unspoken. /fume target: You fume with rage at (him, her, or it).
- /fuzzy - /fuzzy: You get that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. /fuzzy self: You squeeze yourself with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. /fuzzy target: (target name) makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
- /g - Same as /gsay -- sends a message to group channel.
- /gag - /gag: You gag in disgust. /gag self: You stick your finger in your mouth and make gagging sounds. /gag target: You gag in disgust at (target name).
- /gallop - Burst run for mounts
- /gape - /gape: You gape. /game self: Your jaw drops and hits the ground with a resounding *THUD*. /gape target: You gape at (him, her, or it).
- /gasp - /gasp: *GASP!* /gasp: self: You gasp for air! /gasp target: *GASP!* You gasp at (target name).
- /gawk - /gawk: Looking dumbfounded, you gawk. /gawk self: You gawk at yourself. /gawk target: you gawk at (target name).
- /gaze - /gaze: You gaze in awe at your surroundings. /gaze self: You gaze in awe at yourself. /gaze target: You gaze in awe at (him her, or it).
- /gcw - Shows which side is winning the Galactic Civil War.
- /giggle - /giggle: HEHE! /giggle self: You giggle at yourself. /giggle target: You giggle at (him, her, or it).
- /giverose - /rose: You extend and offer it. /rose self: You give yourself a rose and smell deeply of its scent. /rose target: You give (target name) a rose.
- /giveup - /giveup: "I GIVE UP!" /giveup self: You shake your head and murmur "I give up..." /giveup target: Apparently, (he, she, or it) is not worth the trouble. "I give up!"
- /glare - /glare: You glare about furiously. /glare self: You galre furiously out of the corner of your eyes. /glare target: You glare at (him, her, or it).
- /gloat - /gloat: You gloat. /gloat self: You gloat quietly to yourself. /gloat target: You gloat at (him, her, or it).
- /glow - /glow: You glow happily. /glow self: Feeling special? /glow target: You glow and and let (him, her, or it) know how happy (he, she, or it) makes you.
- /going - /going: CHARGE!! /going self: Are you sure you wanted to do that? /going target: CHARGE!! Targeting...(target name).
- /grantzoningrights - Grants the target the rights to place a commercial structure, such as a cantina, in the borders of your city. The rights last 24 hours.
- /greet - /greet: You greet the passers-by. /greet self: You greet yourself. /greet target: You greet (him, her, or it).
- /grin - /grin: You grin. /grin self: You grin at yourself. /grin target: You grin at (target name).
- /groan - /groan: You groan loudly. /groan self: You groan at yourself. /groan target: You groan loudly at (him, her, or it).
- /group autoloot - Displays status of autoloot (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group autoloot credits - Displays status of autoloot of credits (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group autoloot items - Displays status of autoloot of items (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group autosplit - Displays status of autosplit (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group info - Displays names of group members, current options, etc.
- /group leader - Displays group leader's full name.
- /group menu - (group leader only) Displays a menu for toggling options on and off.
- /group notify - Displays status of each notify option (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group notify credits - Displays whether or not group members will receive notification when credits are looted. (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group notify death - Displays whether or not group members will receive notification when a group member dies. (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group notify harvest - Displays whether or not group members will receive notification when items are harvested. (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group notify incapacitation - Displays whether or not group members will receive notification when a group member becomes incapacitated. (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group notify items - Displays whether or not group members will receive notification when items are looted. (group leader can toggle this by adding on or off to end of command)
- /group options - (group leader only) displays a menu for toggling options on and off.
- /groupChat - Sends message to group channel
- /groupSay - Sends message to group channel
- /grovel - /grovel: You grovel in the dirt. /grovel self: You grovel fawningly. /grovel target: You grovel at (target name)'s feet.
- /growl - /growl: GRRRRRR! /growl self: You growl at yourself. /growl target: You growl at (him, her, or it).
- /grumble - /grumble: You grumble. /grumble self: You grumble to yourself. /grumble target: You grumble somthing rude about (target name).
- /grunt - /grunt: You grunt. /grunt self: You grunt at yourself. /grunt target: You grunt at (target name).
- /gsay - Sends message to group channel.
- /gtell - Sends message to group channel.
- /guild - Send a message to guild channel, can also be used as /gu.
- /guildsay - Same as /guild or /gu -- sends message to guild channel.
- /gulp - /gulp: *GULP!!* /gulp self: Don't choke now! /gulp target: You gulp at (target name).
- /hack - /hack: You hack. /hank self: You hack up a furball. /hack target: You hack up a (target name).
- /hail - /hail: You hail passes-by. /hail self: You hail yourself with a handful of pebbles. /hail target: You hail (target name).
- /halfnelson - /halfnelson: You motion as if to put someone into a half-nelson. /halfnelson self: You put yourself into a half-nelson. /halfnelson target: You put (target name) into a half-nelson. "Say uncle!"
- /halo - /halo: You smile innocently and don your halo. /halo self: You shine your halo. /halo target: You smile at (him, her, or it) and don your halo.
- /hand - /hand: You ask if anyone can give you a hand. /hand self: You give yourself a hand. /hand target: You give (him, her, or it) a gentle kiss on the hand.
- /handshake - /handshake: You offer a handshake. /handshake self: You shake your own hand. /handshake target: You shake (his, her, or its) hand.
- /harvest - Harvests the corpse of a mob (Scout only). Can be refined as follows:
- /harvest bone
- /harvest hide
- /harvest meat
- /harvestcorpse - This ability allows you to extract resources from the corpses of dead animals (not humanoids). The three types are Meat, Hide, and Bone, though all three may not be available on the same corpse. This item is avaialble on the radial menu when a corpse is targetted if the character has the novice scouting skill. Harvesting corpses is the best way to gain scout experience. Use the radial menu to select which type of resource you would like to harvest from the corpse, or use the commands: /harvest hide; /harvest bone; /harvest meat to specify which resource to harvest.
- /haveconsent - This command will display a list of everyone who has the consent to loot your corpse.
- /headache - /headache: You complain about a headache. /headache self: You grab your skull and beg the pain to stop. /headache target: You toss (him, her, or it) a couple analgesics.
- /headlock - /headlock: You demonstrate the proper headlock technique. /headlock self: You put yourself in a headlock. /headlock target: You put (target name) in a headlock.
- /headshot1 - This ranged targets an opponent's head in order to damage their Mind pool.
- /headshot2 - This ranged attack targets an opponent's head in order to damage their Mind pool.
- /healActionSelf1 - Repairs a moderate amount of your Action damage.
- /healActionSelf2 - Repairs a large amount of your Action damage.
- /healActionWoundOther1 - Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Action wounds.
- /healActionWoundOther2 - Heals a large amount of the target player's Action wounds.
- /healActionWoundSelf1 - Heals a moderate amount of your Action wounds.
- /healActionWoundSelf2 - Heals a large amount of your Action wounds.
- /healAllOther1 - Repairs a moderate amount of damage to all of the target player's Health, Action, and Mind pools.
- /healAllOther2 - Repairs a large amount of damage to all of the target player's Health, Action, and Mind pools.
- /healAllSelf1 - Repairs a moderate amount of damage to all of your Health, Action, and Mind pools.
- /healAllSelf2 - Repairs a large amount of damage to all of your Health, Action, and Mind pools.
- /healBattleFatigueSelf1 - Removes a moderate amount of your Battle Fatigue.
- /healBattleFatigueSelf2 - Removes a large amount of your Battle Fatigue.
- /healdamage - This command will heal damaged stat pool, if you have the requisite skills and medicine.
- /healHealthSelf1 - Repairs a moderate amount of your Health damage.
- /healHealthSelf2 - Repairs a large amount of your Health damage.
- /healhealthwoundother1 - Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Health wounds.
- /healHealthWoundOther2 - Heals a large amount of the target player's Health wounds.
- /healHealthWoundSelf1 - Heals a moderate amount of your Health wounds.
- /healHealthWoundSelf2 - Heals a large amount of your Health wounds.
- /healMindSelf1 - Repairs a moderate amount of your Mind damage.
- /healMindSelf2 - Repairs a large amount of your Mind damage.
- /healMindWoundOther1 - Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Mind wounds.
- /healmindwoundother2 - Heals a large amount of the target player's Mind wounds.
- /healmindwoundself1 - Heals a moderate amount of your Mind wounds.
- /healmindwoundself2 - Heals a large amount of your Mind wounds.
- /healstatesother - Removes all negative state effects from the target player.
- /healStatesSelf - Removes all of your negative state effects.
- /healthshot1 - This effect is a very minor DOT on the target's Health pool. Basically stops regen, which doesn't seem to exist most of the time.
- /healwound - This command will heal wounded stat pools, if you have the requisite skills and medicine.
- /hearnoevil - /hearnoevil: You cover your ears. /hearnoevil self: You stare blankly forward with your hands over your ears. /hearnoevil target: You cover your ears and try to block (him, her, or it) out. LA LA LA LA LA LA.
- /helper - Sets your character to "Newbie Helper" for the purpose of searches.
- /helpme - /helpme: HELP! /helpme self: You help yourself. /helpme target: You look to (him, her, or it) for help.
- /hero - /hero: You look for a hero to save you. /hero self: You are your own greatest hero! /hero target: MY HERO! You proclaim (target name) as your hero.
- /hiccup - /hiccup: You hiccup. /hiccup self: You hiccup strongly and get a bitter-sour taste in your mouth. /hiccup target: You hiccup and beg (target name) for help to get rid of them.
- /high5 - /hi5: You hold your hand up to give a high-five. /hi5: You give yourself high-five. /hi5 target: You give (him, her, or it) a high-five. YEAH!
- /hiss - /hiss: You hiss. /hiss self: You hiss under your breath. /hiss target: You hiss at (target name).
- /hobble - /hobble: You hobble. /hobble self: You hobble about in circles. /hobble target: You hobble about (target name).
- /holdon - /holdon: You hold on for dear life. /holdon self: You hold onto yourself. Need a security blanker? /holdon target: You hold onto (him, her, or it), not letting go!
- /hop - /hop: You hop around. /hop self: You hop on one foot. /hop target: You hop around (target name).
- /hose - /hose: You hose everyone down. /hose self: You hose yourself down. Take it easy there! /hose target: You help (target name) to cool off a bit.
- /hot -
- /hug - /hug: You hold your arms out and offer a hug. /hug self: You give yourself a hug. /hug target: You give (him, her, or it) a hug.
- /huge - /huge: You hold your arms out wide and indicate it was HUGE! /huge self: You guess that it was HUGE! /huge target: You indicate to (him, her, or it) that it was HUGE!
- /hum - /hum: You hum. /hum self: You hum a tune to yourself. /hum target: You hum a tune for (target name).
- /hunger - /hunger: You grow hungry. /hunger self: Your stomach rumbles with a hollow, empty sound. /hunger target: You indicate to (target name) that you are hungry.
- /iffscramble - Scrambles your ship's identity to always appear as friendly. Run this when you are under attack - but if you succeed, do not attack that same ship! Note: This command is usable by all Piloting professions.
- /imfull - /imfull: You pet your stomach denoting you are full. /imfull self: You rub your stomach, feeling overstuffed. /imfull target: You indicate to (target) that you are full.
- /imitate - /imitate: You imitate a statue and stand perfectly still. /imitate self: You imitate yourself. Kind of pointless, isn't it? /imitate target: You imitate (target name).
- /innate equilibrium - instantly balances all remaining health, action, and mind points to the same value. (May be Zabrak only)
- /innateregeneration - A temporary constitution buff only usable by Trandoshans.
- /innocent - /innocent: You do your best to look innocent. /innocent self: You claim innocence. /innocent target: You do your best to look innocent for (target name).
- /inquire - When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "inquire"
- /installmissionterminal - Allows the mayor to place a mission terminal within the borders of his city.
- /interrupt - When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "interrupt"
- /intimidate - When a target is intimidated, they are not able to hit their targets as often.
- /intimidate2 - When a target is intimidated, they are not able to hit their targets as easily. This is more powerful than Intimidate 1.
- /introduce - /introduce: You introduce everyone to each other. /introduce self: WELL MET! You introduce yourself to everyone. /introduce target: Everyone, meet (target name).
- /inventoryIconify -
- /inventoryMaximize -
- /invite - Invites target player into your group (only group leaders can invite additional people into an existing group).
- /isafk - /isafk: You notify everyone around you that you are going AFK. Hurry back now! /isafk self: OK... You are really AFK now. /isafk target: You point out that (target name) is AFK.
- /isafk - /isafk: You notify everyone around you that you are going AFK. Hurry back now! /isafk self: OK... You are really AFK now. /isafk target: You point out that (target name) is AFK.
- /jam - /jam: Just a moment! /jam self: You announce you will be done in just a moment. /jam target: You inform (target name) that (he, she, or it) only has just a moment to finish.
- /jas - /jas: Just one more second. /jas self: 1-one-thousand. DING! Done yet? /jas target: You inform (target name) that (he, she, or it) only has a few seconds left.
- /jediMindTrick - This ability allows a Jedi to project his or her conciousness into the weak minded. This will affect NPC's or creatures that are currently under the control of another player, causing them to forget their master and turn rogue.
- /jk - /jk: HA! /jk self: You let yourself know you were just kidding. /jk target: You inform (target name) that you were just kidding.
- /join - Accepts an invitation to join a group or band.
- /jump - /jump: BOIING!! You jump high in the air! /jump self: You try to jump over yourself and land square on your head. /jump target: You jump up and down on (him, her, or it).
- /kipupshot - This will cause you to spring to your feet and shoot, leaving you in a standing position.
- /kiss - /kiss: You close your eyes and pucker up, ready for a kiss. /kiss self: You hiss yourself. /kiss target: You kiss (target name) gently on the lips.
- /kisscheek -
- /knockdownfire - This ranged attack which blasts the target with a quick rush of flame at their upper body, which can cause them to be bowled over by the shear force directed at them, causing them to become dizzy as well.
- /knockwood - /knockwood: You knock. /knockwood self: You knock on wood. /knockwood target: You knock on (target name)'s head.
- /kowtow - /kowtow: You kowtow. /kowtow self: You kowtow to yourself. /kowtow target: You kowtow before (target name).
- /kowtow - /kowtow: You kowtow. /kowtow self: You kowtow to yourself. /kowtow target: You kowtow before (target name).
- /lagging - /lagging: LAAAAAGGGGG!!! /lagging self: You announce that you are lagging. /lagging target: You point out that (target name) is lagging.
- /large - /large: You spread your arms out some and meter a large-ish size. /large self: You guess that it would be large. /large target: You indicate to (target name) that it was large.
- /lastditch - A single, powerful shot taken with precise aim to cause a large amount of damage. This shot takes a lot out of the user and causes a large delay vefore the next action can be taken.
- /laugh - /laugh: HAHA!! /laugh self: You laugh at yourself. /laugh target: You laugh at (target name).
- /lean - /lean: You lean forward. /lean self: You lean up against a wall. /lean target: You lean on (target name).
- /leer - /leer: You leer enviously at everyone around you. /leer self: You leer enviously at yourself. /leer target: You leer enviously at (target name).
- /legshake - /legshake: Your legs shake. /legshake self: You shake your legs, as if trying to get something off of it. /legshake target: You try to shake (him, her, or it) off your leg.
- /legshot1 - This ranged attack targets an opponent's legs in order to damage their Action pool.
- /legshot2 - This ranged attack targets an opponent's legs in order to damage their Action pool.
- /lfg - Sets your character to "Looking for group" for purpose of searches.
- /lick - /lick: You lick your lips. /lick self: You lick yourself. /lick target: You lick (him, her, or it).
- /lives -
- /logout - Logs your character off the server. You should be in a hotel, house or campsite for a safe logout, otherwise your character will be at the mercy of the world for 3 additional minutes.
- /lol - /lol: That was funny. /lol self: You try to hold it in, but burst out laughing. /lol target: You laugh out loud at (him, her, or it).
- /loot - Loots targeted corpse.
- /lootAiCorpse - loots targeted Ai corpse.
- /lootPlayerCorpse - Loots targeted Player corpse.
- /loser -
- /lost - /lost: Lost, eh?\ /lost self: You look around, utterly lost. /lost target: You think (he, she, or it) is lost, eh?
- /love - /love: Ain't love grand? /love self: You love being you! /love target: You profess your love to (him, her, or it).
- /luck - /luck: Feeling lucky? /luck self: You wish yourself the best of luck! /luck target: Good luck, (target name)!
- /makeLeader - (group leader only) Transfers leadership to target group member.
- /manual - /manual: You produce the manual and suggest a quick read. /manual self: You refer to the manual. /manual target: You politely suggest reading the manual to (him, her, or it).
- /maskscent - Masks your scent from aggressive creatures for a short time.
- /medicalforage - This command allows you to forage material from the area that can be used to create medical supplies.
- /meditate - This ability allows the user to enter a trance like state. Meditation can slow the effects of poison and disease as well as stop disease. At the higher levels of proficiency, it can heal wounds as well. This is a kneeling graphic, was bugged shortly now fixed as Publish 6
- /medium - /medium: You spread your arms out a bit and signify a medium size. /medium self: You guess that it would be about medium sized. /medium target: You indicate to (target name) that it was about medium sized.
- /melee1hbodyhit1 - This melee attack targets the body in order to damage the target's Health pool.
- /melee1hdizzyhit1 - This melee attack can make a single target dizzy.
- /melee1hhit1 - This melee attack inflicts more damage than the basic One Hand attack.
- /melee1hlunge1 - This melee attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can change the posture of your target.
- /melee1hlunge2 - This melee attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can knock your target down.
- /melee1hspinattack1 - This melee area attack can damage multiple targets at once.
- /melee2harea1 - This attack can lower the posture of multiple targets at once.
- /melee2harea2 - This attack can lower the posture of multiple targets at once.
- /melee2harea3 - This powerful attack can blind and damage and lower the posture of multiple targets simultaneously.
- /melee2hheadhit1 - This melee attack targets the head in order to damage the target's Mind.
- /melee2hheadhit2 - This melee attack targets an opponent's head in order to damage the target's Mind pool. This is more damaging then Twi-Hand Head Hit 1.
- /melee2hheadhit3 - This melee attack targets an opponent's head in order to damage the target's Mind pool. The is more damaging then Two-Hand Head Hit 2.
- /melee2hhit1 - This melee attack inflicts more damage than the basic Two Hand attack.
- /melee2hhit2 - This advanced melee attack inflicts more damage than Two-Hand Hit1.
- /melee2hhit3 - Very powerful single target attack.
- /melee2hlunge1 - This melee attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can change the posture of your target.
- /melee2hlunge2 - This melee attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can knock down your target.
- /melee2hmindhit1 - This melee attack targets the opponent's head in order to WOUND the target's mind pool.
- /melee2hmindhit2 - This attack targets the opponent's head in order to affect the target's mind pool.
- /melee2hspinattack1 - This melee area attack can damage multiple targets at once.
- /melee2hspinattack2 - This melee area attack can damage multiple targets at once.
- /melee2hsweep1 - This melee attack can lower the posture of a single target.
- /melt - /melt: You melt. /melt self: You melt into your own arms. /melt target: You melt into (his, her, or its) arms.
- /mercy - /mercy: You appeal for mercy. /mercy self: You appeal to your merciful side. /mercy target: You beg for mercy from (target name).
- /mfdIconify -
- /mfdMaximize -
- /mfdNext -
- /mfdPrev -
- /mimic - /mimic: You mimic passers-by. /mimic self: You mimic yourself. /mimic target: You mimic (target name).
- /mindBlast1 - This attack allows a Jedi to invade someone's mind, causing a chance for the target to become stunned, intimidated, or dizzy, as well as dealing a moderate amount of damage.
- /mindBlast2 - This attack allows a Jedi to project a wave of mental intrusion, dealing damage to the target and those in the immediate area as well as causing a chance for those affected to become stunned, intimidated, and dizzy.
- /mindshot1 - This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Mind pool drain regeneration rates.
- /mindshot2 - This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Mind pool drain regeneration rates.
- /mirror - /mirror: You hold up a mirror. /mirror self: You pull a mirror from your pack and check your appearance. /mirror target: You hold up a mirror up for (target name).
- /missionBrowser -
- /missionCreation -
- /missionDetails -
- /mock -
- /model -
- /mood none - Returns your default mood to neutral
- /moods - displays a list of moods.
- /mope - /mope: You mope. /mope self: You mope around. /mope target: You mope about (target name).
- /mosh - /mosh: You mosh about, bumping into everyone. /most self: You mosh by yourself, looking quite strange. /mosh target: You mosh into (target name).
- /mourn - /mourn: You mourn /mourn self: You mourn the loss of friends. /mourn target: You mourn for (target name).
- /move back (n) - Moves the targeted item (n) tenths of a meter toward you, if you have permission to move it. Great for setting up furniture. You can also use /move back (n) where (n) can be any integer from 1-50.
- /move down (n) - /move down (n)
- /move forward (n) - Moves the targeted item (n) tenths of a meter away from you, if you have permission to move it. Great for setting up furniture. You can also use /move forward (n) where (n) can be any integer from 1-50.
- /move up (n) - /move up (n)
- /multitargetpistolshot - This ranged attack for pistols hit multiple targets at once.
- /mutter - /mutter: You mutter. /mutter self: You mutter about yourself. /mutter target: You mutter something snide about (target name).
- /nails - /nails: You drag your nails down a stony surface creating an annoying, high-pitched sound. /nails self: You blow your nails and buff them on your clothes. /nails target: You drag the edge of a fingernail down the side of (him, her, or it) neck.
- /nap - /nap: You take a quick nap. /nap self: You find a nice place to rest and settle for a quick nap. /nap target: You curl up in (his, her, or its) lap and settle for a catnap.
- /nausea - /nausea: You feel nauseous. /nausea self: You suddenly feel nauseous and quicly cover your mouth. /nausea target: You look at (target name), suddenly feeling nauseous.
- /nelson - /nelson: You practice your full nelson maneuver. /nelson self: You try to put yourself in a full nelson. /nelson target: With a single swift move, you put (target name) in a full nelson.
- /nod - /nod: You nod. /nod self: You nod at yourself reassuringly. /nod target: You nod at (target name).
- /noogie - /noogie: You look for a noogie target. /noogie self: You give yourself a noogie. /noogie target: You give (him, her, or it) a noogie.
- /nose - /nose: You put your nose in the air. /nose self: You touch the tip of your nose. /nose target: You raise your nose at (target name).
- /nudge - /nudge: You nudge everyone. /nudge self: You try to nudge yourself. /nudge target: You nudge (him, her, or it).
- /nuzzle - /nuzzle: You make a nuzzling notion. /nuzzle self: You nuzzle yourself. /nuzzle target: You nuzzle (his, her, or its) neck.
- /omg - /omg: OMG! /omg self: You clasp your hand over your forehead and exclaim, "Oh my gosh!" /omg target: Oh my gosh, (target name)!
- /onehandbodyhit2 - This melee attack targets the body in order to damage the target's Health pool. It is stronger than One-Hand Body Hit 1.
- /onehandbodyhit3 - This melee attack targets the body in order to damage the target's Health pool.
- /onehandhealthhit2 - This ability aims at the targets body in order to wound his health pool.
- /onehandscatterhit2 - This attack can hit multiple parts of the body at once.
- /onehandspinattack2 - This melee area attack can damage multiple targets at once, wiht a chance to blind them.
- /oneknee - /oneknee: You take a knee. /oneknee self: You take a knee and bow your head. /oneknee target: You take a knee before (target name).
- /opossum - /opossum: You play dead. /opossum self: You keel over and play dead. /opossum target: You look with fear upon (target name), fall to the ground, and play dead.
- /overchargeshot2 - Causes significant damage to the target at the cost of your weapon's power supply.
- /pant - /pant: You pant. /pant self: You hang your toungue out and pant like a dog. /pant target: You pant at (target name).
- /pat - /pat: You pat your head. /pat self: You pat yourself on the back. /pat target: You pat (him, her, or it) on the head.
- /payup -
- /peer - /peer: You peer around. /peer self: You peer at yourself. /peer target: You peer at (target name). What is (he, she , or it) up to?
- /peptalk - /peptalk: GO TEAM! /peptalk self: GO ME! /peptalk target: You can do it (target name)!
- /persistentMessageBrowser -
- /persistentMessageComposer -
- /pet - /pet: You cradle your arms and pet an imaginary creature. /pet self: You pet yourself. /pet target: You pet (target name).
- /pet attack - Commands your pet to attack the target.
- /pet follow - Commands the pet to follow you.
- /pet followother - This command instructs your pet to follow the target you have indicated.
- /pet formation - This enables you to bring multiple pets into a pre-determined formation, such as a wedge.
- /pet friend - This causes your pet to make friends with a target.
- /pet group - This command enables you to add your pets to your group. This makes them much easier to target quickly.
- /pet guard - This command causes your pets to guard an individual (target another player, tell your pet to guard, and the pet will automatically defend that player).
- /pet patrol - Commands your pet to guard a small area.
- /pet ranged attack - This command makes your pet use its ranged attack (if it has one).
- /pet ranged attack - /pet ranged attack: This command your pet use its ranged attack (if it has one)
- /pet special attack one - This command makes your pet use its primary special attack (if it has one).
- /pet special attack two - This command makes your pet use its secondary special attack (if it has one).
- /pet stay - This Commands makes your pet stay where it is.
- /pet store - This command stores the pet back into your pet control device.
- /pet transfer - This command enables you to give your pets to another person. You are only able to give pets to another Creature Handler.
- /peyoo - /peyoo: PEEEEEYYYOOOO!! /peyoo self: You sniff yourself and realize you reek. /peyoo target: You look at (him, her, or it) with a sour face and try to waft the stench away.
- /pillow - /pillow: PILLOW FIGHT! /pillow self: You tear up a pillow, sending feathers everywhere. /pillow target: You throw a pillow at (him, her, or it).
- /pillow - /pillow: PILLOW FIGHT! /pillow self: You tear up a pillow, sending feathers everywhere. /pillow target: You throw a pillow at (him, her, or it).
- /pinch - /pinch: You make pinching motions like a shenk. /pinch self: Are you dreaming? /pinch target: You pinch (him, her, or it).
- /plugears - /plugears: You plug your ears. /plugears self: You stick your finger in your ears. /plugears target: You plug your ears and try to tune (him, her, or it) out. LA LA LA LA LA.
- /plugnose - /plugnose: You pinch your nose shut. /plugnose self: You pinch your nose shut with a clothes pin. /plugnose target: You plug your nose at (target name)'s stench.
- /pointat - /pointat: You point the way. /pointat self: You point at yourself. /pointat target: You point at (target name).
- /pointdown - /pointdown: You point at the ground. /pointdown self: You're staying right here! /pointdown target: You tell (target name) to stay right there.
- /pointleft - /pointleft: You point left. /pointleft self: You point left. /pointleft target: You turn to (target name) and point left.
- /pointright - /pointright: You point right. /pointright self: You point right. /pointright target: You turn to (target name) and point right.
- /poke - /poke: Poke. /poke self: You poke yourself in the ribs, looking very sheepish. /poke target: You poke (him, her, or it) in the ribs.
- /polearm - This polearm attack can stun a single target.
- /polearmhit1 - This polearm attack causes more damage than the default polearm attack.
- /polearmleghit1 - Attacks the targets legs in order to damage it's action pool.
- /polearmlunge1 - This perform attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can change the posture of your target.
- /polearmlunge2 - This polearm attack allows you to slightly extend your range, and it can knock down your target.
- /polearmspinattack1 - This polearm attack can damage multiple targets at once, by spinning your body slightly while attacking.
- /polearmsweep1 - This attack can knock down a single target
- /polearmsweep2 - This ability can knock down multiple targets.
- /ponder - /ponder: You ponder. /ponder self: You ponder your existence. /ponder target: You ponder about (him, her, or it). Hrmmm.
- /pound - /pound: You pound on your chest. /pound self: You pound on your chest, daring anyone to take you on. /pound target: You pound your chest. Will (target name) take you on?
- /pout - /pout: You pout. /pout self: You pout at yourself. /pout target: You pout at (him, her, or it).
- /powerboost - This meditative art allows the user to channel mental energies into their physical form for a temporary boost in performance. However, such extreme mental activities causes a significantly exhausting psychological cost.
- /preen - /preen: You preen. /preen self: You preen like a feline. /preen target: You preen gloatingly at (him, her, or it).
- /primp - /primp: You primp. /primp self: You pull a mirror from your pack and primp yourself. /primp target:You primp yourself for (target name).
- /prod - /prod: You extract a nerf prod from your pack and brandish it smugly. /prod self: You prod yourself into action. /prod target: You prod (him, her, or it), trying to evoke some action.
- /protect - /protect: You stand your ground. /protect self: You indicate that you need protection. /protect target: You stand defensively in front of (target name).
- /provoke - /provoke: Neener Neener! /provoke self: You taunt yourself and succeed in getting upset. /provoke target: You provoke (him, her, or it).
- /pshrug - /pshrug: You shrug philosophically. /pshrug self: You shrug your shoulders philosophically. /pshrug target: You shrug philosophically at (target name).
- /pucker - /pucker: You pucker. /pucker self: You make a sour face and pucker. /pucker target: You pucker and makea "fish face" at (him, her, or it).
- /puke - /puke: You puke. /puke self: You puke all over yourself. /puke target: You puke all over (him, her, or it).
- /pull - /pull: You call out, *PULL!" /pull self: You raise your hand in the air and pull it back down in a victorious manner. /pull target: You try to pull (him, her, or it) along.
- /punch - /punch: You shadow-box. /punch self: You punch yourself in the face, giving yourself a black eye. /punch target: You punch (target name) in the face.
- /push - /push: You make a pushing motion as if trying to keep things away from yourself. /push self: You push yourself to the ground. /push target: You push (him, her, or it) away.
- /puzzle - /puzzle: You puzzle over the curent situation. /puzzle self: You puzzle over your own thoughts. /puzzle target: You puzzle over (him, her, or it).
- /pvp - The /pvp command, allow you to go from on leave imperial/rebel to combatant in 30 seconds. Or if your already a imperial/rebel combatant, it allow you to go to special forces in 30 seconds. Message you get:
- /question - /question: You question the intent. /question self: You question your own intent. /question target: You question (his, her, or its) intent.
- /quiet - /quiet: You hold your finger to your lips, indicating to be quiet. /quiet self: You quiet yourself and place your finger vertically across your lips. /quiet target: You hold an extended finger over your lips, indicating to (target name) to be quiet.
- /quit - Exit the game immediately. Your character will remain vulnerable to attack for three more minutes.
- /radarIconify -
- /radarMaximize -
- /radarRangeDecrease -
- /radarRangeIncrease -
- /radarUpdate -
- /raise - /raise: You raise your hand. /raise self: You raise your hands in the air. /raise target: You raise (his, her, or its) hand and declare (him, her, or it) the victor.
- /rasberry - /rasberry: You give everyone a rasberry. PFFFFFFTTTT!! /rasberry self: You give yourself a rasberry. /rasberry target: You give (him, her, or it) a rasberry.
- /ready - /ready: READY! /ready self: You check to see if you are ready. /ready target: I'm ready, (target name)!
- /reassure - /reassure: You reassure everyone that it will turn out OK. /reassure self: You reassure yourself that everything will be OK. /reassure target: You reassure (him, her, or it) that everything will be fine.
- /recruitskilltrainer - Allows the politician to place a skill trainer within the borders of his city. This is any trainer.
- /rescue - This ability allows you to instantly taunt an NPC off of one of your group members. It does not always work.
- /retell - Sent another tell to the last person you contacted via /tell.
- /retort - When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "retort"
- /reviveplayer - Allows you to revive a dead player and bypass cloning, if you have the right equipment.
- /roar - /roar: ROOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!!!! /roar self: You roar loudly at yourself. /roar target: You roar loudly at (target name).
- /rofl - /rofl: Want a hand getting up? /rofl self: You roll on the floor laughing at yourself. /rofl target: You roll on the floor laughing at (target name).
- /roleplay - Turns on and off the roleplay flag for your character.
- /rolleyes - /rolleyes: You roll your eyes. /rolleyes self: You roll your eyes and they fall back into your skull. /rolleyes target: You roll your eyes at (target name).
- /rollshot - This will cause you to kneel down and shot, leaving you in a kneeling position.
- /rotate left - Rotates the REAR of the targeted item left by 90 degrees
- /rotate left (n) - Rotates left the back of the targeted item (n) degrees around its center, where (n) can be any integer from 1-50 if you have permission to rotate it. Great for adjusting furniture.
- /rotate right - Rotates the REAR of the targeted item right by 90 degrees
- /rotate right (n) - Rotates right the back of the targeted item (n) degrees around its center, where (n) can be any integer from 1-50 if you have permission to rotate it. Great for adjusting furniture.
- /rubnose - /rubnose: You rub your nose. /rubnose self: You rub your nose on your sleeve. /rubnose target: You rub noses with (target name).
- /rude -
- /ruffle - /ruffle: You look ruffled. /ruffle self: You ruffle your own hair. /ruffle target: You ruffle (his, her, or its) hair.
- /saber1hComboHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to hit multiple locations on the target's body. This attack will do more damage than a normal one-handed saber attack.
- /saber1hComboHit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to hit multiple locations on the target's body and has a chance to lower the target's posture. This attack is more powerful than the Saber One Hand Combo Hit 1, and will likely do more damage.
- /saber1hComboHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to hit multiple locations on the target's body and has a chance to lower the target's posture. This attack is more powerful than the Saber One Hand Combo HIt 2, and will likely do more damage.
- /saber1hFlurry - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devasting move with a one-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness.
- /saber1hFlurry2 - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a one-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness.
- /saber1hHeadHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's head, directly affecting its mind pool.
- /saber1hHeadHit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's head, directly affecting it's mind pool. This attack is more powerful than Saber One Hand Head Hit 1, and has a chance of blinding the target.
- /saber1hHeadHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's head, directly affecting its mind pool. This attack is more powerful than Saber One Hand Head Hit 2 and has a chance of blinding the target.
- /saber1hHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a lightsaber.
- /saber1hHit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage than normal with a one-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than the Saber One Hand Hit 1.
- /saber2hbodyhit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the body, directly affecting it's health pool.
- /saber2hbodyhit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a broad stroke against multiple target bodies, directly affecting their health pools. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Body Hit 1.
- /saber2hBodyHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a broad stroke attack against multiple targets bodies, directly affecting their health pools. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Body Hit 2.
- /saber2hFrenzy - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a two-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness.
- /saber2hFrenzy - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devasting move with a two-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in a cone radius outwards from the Jedi, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness.
- /saber2hHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a two-handed lightsaber.
- /saber2hHit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Hit 1.
- /saber2hhit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to do much more than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Hit 2.
- /saber2hHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to do much more damage than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Hit 2.
- /saber2hSweep1 - This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to lower its posture.
- /saber2hsweep2 - This attack allows Jedi to cause all targets in the immediate area to lower their posture, as well as dealing some damage.
- /saber2hSweep3 - This attack allows a Jedi to cause all targets in the immediate area to lower their posture, as well as dealing some damage.
- /saberPolearmDervish - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a dual edge lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, blind, and dizzy. (need an accurate description)
- /saberPolearmDervish2 - This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a dual edge lightsaber that damages all enemies in a cone radius outward from the Jedi, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness.
- /saberPolearmHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a dual edge lightsaber?
- /saberPolearmHit2 - This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage then normal with a dual edge lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Polearm Hit 1, and also has a chance to stun the target.
- /saberPolearmHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage than normal with a dual edge lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Polearm Hit2, and also has a chance to stun the target.
- /saberPolearmLegHit1 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's legs, directly affecting its action pool.
- /saberpolearmleghit2 - This attack a Jedi to perform a precise strike against a target's legs, directly affecting its action pool. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Polearm Leg Hit 1.
- /saberPolearmLegHit3 - This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against a target's legs, directly affecting its action pool. This attack is more poweful than the Saber Polearm Leg Hit 2.
- /saberpolearmspinattack1 - This attack allows a Jedi to deal damage to all enemies in the immediate area.
- /saberpolearmspinattack2 - This attack allows a Jedi to do increased damage to all enemies in the immediate area. This attack is more powerful than Saber Polearm Spin Attack 1, and also has a slightly increased range.
- /saberPolearmSpinAttack3 - This attack allows a Jedi to do increased damage to all enemies in the immediate area. This attack is more powerful than Saber Polearm Spin Attack 2, and also has a slightly increases range.
- /saberSlash1 - This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to bleed, as well as lower the target's posture. This attack can be used with all lightsaber types.
- /saberslash2 - This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to bleed, as well as knock the target down. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Slash 1 and can be used with all lightsaber types.
- /saberthrow1 - This attack allows a Jedi to attack from a distance by throwing his or her lightsaber.
- /saberthrow2 - This attack allows a Jedi to do greater damage from a distance by throwing his or her lightsaber and guiding it with the Force. A successful attack will also cause a chance to knock your opponent down.
- /saberThrow3 - This attack allows a Jedi to attack multiple targets from a distance by throwing his or her lightsaber and guiding it with the Force. A successful attack will also cause a chance to knock your opponent down.
- /salute - /salute: You salute. /salute self: You stand at attention and salute yourself. /salute target: You salute (target name).
- /sampledna - Allows you to sample the DNA of a creature. You must be pretty close to do this.
- /scare - /scare: BOO! /scare self: You scare yourself. /scare target: You sneak up and try to scare (him, her, or it).
- /scared - /scared: You jump and whip around to face the noise. /scared self: You shrink away, looking very scared. /scared target: You shrink away from (target name), looking very scared of (him, her, or it).
- /scold - /scold: You produce a measuring stick and brandish it authoritatevly. /scold self: You scold yourself with slap on the hand. /scold target: You scold (him, her, or it).
- /scowl - /scowl: You scowl. /scowl self: You scowl at yourself. /scowl target: You scowl at (him, her, or it).
- /scratch - /scratch: You scratch an itch. /scratch self: You scratch the nape of your neck pensively. /scratch target: You scratch (his, her, or its) back.
- /scream - /scream: AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! /scream self: You scream loudly at yourself in frustration. /scream target: You scream with frustration in (his, her, or its) ear.
- /seenoevil - /seenoevil: SEE NO EVIL!! /seenoevil self: You peek through your fingers covering your eyes. /seenoevil target: You peek through your fingers at (target name).
- /service -
- /set - If you do /set a whole lot of text then everything you write will go into your bio
- /setperform - Entertainers use this command to start buffing mind for dancers and focus and willpower for musicians
- /setpermission - You must be in or near a building or installation to do this.
- /setprivacy - You must be in a building to use this.
- /shake - /shake: You shake your head negatively. /shake self: You shake your head negatively at yourself. /shake target: You shake your head negatively at (him, her, or it).
- /sharpen - /sharpen: You sharpen your nails. /sharpen self: You sharpen your teeth with a file. /sharpen target: You sharpen a blade menacingly at (him, her, or it).
- /shiver - /shiver: You shiver. /shiver self: You shiver and rub your arms in an attempt to warm up. /shiver target: You shiver at the coldness surrounding (target name).
- /shoo -
- /shout - Sends your message to a wider area around your person. (same as /yell)
- /shower - /shower: You go to take a shower. /shower self: You shower yourself in water from a jug. /shower target: You politely info (target name) that (he, she, or it) needs to take a shower.
- /showpvprating - Shows your character's current PvP ranking. The base rating is 1200.
- /shrug - /shrug: You shrug. /shrug self: You shrug your shoulders helplessly. /shrug target: You shrug helplessly at (target name).
- /shudder - /shudder: You shudder. /shudder self: You shudder at the thought. /shudder target: You shudder at (him, her, or it).
- /shush - /shush: SHUSH! /shush self; You shush yourself. /shush target: You quickly shush (him, her, or it).
- /sigh - /sigh: You sigh. /sigh self: You sigh with relief. /sigh target: You sigh at (him, her, or it).
- /skills -
- /skip - /skip: You skip around the area. /skip self: You skip in figure eights. /skip target: You skip around (target name).
- /slap - /slap: WAKE UP! You slap yourself in the face. *SMACK* /slap self: You slap yourself silly. /slap target: You slap (him, her, or it) across the face.
- /slit - /slit: Someone's gonna die. /slit self: You think you're not long for this world. /slit target: You don't think (target name) is long for this world.
- /slobber - /slobber: Need a bib? /slobber self: You slobber all over yourself. /slobber target: You slobber all over (him, her, or it).
- /small - /small: You hold your hands about 2 fists aapart, signifiying it was small. /small self: You guess that it would be small. /small target: You indicate to (target name) that it was small.
- /smell - /smell: You smell the air. /smell self: You smell yourself. /smell target: You smell (him, her, or it).
- /smile - /smile: You smile. /smile self: You smile at yourself. /smile target: You smile at (target name).
- /smirk - /smirk: You smirk. /smirk self: You smirk at yourself. /smirk target: You smirk at (target name).
- /smokebomb - Performs a smoke cloud effect.
- /snap - /snap: SNAP! /snap self: Shucks! /snap target: You snap beckoning at (him, her, or it).
- /snarl - /snarl: You snarl, barring your teeth. /snarl self: You snarl and grumble surely under your breath. /snarl target: You snarl at (him, her, or it).
- /sneak - Allows you to slowly move while prone and taking cover.
- /sneer - /sneer: You sneer. /sneer self: You sneer at the thought. /sneer target: You sneer at (him, her, or it).
- /sneeze - /sneeze: AAAAAACHOOOO! /sneeze self: You sneeze, covering your hands in a mucous substance. /sneeze target: You sneeze at (target name), covering (him, her, or it) with slime.
- /snicker - /snicker: You snicker. /snicker self: You snicker at your own evil thoughts. /snicker target: You snicker at (him, her, or it).
- /sniff - /sniff: You sniff sadly. /sniff self: You sniff sadly to yourself. /sniff target: You sniff sadly at (him, her, or it).
- /sniffle - /sniffle: You sniffle. /sniffle self: You sniffle to yourself. /sniffle target: You sniffle at (target name).
- /snog - /snog: Desperate, huh? /snog self: You attempt snogging yourself. /snog target: You attempt to engage in some serious snogging with (target name).
- /snore - /snore: You snore loudly. /snore self: You snore softly. /snore target: You snore loudly at (target name), displaying your boredom.
- /snort - /snort: SNORT! /snort self: You snort derisively. /snort target: You snort at (target name).
- /soapbox - /soapbox: You place a soapbox on the ground and offer the use of it. /soapbox self: You place a soapbox on the ground, climb upon it, and begin to speak. /soapbox target: You try to pull (him, her, or it) down from (his, her, or its) soapbox.
- /softclap - /softclap: You show your approval with a soft applause. /softclap self: You give yourself a soft applause. /softclap target: You give (him, her, or it) an approving, soft applause.
- /spam - /spam: SPAM! /spam self: You send yourself reeling and your head spinning. /spam target: You tell (him, her, or it) to QUIT SPAMMING!
- /speaknoevil - /speaknoevil: You cover your mouth. /speaknoevil self: You stare blankly forward with your hand over your mouth. /speaknoevil target: You cover your mouth and refuse to speak.
- /spin - /spin: You spin around to see who is behind you. /spin self: You spin around and make yourself dizzy. /spin target: You spin (target name) around until (him, her, or it) is dizzy.
- /spit - /spit: You spit. /spit self: You spit in your hands and prepare to get down to business. /spit target: You spit at (him, her, or it).
- /spotlight - Performs a spot light effect.
- /sprayshot -
- /squeeze - /squeeze: You squeeze your emotion management toy. /squeeze self: You squeeze yourself. /squeeze target: You squeeze (target name) tightly.
- /squirm - /squirm: You squirm. /squirm self: You squirm uneasily. /squirm target: You try to squirm away from (target name).
- /stare - /stare: You stare blankly into space. /stare self: You stare blankly into space. /stare target: You stare at (target name).
- /startband - Causes the band to start playing. (band leader only)
- /startdance - With this ability you can start dancing and this command is used with each type of dance, which changes per experience level.
- /startdance basic - Starts the Basic 2 dance.
- /startdance basic2 -
- /startdance exotic - Starts the Exotic dance.
- /startdance exotic3 - Start the Exotic3 dance.
- /startdance exotic4 - Start the Exotic4 dance.
- /startdance footloose - Starts the Footloose dance.
- /startdance footloose2 - Starts the Footloose 2 dance.
- /startdance formal - Starts the Formal dance.
- /startdance formal2 - Starts the Formal 2 dance.
- /startdance lyrical - Starts the Lyrical dance.
- /startdance lyrical2 - Start the Lyrical2 dance.
- /startdance poplock - Starts the Poplock dance.
- /startdance popular - Starts the Popular dance.
- /startdance rhythmic -
- /startdance rhythmic2 -
- /startleshot2 - This is meant to startle your opponent into getting up. If they were prone, they will raise to a knee, and if they were on a knee, they will stand up.
- /startleshot2 - This is meant to startle your opponent into getting up. If they were prone, they will raise to a knee, and if they were on a knee, they will stand up. Causes more damage than startel shot 1.
- /startmusic - With this ability you can start playing music and this command is used with each type of music, which changes per experience level.
- /startmusic folk - Starts the Folk song.
- /startmusic rock - Starts the rock song.
- /startmusic starwars1 - Starts the Star Wars 1 song.
- /startmusic starwars2 - Starts the Star Wars 2 song.
- /startmusic starwars3 - Starts the Star Wars 3 song.
- /startmusic vitruoso - Starts the Virtuoso song.
- /startsong ceremonial - Starts the Ceremonial song.
- /stink - /stink: What is that smell?! /stink self: UGH! You DO stink! /stink target: That bad huh? Guess so since you just told (him, her, or it).
- /stomp - /stomp: *STOMP* *STOMP* /stomp self: You stomp around, ready to mosh. /stomp target: You stomp on (him, her, or it).
- /stopBand - Stops the band from playing (band leader only)
- /stopBleeding - Causes the target to stop bleeding, negating that particular damage over time stats.
- /stopdance - Ends the dance.
- /stopfollow - Ends autofollow command.
- /stopgallop - To stop galloping
- /stopmusic -
- /stopwatching - You will no longer actively watch to a dancer.
- /strafeshot1 - This attack clears the enemy out of a covered state, making them easier to attack.
- /strafeshot2 - This attack clears the enemy out of a covered state, making them easier to attack.
- /strangle - /strangle: You strangle yourself. /strangle self: Your eyes bulges from your skull due to lack of breathable air. /strangle target: You strangle (him, her, or it).
- /stretch - /stretch: You stretch. /stretch self: You warm up with a few stretching exercises. /stretch target: You help (him, her, or it) stretch.
- /structurestatus - Status option from the radial menu, includes the power and maintenance reserves.
- /strut - /strut: You strut. /strut self: You strut about like a bird desplaying his feathers. /strut target: You strut around (him, her, or it).
- /stunAttack - Stuns your opponent.
- /sulk - /sulk: You sulk. /sulk self: You sulk to yourself. /sulk target: You sulk at (him, her, or it).
- /summon - /summon: You make a summoning gesture. /summon self: You summon all of your strength and courage. /summon target: You summon (him, her, or it).
- /suppressionfire1 - This ranged attack is used to drive your opponent into a lower position. If they were standing, they kneel, if they were kneeling, they go prone.
- /surprised - /surprised: Surprising, isn't it? /surprised self: You look at yourself, completely surprised. /surprised target: You look at (him, her, or it), completely surprised.
- /surpriseshot - A powerful attack that must be made from cover.
- /surrenderself - /surrenderself: You surrender. /surrenderself self: You surrender yourself to base instincts. /surrenderself target: You concede and surrender to (target name).
- /swat - /swat: You swat at the air frantically. /swat self: You swat yourself. /swat target: You swat (him, her, or it) like an insect.
- /sweat - /sweat: You sweat profusely. /sweat self: You wipe the sweat from your brow and fling it to the ground. /sweat target: You shake your body like a canine sending sweat flying at (him, her, or it).
- /sweep - /sweep: You sweep the floor. /sweep self: You try your best to look busy and sweep the floor. /sweep target: You hand (him, her, or it).
- /sysgroup - This command sends system messages to your group members that appear immediately in the middle of their screens.
- /tackle - /tackle: You hunker down into a three-point stance. /tackle self: You tackle yourself to the ground. /tackle target: You tackle (him, her, or it) to the ground.
- /tag - /tag: You announce that you are playing tag. /tag self: Who's is it? /tag target: TAG! You're it, (target name).
- /takecover - Taking Cover allows you the use of certain sneak attacks and gives you additional defense. While in Cover, you cannot move unless you have the Sneak skill.
- /tame - Allows you to try and tame a creature.
- /tantrum - /tantrum: You throw a tantrum. /tantrum self: You know you were wrong but throw a fit anyway. /tantrum target: You throw a tantrum at (him, her, or it).
- /tap - /tap: You tap your foot impatiently. /tap self: You tap your fingers on the table. /tap target: You tap (target name) on (his, her, or its) shoulder.
- /taunt - /taunt: Neener Neener! /taunt self: You taunt yourself and succeed in getting upset. /taunt target: You taunt (him, her, or it). taunting a target makes it more likely to attack you over a group member.
- /teach -
- /tease - /tease: Just teasing! /tease self: You tease your hair. /tease target: You tease (him, her, or it).
- /tellpet - /tellpet let's you tell your pet a command without disturbing other players. This is really nice when training a pet.
- /tenddamage - This ability heals health and action damage without the need for a stimpack. Using this causes minor wounding to your focus and willpower.
- /tendwound - This ability heals the wounds of a specified physical attribute without the need for medicine. Using this causes minor wounding to your focus and willpower.
- /thank - /thank: You thank everyone. /thank self: You thank yourself. /thank target: You thank (him, her, or it).
- /thirst - /thirst: Feeling parched? /thirst self: You feel so thirsty and for a drink. /thirst target: You beg (target name) for a drink.
- /threatenshot - This ranged attack is useful for making skittish things flee from you.
- /throwat - /throwat: You throw pebble-sized stones, aimlessly passing the time. /throwat self: You throw yourself at the enemy. /throwat target: You throw (target name) at the enemy.
- /throwdown - /throwdown: You throw down the gauntlet. /throwdown self: There can only be one! /throwdown target: You throw down the gauntlet at (his, her,its feet).
- /throwGrenade -
- /throwTrap -
- /thumbdown -
- /thumbsdown -
- /thumbsup -
- /thumbup -
- /thxinfo - /thxinfo: THX INFO! /thxinfo self: k.thxinfo.byebye now. /thxinfo target: You thank (him, her, or it) for the information.
- /tickle - /tickle: Time for teh feather tickle torture? /tickle self: You tickle yourself. /tickle target: You tickle (him, her, or it) mercilessly.
- /tiny - /tiny: You mark an approximation with your forefinger and thumb. It was tiny. /tiny self: You guess that it would be tiny. /tiny target: You indicate to (target name) with your forefinger and thumb that it was tiny.
- /tip - Automatically tranfers a number of credits to your target. While targeting use /tip [#], or use /tip [name] [#] to specifiy the amount given without target targeted. Use /tip [name][#] bank to tip from your bank with a 5% surcharge.
- /tiphat - /tiphat: You tip your hat. /tiphat self: You tip your hat to yourself. /tiphat target: You tip your hat to (him, her, or it).
- /tiptoe - /tiptoe: You tiptoe through the area. /tiptoe self: You practice tiptoeing silently. /tiptoe target: You try to tiptoe past (target name).
- /tmi - /tmi: TOO MUCH INFO!! /tmi self: Sony everyone! TMI! /tmi target: You politely inform (him, her, or it) that was too much info.
- /toggleAwayFromKeyboard -
- /tongue - /tongue: You stick you tongue out. /tongue self: You stick your tounge out and try to touch your nose. /tongue target: You stick your tongue out at (target name).
- /torsoshot - This ranged attack douses the body with fire, causing a great amount of body damage, as well as other damage.
- /toss - /toss: You extend your arms like a child wanting to be tossed. /toss self: You toss yourself into the air and land on your face. /toss target: You toss (him, her, or it) into the air.
- /totalHealOther - Completely heals all the Health, Action, and Mind damage, repairs all wounds, and removes all battle fatigue from the target player.
- /totalHealSelf - Completely heals all of your Health, Action, and Mind damage, repairs all wounds, and removes all of your battle fatigue.
- /trade - Initiates a trade with the target
- /tradeAccept - Accepts a trade from the target.
- /transferForce - This ability allows a Jedi to transfer some of his stored Force power to another Jedi.
- /transferItem -
- /transferstructure - Transfers ownership of the structure to the targeted person, and removes you from the admin list, but does NOT make them an admin. So make them an admin before you do this.
- /TransferStructure - This command allows you to transfer a structure to another player. When you wish to transfer your house/harvetor/factory to another player, you stand as close to the harvestor/factory or in the house you wish to transfer, target the player you want to transer the structure too, and type: /TransferStructure. If the player has enough lots, it now becomes their property.
- /trick1 - This command instructs your pet to do a trick. Tricks heal pet Mind damage.
- /trick2 - This command instructs your pet to do a trick. Tricks heal pet Mind damage.
- /tsktsk - /tsktsk: You rub one index finger over the other. Tsk tsk. /tsk tsk self: You should've known better! Tsk tsk is right. /tsk tsk target: Tsk Tsk, (target name).
- /ttell - Sends a tell to the last person to send a tell to you (also /reply) or the person you have targeted.
- /tug - /tug: You tug your gear to make sure it is secure. /tug self: You tug your sleees and straigten out your clothes. /tug target: You tug on (his, her, or its) sleeve.
- /tumbletokneeling - This command will attack while rolling your character forward into a kneeling posture.
- /tumbletostanding - This command will roll you out of a kneeling of diving posture and leave you standing.
- /tweak - /tweak: You tweak your neck. OUCH! /tweak self: You tweak your own nose. /tweak target: You tweak (his, her, or its) nose.
- /twibble - /twibble: Twibble. Twibble. /twibble self: You twibble about in circles. /twibble target: You twibble aimlessly about (him, her, or it).
- /twiddle - /twiddle: You twiddle your thumbs. /twiddle self: You patiently twiddle your thumbs. /twiddle target: You twiddle your thumbs at (target name).
- /twirl - /twirl: You twirl around gracefully. /twirl self: You get a finger on top of your head and twirl like a dancer. /twirl target: You twirl (him, her, or it) around gracefully.
- /twistarm - /twistarm: OK. OK. Twist my arm. /twistarm self: Twist just a bit more! /twistarm target: You twist (his, her, or its) arm.
- /ui action cycleTargetInward -
- /ui action cycleTargetNext -
- /ui action cycleTargetOutward -
- /ui action cycleTargetPrev -
- /ui action gameMenuActivate - This command takes you to the character select screen.
- /ui action radialMenu -
- /unalias _name_ - Removes alias named _name_.
- /unarmedblind1 - This unarmed attack can blind a single target.
- /unarmedbodyhit1 - This unarmed attack goes after the targets body in order to affect the target's Health pool.
- /unarmedcombo1 - Attacks both the head and body, potentially damaging both the health and mind pools of the target.
- /unarmedcombo2 - This attack has the potential to damage health, mind and action pools simultaneously.
- /unarmeddizzy1 - This attack can dizzy a single party.
- /unarmedheadhit1 - Single target attack on the head that affects the mind pool.
- /unarmedhit1 - This unarmed attack inflicts more damage than the basic unarmed attack.
- /unarmedhit2 - Powerful single target attack.
- /unarmedhit3 - Very powerful single target attack.
- /unarmedknockdown1 - This attack can knock down a single target.
- /unarmedknockdown2 - This attack can knockdown and dizzy a single target.
- /unarmedleghit1 -
- /unarmedlunge1 - This unarmed attack can slightly extend your range, and has a chance to lower the posture of your target.
- /unarmedlunge2 - This unarmed attack can slightly extend your range, and has a chance to knock down your target.
- /unarmedlunge2 -
- /unarmedspinattack1 - This unarmed area attack can damage multiple targets at once.
- /unarmedspinattack2 - An unarmed attack that can damage multiple targets at once.
- /unarmedstun1 - This unarmed attack can stun a single target.
- /uncle - /uncle: UNCLE!! UNCLE!! /uncle self: Say uncle! Say uncle! /uncle target: You beg (him, her, or it) to stop. UNCLE!
- /unconsent - Disallows a target player to move your corpse if you have already given them permission with /consent
- /unequip -
- /uninvite -
- /unstick -
- /up - /up: You point up. /up self: You point up. /up target: You turn to (target name) and point up.
- /veto - /veto: VETO! /veto self: You veto your own idea. /veto target: You veto (him, her, or it).
- /vitalize - Short-term pool attribute buff; alias for /innate vitalize
- /waft - /waft: You try to waft the stench away. /waft self: Talking a bath might help! /waft target: You try to keep (his, her, or its) stench away.
- /wait - /wait: You wait. /wait self: WAIT UP! /wait target: You wait on (him, her, or it).
- /wait - /wait: You wait. /wait self: WAIT UP! /wait target: You wait on (him, her, or it).
- /wait - /wait: You wait. /wait self: WAIT UP! /wait target: You wait on (him, her, or it).
- /ward - /ward: STAY AWAY! /ward self: Superstitious? You rub a charm to ward off misfortune. /ward target: You make warding signs at (him, her, or it).
- /warningshot - This ranged attack can terrify your target, making them unwilling to run towards you to attack.
- /watch - Actively watches targeted performer.
- /wave - /wave: You wave. /wave self: You wave to yourself. /wave target: You wave to (him, her, or it).
- /waypoint - By typing /waypoint and the coordinates, you will create a waypoint in your data pad.
- /welcome - /welcome: WELCOME ALL! /welcome sefl: You welcome yourself. /welcome target: Welcome, (target name).
- /whap - /whap: You whap everyone. /whap self; You whap yourself repeatedly. /whap target: You whap (him, her, or it) upside the head.
- /whathe -
- /whimper - /whimper: You whimper. /whimper self: You whimper softly to yourself. /whimper target: You whimper softly at (target name).
- /whistle - /whistle: You whistle innocently. /whistle self: You whistle a chipper tune. /whistle target: You whistle appreciively at (him, her, or it).
- /who - Allows you to search for players. The following variations exist:
- /who [player character's first name]: Lists a specific player-character.
- /who [part of a name]: Lists any player-characters who share the portion of the name you listed.
- /who [species name]: Lists all player-characters of a specific species in your area.
- /who lfg: Lists anyone looking to join a group. (You can set yourself to looking for group by typing /lfg)
- /who helper: Lists efveryone who has identified themsleves as a Newbie helper. (you can list yourself as a helper by typing /helper)
- /who [profession]: Lists all player-characters in the area who are a member of that profession.
- /who imperial: to see imperial players
- /who rebel: to see rebel players
- /wildpanic - /wildpanic: AAAAAAYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!! /wildpanic self: You panic about, waving your hands in the air. /wildpanic target: You panic about (target name), waving your hands in the air.
- /wince - /wince: You wince. /wince self: You wince in pain. /wince target: You wince at (him, her, or it).
- /wink - /wink: Wink. /wink self: You wink suggestively. /wink target: You wink suggestively at (target name).
- /wipeItems -
- /wookieehug - /wookieehug: You hold your arms out wide and look for a target to wookiee hug. /wookieehug self: You wookiee hug yourself and stretch out your shoulders. /wookieehug target: You give (target name) a great, big wookie hug that lifts (him, her, or it) off the ground.
- /wookieeroar -
- /worship -
- /wrinkle - /wrinkle: You wrinkle your nose and make a sour face. /wrinkle self: You wrinkle your nose at yourself. /wrinkle targete: You wrinkle your nose at (target name).
- /wtg -
- /yawn - /yawn: YAAAWWWNN! /yawn self: You tries to hide a yawn. /yawn target: You yawn at (him, her, or it).
- /yell - Sends your message to a wider area around your person. (same as /shout)
- /yes - /yes: You nod affirmatively. Yes. /yes self: You nod at yourself agreeingly. /yes target: You nod affirmatively to (target name).
- /zip - /zip: You zip your lips. /zip self: You check your zipper to make sure it's closed. /zip target: You instruct (target name) to zip (his, her, or its) lips.
- /zone - /zone: You zone out. /zone self: You zone out and ignore your surrounding. /zone target: You zone out and ignore (target name).
- C - C This command opens your character sheet and closes it.
- H - H This command opens your help and closes it.
- I - I This command opens your inventory and closes it.
- J - J This command opens your journal and closes it.
- K - This command opens & closes your datapad.
- L - L This command creates a natural light around your char.
- M - M This command creates an overhead map.
- O - O This command opens your options and closes it.
- P - P This command opens your profession and closes it.
- R - R Sends a tell to the last person to send a tell to you (also T or the R key)
- T - T Sends an instant message to the player indicated. You can send the message to multiple people by separating their names with a comma
- V - V This command opens your plantary map.
Not Detecting my... by Rowdy |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Server specific... by frapus |
Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server Genesis by Stadium |
Re: Add Server Genesis by SWGGenesis |