SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide

Part 10: Captives of Corellia

Quest Received: Situation Resolved: Level 37
After a brief pause following the previous quest, Madison Silene [-5132, -2633], a friend of Angela's, contacts you to ask for your help in locating her missing husband. Talk to her in Tyrena to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Talk to Bandor: Level 37
Rewards: 11440 Quest XP
Madison asks you to speak to her husband's friend, Bandor Mokk [-5315, -2397] about his disappearance. Bandor identifies Faye Patrick, CL 38 elite [-5289, 2523], to be defeated. Once you've beaten her, loot Faye for her datapad and check it. Return to Bandor. He sends you to find Madison's husband, Kyran Silene [-4697, -1880] at a camp outside Tyrena. Talk to Kyran to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Incriminating Evidence: Level 37
Rewards: 15840 Quest XP
[NOTE: There are four optional side quests that you can also begin at this camp. All of them require you to go to the same slave bunker as the main quest to complete, and some steps are duplicated, and can generally be timed so as to prevent double work. These side quests are detailed immediately below this one.]
This is a fairly long quest, especially if you also take the side quests, so settle in. Kyran sends you to a slave bunker [-6406, -2147] to help free slaves that were left behind. At the bunker, kill slaver guards, CL 37, to gain access. Once you have access, slice the warehouse security terminal [-6306, -2060] for information on getting to the lower levels.
Use the elevator to go down a level and find Noro [-6394, -1961]. Noro will send you to find the administrator's desk terminal [-6430, -2081]. Examine the desk terminal, then spike it, using the electrical control terminal [-6269, -2111], then return to the administrator's desk terminal to verify that it was spiked.
Use the slave pen elevator [-6360, -1910] and go down a level to Akkus Meik [-6350, -2012]. The slave pen has 3 elite slaver guards, CL 38 elite, and 1 slavemaster, CL 38 elite.
Akkus sends you to the surveillance room to get a guard's password using the surveillance terminal [-6332, -1943], then go up one floor to slice the security terminal at [-6258, -2001]. On same floor Use the security elevator [-6274, -2067] and slice the main computer [-6321, -2074].
Use the security elevator to go back up, then use the detention elevator [-6298, -2025] to get to the detention level. Kill four prison guards, CL 38 elite in the detention area, then slice the prison command console [-6313, -2080].

Main Elevator up at [-6334, -2004]

Return to Kyran to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Lost Love: Level 37
Rewards: 15840 Quest XP, 7000 credits and one of the following:
[well-worn hat]
[well-worn Wookiee hood]
[well-worn Ithorian hat]
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest that you can also begin at this camp, which requires you to go to the same slave bunker as the "Incriminating Evidence" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Incriminating Evidence," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
At the camp, speak to Bannoc G'noc [-4727, -1982], who will ask you to look for Narlissa, a woman who was kind to him while they were enslaved at the compound. He suggests speaking to a guard to helped them once.
At the slave bunker, use the first elevator to go down a level and find a timid guard [-6394, -2038]. He will send you to check the security terminal [-6258, -2001].
You will need access to the detention elevator [-6298, -2025] (see main quest), and use it to get to the detention level. Kill four prison guards, CL 38 elite in the detention area. Narlissa is dead. Check her datapad [-6338, -2091].
Return to Bannoc to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Petty Resolve: Level 37
Rewards: 15840 Quest XP, 6600 credits, and [a potent bacta syringe]
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest that you can also begin at this camp, which requires you to go to the same slave bunker as the "Incriminating Evidence" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Incriminating Evidence," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
At the camp, speak to Vermon Skeets [-4703, -1907]. He wants you to find Akers in the slave bunker and kill him for revenge.
At the slave bunker, use the first elevator to go down a level and find Dulor Norr [-6407, -1951]. Dulor sends you to get a datapad from a technician, CL 35. Technicians can be found at [-6428, -2048]. Loot a datapad from a technician, and slice it from your inventory. Akers is on the level below you.
You will need access to the slave pen elevator [-6360, -1910] (see main quest), and use it to get to down a level.
In the slave pen, talk to Akers [-6481, -1952]. Akers will send you back up to check a medical computer [-6300, -1942], then retrieve Vermon's medication from the medical cabinet [-6305, -1949]. Return to Akers, so he can inspect the medication.
Return to Vermon to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Forgotten Child: Level 37
Rewards: 15840 Quest XP and [Thermal Imaging Binoculars]
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest that you can also begin at this camp, which requires you to go to the same slave bunker as the "Incriminating Evidence" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Incriminating Evidence," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
At the camp, speak to Zorgom Z'all [-4707, -1873]. He asks you to locate his daughter at the slave bunker.
At the slave bunker, use the first elevator to go down a level and speak to Gordo Zek [-6367, -1955]. Gordo sends you to check the administrator's desk terminal [-6430, -2081]. The terminal refers to certain guards having access to a terminal with more updated information.
You will need access to the slave pen elevator [-6360, -1910] (see main quest), and use it to get to down a level. Kill three elite slaver guards, CL 38 elite, for the access codes. Go back up to Gordo, who will send you to slice the security terminal [-6258, -2001].
You will need access to the detention elevator [-6298, -2025] (see main quest), and use it to get to the detention level. Kill four prison guards, CL 38 elite in the detention area. Talk to Neeka Z'all [-6312, -2106].
Return to Zorgom to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Slavemaster: Level 37
Rewards: 11440 Quest XP, 4000 credits and [an ornate bracelet]
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest that you can also begin at this camp, which requires you to go to the same slave bunker as the "Incriminating Evidence" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Incriminating Evidence," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
At the camp, speak to Anyza Ekull [-4714, --1889]. She asks you to go to the slave bunker and kill the slavemaster.
At the slave bunker, use the first elevator to go down a level.
You will need access to the slave pen elevator [-6360, -1910] (see main quest), and use it to get to down a level. Kill the slavemaster, CL 38 elite, who wanders the slave pen at approximately [-6378, -1995.
Return to Anyza to complete the quest.