Star Wars Galaxies Pilot Command List JTL

General commands

  • /assignPlayerFormation - formation commands were removed
  • /associateDroidControlDeviceWithShip - Associate Droid With Ship
  • /boosterOff - turns your booster off
  • /boosterOn - turns your booster on
  • /boosterToggle - toggle your booster on/off
  • /bstrike1 - Bomber Strike 1 (Imperial Only)
  • /bstrike2 - Bomber Strike 2 (Imperial Only)
  • /bstrike3 - Bomber Strike 3 (Imperial Only)
  • /closeWings - Close s-foils (if your ship has them)
  • /comm - communicate with target
  • /componentDetail - brings up ship component window
  • /dock - dock with target
  • /enterFormation - formation commands were removed
  • /epulse1 - Energy Pulse 1 (Privateer Only)
  • /epulse2 - Energy Pulse 2 (Privateer Only)
  • /epulse3 - Energy Pulse 3 (Privateer Only)
  • /escapePod yes - launches your escape pod
  • /eshields - Emergency Shields (Alliance Only)
  • /ethrust - Emergency Thrust (Privateer Only)
  • /eweapons - Emergency Weapons (Imperial Only)
  • /iffscramble - IFF Transponder Scramble (Alliance / Privateer)
  • /insertItemIntoShipComponentSlot - Load Item into Ship
  • /inspacereload - Underway Replenishment (Alliance Only)
  • /inspacerepair - In Space Repair (Alliance Only)
  • /inspacerr - Repair and Replenishment (Alliance Only)
  • /inspect - Inspect the current target
  • /installShipComponent - Install Ship Component
  • /jstart1 - Jump Start 1 (Alliance Only)
  • /jstart2 - Jump Start 2 (Alliance Only)
  • /jstart3 - Jump Start 3 (Alliance Only)
  • /kickFromShip - kick a player from your ship (since grouping change)
  • /launchCountermeasure - launch a countermeasure (doesn't seem to work)
  • /launchMissile - launch purple "dummy" missile that does no damage
  • /leaveFormation - formation commands were removed
  • /leaveStation - leave your current station (POB ships only)
  • /lightEngineScramble - ???
  • /matchSpeed - match speed with your current target
  • /nblast - Nebula Blast (Imperial Only)
  • /openCloseWings - toggle s-foils open or closed (if your ship has them)
  • /openWings - Open s-foils (if your ship has them)
  • /pilotShip - jump into the pilot's seat without targeting the chair (only works inside the cockpit)
  • /ptrap1 - Pirate Trap 1 (Privateer Only)
  • /ptrap2 - Pirate Trap 2 (Privateer Only)
  • /pumpreactor - Pump Reactor (Imperial Only)
  • /questJournal - displays your quest journal (may only work in flight if you aren't FS)
  • /requestSpaceTrainer - calls up the trainer built in to starter ships
  • /setFormation - formation commands were removed
  • /setFormationSlot - formation commands were removed
  • /targetPilot - ???
  • /taunt (message) - send taunt message to target (doesn't seem to work)
  • /throttle (0.00-1.00) - set your throttle, 0.00 being no thrust, 1.00 being full thrust, 0.50 being half, etc...
  • /toggleCombatTaunts - toggle taunts on/off
  • /ui radarSelect (0-3) - sets radar style
  • /ui reticleSelect (0-6) - sets reticle style
  • /unassociateDroidControlDeviceWithShip - Unassociate Droid With Ship
  • /undock - undock with target
  • /uninstallShipComponent - Uninstall Ship Component
  • /unpilotShip - stand from pilot's seat in POB ships
  • /vrepair - Ship System Emergency Repair (Alliance Only)
  • /vrepairother - Emergency Repair Other Ship's System (Alliance Only)
  • /waypointAutopilot - can't get this one to work
  • /weaponGroupAssignment - opens the weapon group window
  • /zoneMap - calls up the 3D zone map

Hyperspace commands

  • /aborthyperspace - Stops the current jump. There is a 40 second countdown before you can start another.
  • /hyperspaceMap - Calls up the galaxy map.
  • /hyperspace (destination point) - You don't need to include the names, I've just listed them for reference.
  • /hyperspace space_corellia_0 (Corsec Wing)
  • /hyperspace space_corellia_1 (Trifecta Star)
  • /hyperspace space_corellia_2 (Binyare Razorcat)
  • /hyperspace space_corellia_3 (Corellia's Own)
  • /hyperspace space_corellia_4 (Talus Secta)
  • /hyperspace space_dantooine_0 (Dantooine's Wrath)
  • /hyperspace space_dantooine_1 (Asair's Ribbon)
  • /hyperspace space_dantooine_2 (Isryn's Veil)
  • /hyperspace space_dantooine_3 (Gorvera Space)
  • /hyperspace space_dathomir_0 (Dark Force)
  • /hyperspace space_dathomir_1 (Empire Blockade)
  • /hyperspace space_dathomir_2 (Emperor's Hand)
  • /hyperspace space_dathomir_3 (Dathomir's Vitality)
  • /hyperspace space_endor_0 (Red Sin Chimaera)
  • /hyperspace space_endor_1 (Area D-435)
  • /hyperspace space_endor_2 (Empire's Justice)
  • /hyperspace space_endor_3 (Durillium Sea)
  • /hyperspace space_lok_0 (Nym's Hovel)
  • /hyperspace space_lok_1 (Rebellion Blaze)
  • /hyperspace space_lok_2 (Lurid Dawn)
  • /hyperspace space_lok_3 (Voria's Ember)
  • /hyperspace space_naboo_0 (Royal Way)
  • /hyperspace space_naboo_1 (Penumbra Omen)
  • /hyperspace space_naboo_2 (Sea of Veruna)
  • /hyperspace space_naboo_3 (Kylantha's Whim)
  • /hyperspace space_tatooine_0 (Miner's Yard)
  • /hyperspace space_tatooine_1 (Deep Sea)
  • /hyperspace space_tatooine_2 (Desert Sands)
  • /hyperspace space_tatooine_3 (Outer Rim)
  • /hyperspace space_yavin4_0 (Smuggler's Run)
  • /hyperspace space_yavin4_1 (Ferrous Aurora)
  • /hyperspace space_yavin4_2 (Crimson Flare)
  • /hyperspace space_kashyyyk_0 (Neutral Territories)
  • /hyperspace space_kashyyyk_1 (Avatar Platform)
  • /hyperspace space_kashyyyk_2 (Imperial Overseers Base)
  • /hyperspace space_kashyyyk_3 (Rodian Territories)

Droid commands

  • /droid - send your droid a specific command (example: /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustrearfour )
  • /droid droidcommand_mutedroid (Mute Droid/Flight-Computer - common to all three classes)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustfrontfour (Shield Front Adjust - Extreme)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustfrontthree (Shield Front Adjust - Heavy)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustfronttwo (Shield Front Adjust - Moderate)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustfrontone (Shield Front Adjust - Light)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustrearfour (Shield Rear Adjust - Extreme)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustrearthree (Shield Rear Adjust - Heavy)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustreartwo (Shield Rear Adjust - Moderate)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldadjustrearone (Shield Rear Adjust - Light)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldbacktofronthundred (Shield Front Reinforcement - Extreme)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldbacktofronteighty (Shield Front Reinforcement - Heavy)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldbacktofrontfifty (Shield Front Reinforcement - Moderate)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldbacktofronttwenty (Shield Front Reinforcement - Light)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldfronttobackhundred (Shield Rear Reinforcement - Extreme)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldfronttobackeighty (Shield Rear Reinforcement - Heavy)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldfronttobackfifty (Shield Rear Reinforcement - Moderate)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldfronttobacktwenty (Shield Rear Reinforcement - Light)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldemergencyfront (Shield Emergency Front)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldemergencyrear (Shield Emergency Rear)
  • /droid droidcommand_shieldnormalize (Shields Normalization)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineefficiencyfour (Engine Tuning - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineefficiencythree (Engine Tuning - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineefficiencytwo (Engine Tuning - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineefficiencyone (Engine Tuning - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineoverloadfour (Engine Overload - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineoverloadthree (Engine Overload - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineoverloadtwo (Engine Overload - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_engineoverloadone (Engine Overload - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_enginenormalize (Engine Equalization)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponeffeciencyfour (Weapon Tuning - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponeffeciencythree (Weapon Tuning - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponeffeciencytwo (Weapon Tuning - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponeffeciencyone (Weapon Tuning - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponoverloadfour (Weapon Overload - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponoverloadthree (Weapon Overload - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponoverloadtwo (Weapon Overload - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponoverloadone (Weapon Overload - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_weaponnormalize (Weapon Normalization)
  • /droid droidcommand_reactoroverloadfour (Reactor Overload - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_reactoroverloadthree (Reactor Overload - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_reactoroverloadtwo (Reactor Overload - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_reactoroverloadone (Reactor Overload - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_reactornormalize (Reactor Stabilization)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcappowerupfour (Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcappowerupthree (Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcappoweruptwo (Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcappowerupone (Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcaptoshieldfour (Capacitor to Shield Shunt - Four)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcaptoshieldthree (Capacitor to Shield Shunt - Three)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcaptoshieldtwo (Capacitor to Shield Shunt - Two)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcaptoshieldone (Capacitor to Shield Shunt - One)
  • /droid droidcommand_weapcapequalize (Weapon Capacitor Reset)

Chatter commands

  • /chatterspeech acceleratetoattack (Accelerate to attack speed.)
  • /chatterspeech allclear (All clear.)
  • /chatterspeech allwingsreport (All wings report in.)
  • /chatterspeech almostthere (Almost there.)
  • /chatterspeech attackcriticaltarget (Attack the critical target!)
  • /chatterspeech attackmytarget (Attack my target!)
  • /chatterspeech attackrun (Get set to make your attack run.)
  • /chatterspeech cantholdthem (I can't hold them.)
  • /chatterspeech cantmaneuver (I can't maneuver!)
  • /chatterspeech cantshakethem (Help! I can't shake them!)
  • /chatterspeech closeup (Close up formation.)
  • /chatterspeech defendourtarget (Defend our target.)
  • /chatterspeech escortcriticaltarget (Escort the critical target.)
  • /chatterspeech fallback (Fall back! Regroup on the surface.)
  • /chatterspeech followmylead (Follow my lead.)
  • /chatterspeech fullthrottle (We're going in full throttle.)
  • /chatterspeech gothim (Got him!)
  • /chatterspeech greatgoingkid (Great going, kid!)
  • /chatterspeech greatshot (Great shot!)
  • /chatterspeech heavyfire (I'm taking heavy fire!)
  • /chatterspeech holdthemoff (Just hold them off for a few seconds.)
  • /chatterspeech imhit (I'm hit!)
  • /chatterspeech iminrange (I'm in range.)
  • /chatterspeech imonit (I'm on it.)
  • /chatterspeech imontheleader (I'm on the leader.)
  • /chatterspeech iseethem (I see them!)
  • /chatterspeech itsahit (It's a hit!)
  • /chatterspeech itsaway (It's away!)
  • /chatterspeech keepeyesopen (Keep your eyes open.)
  • /chatterspeech locksfoils (Lock S-foils in attack position.)
  • /chatterspeech negative (Negative.)
  • /chatterspeech negativenoimpact (Negative. It just impacted on the surface.)
  • /chatterspeech onmetight (He's on me tight.)
  • /chatterspeech outgunned (I'm outgunned here!)
  • /chatterspeech rendezvous (Rendezvous at my location.)
  • /chatterspeech reportin (All wings report in.)
  • /chatterspeech retreat (Retreat!)
  • /chatterspeech rightwithyou (Right with you.)
  • /chatterspeech scopesnegative (My scope's negative.)
  • /chatterspeech stayontarget (Stay on target.)
  • /chatterspeech targetcoming (Targets coming up!)
  • /chatterspeech theycamefrombehind (They came from behind.)
  • /chatterspeech thisisit (This is it!)
  • /chatterspeech watchcrossfire (Watch that crossfire!)
  • /chatterspeech watchyourback (Watch your back!)
  • /chatterspeech watchyourself (Watch yourself!)
  • /chatterspeech wellstayback (We'll stay back.)
  • /chatterspeech wholeading (Who's leading this sortie?)
  • /chatterspeech wookieewin (Let the wookiee win.)
  • /chatterspeech youreallclearkid (You're all clear, kid.)

Ship commands

  • /ship - send your ship a specific command (example: /ship WeaponGroup toggleTractor )
  • /ship info - Show ship info (basically just ship name)
  • /ship WeaponGroup - list weapon subcommands
  • /ship WeaponGroup add - Add a weapon to a group
  • /ship WeaponGroup clear - Clear a weapon group
  • /ship WeaponGroup defaults [all] - Reset defaults for current or all ships' weapon groups
  • /ship WeaponGroup fire - Fire weapons in the specified projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireCountermeasures - Fire countermeasures.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireMissile [next] - Fire weapons in the current missile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireProjectile [next] - Fire weapons in the current projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireProjectileStop [next] - Stop firing weapons in the current projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireStop - Stop firing weapons in the specified projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup fireTractor - Fire the ship's tractor beam.
  • /ship WeaponGroup info [all] - Show all WeaponGroup info for ship(s)
  • /ship WeaponGroup nextMissile - Select next missile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup nextProjectile - Select next projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup previousMissile - Select previous missile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup previousProjectile - Select previous projectile group.
  • /ship WeaponGroup remove - Remove a weapon from a group
  • /ship WeaponGroup stopTractor - Stop firing the ship's tractor beam.
  • /ship WeaponGroup toggleTractor - Toggle firing the ship's tractor beam.
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