SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide
Part 5: The RSF Computer, Find the 3rd and 4th Droid Modules
Return to the RSF Computer in Theed.
Query: Old Republic Droid Modules:
Update Information about acquisition of a droid module: Quest Complete:
Return to Old Republic Droid Modules Front Page:
3. -Strategy/Tatics Simulation Chip
Query: Last Known Location:
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Quest Received: Old Republic Droid Modules: The Droideka: Level 28
Rewards: 9540 Quest XP, 2511cr
The chip was in a Droideka being studied at a research lab near Deeja Peak.
Speak to Professor Hudmasse [4694, -1395] at Deeja Peak for further info.
Quest completed.
Speak with the Professor, and ask about the stonewell labs.
You will need to complete 2 quests to gain objects the Professor needs to create a device that can override the Security of the Droideka, in order for you to get the chip you need.
Quest Received: Go To Vance Groten :Level 1
Speak to Vance Groten [5155, -1535] to complete the quest.
Vance doesn't have any Beacons on him, but he knows where you could get them, but first, he has some chores for you...
Quest Received: Help Keep Dee'Ja Peak Safe: Level 26
Rewards: 8405 Quest XP, 11544cr
First kill 13 Naboo Pirates (around CL26) @ [5314, -1316]
Next Kill 12 Maulers (around CL27) @ [5737, -1185]
Next kill 11 Feral Shaupauts (around CL26) @ [4704, -2277]
Next Kill Blot CL26 Elite (about a 2 minute respawn)
Once they're all dead, return to Vance Groten to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Find a Security Beacon: Level 27
Rewards: 8965 Quest XP, 12687cr + [Planetary Positioning System]
You are to speak to Kippy Martin [4321, -1251] who might still have her Beacon. She asks you to kill 12 Starving Flewts (CL27) as they're too loud... Once they're dead, speak once again to Kippy, and she tells you she buried the beacon, hoping it would grow into a beacon tree... cuckoo...So you need to return to Vance and ask him if he has any other ideas..
Vance will send you to Walker Luskeske [4992, -1503], speak with him. He will agree to trade hunting trophies for the beacon. First you must get a trophey from Mountain Spineflaps [5390, -2402]
Kill 9 Mountain Spineflaps CL27.
Kill Sprywing CL26 Elite.
Next you need to Hunt Narglatches [4407, -1859] Kill 11. (Around CL27).
Once they're all dead, return to Walker.. Walker gives you his Beacon, unfortunatly it's broken, but he thinks Vance should be able to fix it. Return to Vance to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Do Vance Groten a Favor: Level 28
Rewards: 9540 Quest XP, 9649cr
Vance needs you to get a ring back he lost in a game of cards. He sends you to speak with Herman Pate [4871, -1442]. Unfortunatly, Herman gave the ring away to pay off his own debt. So now you need to go get it back from them..
Go to the Mountaintop Smuggler Camp [5515, -2226] and defeat the following:
11 Mountaintop Spice Runners CL28
12 Mountaintop Smugglers CL27
Next kill Janelle (the Mountaintop Smuggler Chief) CL26 Elite (located at the waypoint tent) 5 minute respawn timer. Once dead return and speak to Vance to complete the Quest.
Vance explains that the Beacon was stolen after he fixed it, and you will need to go get it back.
Quest Received: Get the Security Beacon Back from the Mercenaries: Level 29
Rewards: 12950 Quest XP, 12222cr + [Kartha's Cliff-Jumper]
Head to the Strehkforce Camp [4821, -2570] and defeat the following:
12 Strehkforce Soldiers CL28
15 Strehkforce Mercenaries
Once they're dead, you are required to kill the 2 leaders and kill them:
Evan Strehk
Maris Fahrs
Then locate the Beacon on the crates under the covering.. then return to Vance. He sends you back to Professor Hudmasse to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Tanoa Vills: Level 1
Speak to Tanoa Vills [4744, -1319] to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Get the Parts for a Sequencer: Level 27
Rewards: 8965 Quest XP, 9437cr
There are 3 parts you need to get so Tanoa can make you a sequencer.
First head to the Mummer Cave [4069, -1702] and defeat Mummer Scientists until you obtain a XJ5 Circuit Board. The Cave is surrounded by CL26 Mummers.
Next head to a junk pile in town: [4808, -1427]. Once there click on 3 "An Old Terminal"s to obtain the Fractal Transmitters you need.
Next head to the Skaak Tippers Cave [4557, -935] and defeat Skaak Tipper Machinist (CL27) until you obtain 8 Octave Regulators. The cave is surrounded by CL26-27 Skaaks.
Once you have them, head back to Tanoa Vills to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Salvage the Equipment at the Crashed Shuttle: Level 28
Rewards: 9540 Quest XP, 9412cr + All:
[Detachable Weapon Scope]
[Detachable Sword Scope]
Head to a crashed shuttle that was carrying research equipment, and see if you can salvage anything..
The area is surrounded by CL26-27 Narglatches.
Kill 11 Rabid Narglatch (CL26).
Kill 9 Rabid Narglatch Matriarchs (CL27)
Next Kill ‘Grizzlefur' CL27 Elite.
Next you need to locate 8 crates of Equipment. They are all very near the crash site, sue your map to see them. The all appear as white squares. Once collected you are told the last crate was empty, and nearby a torn piece of cloth belonging to the Darkwalkers. Return and speak to Tanoa to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Find out what the Darkwalkers took from the Crashed Shuttle: Level 29
Rewards: 10135 Quest XP, 9514cr
Head to shuttleport [5333, -1573] and use the shipping terminal to see if it will tell you what was I nthe empty crate. The shipping terminal is at the back of the shuttleport [5362, -1558]. Unfortunatly, the shipping terminal can't tell you what was in the crate, so you'll have to pay a visit to the Darkwalker's and "ask" them.. Head over to the Darkwalker Cave [5051, -2084]
kill 11 Darkwalker Techniks (CL26) till you get the info (they are NOT in the cave)..
Next, kill 9 Darkwalker Systols (CL27)
Next, Kill 9 Darkwalker Triops
You learn that they took a bio-scanner from the shuttle, and it was the Darkwalkers who shot it down in order to get this bio-scanner. Return and speak to Tanoa to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Recover the stolen Bio-Scanner :Level 30
Rewards: 13755 Quest XP, 9524cr + [Explorer's Pants]
Once again, head back to the Darkwalker's cave where you are to enter the cave, and kill the following:
9 Darkwalker Vindicators CL28
11 Darkwalker Guardiols CL28
Next you have to kill Flangolial (a Darkwalker Scientist) CL28 Elite [4960, -1918] 5 minute respawn
Next you have to kill Trienial (a Darkwalker Bloodlord) CL28 Elite [4843, -1960] 5 minute respawn
Then return and speak to Tanoa. She will give you a competed sequencer which you should retun to Professor Hudmasse.. Quest Complete.
Quest Recevied: Old Republic Droid Modules: The Droideka: Level 28
Rewards: 12190 Quest XP, 10829cr, + [Schematic: Droideka Personal Shield]
Head to Stonewell Labs [5825, -1969]. It is surrounded by CL26 droids.
You are to kill the Droideka to obtain the part. CL26 Elite. [5921, -1904]. 5 Minute Respawn. Non Aggro.
Once you kill it, you are to return to the RSF computer in Theed.
/find shutt to get back to Dee'Ja Peak shuttleport, then onto Theed shuttleport C (nearest to the palace), then to the RSF computer in the palace.
Radial Menu: Access Computer:
Query: Old Republic Droid Modules
Update Information about acquisition of a droid module.
Quest Complete.
Return to Old Republic Droid Modules Fron Page
4. - Stochastic Decision Chip
Query: Last Known Location
- Download Information to Datapad -
Quest Received: Old Republic Droid Modules: The Gungan Battle Droid: Level 28
Rewards: 12190 Quest XP, 10874cr
You are to seek the assistance of Boss Nass. Head to his location [-1992, -5422]. Easiest way it to check the planetary map, find the closest player town, and catch a shuttle there...
Speak with Boss Nass, and he tells you that 5 Gungan artifacts have been stolen, and he needs you to get them back.
Quest Received: Recover the Gungan Artifact stolen by the Maulers... : Level 27
Rewards: 8965 Quest XP, 9432cr
Head to thr Mauler Bunker [-2368, -5504] where you are to kill the following:
9 Mauler Fiends CL30 (inside the Bunker)
11 Mauler Zealots CL29 (Outside the Bunker)
9 Mauler Fanatics CL28 (Outside the Bunker)
Next you have to kill Driton Fitch (a Mauler Master) CL30 Elite. Located at the bottom of the bunker.
Next find the artifact. It is called a "An Unknown Object" located on a table on the mid level.
Return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Recover the Gungan artifact stolen by the Skaak Tippers: Level 28
Rewards: 9540 Quest XP, 9432cr + [Bluefish]?
Head to the Skaak Tipper Bunker [-1642, -5355] and kill the following:
9 Skaak Tipper Raiders CL30 (Inside the Bunker)
11 Skaak Tipper Pariahs CL29 (Outside the Bunker)
Next Kill Tomi Skaak CL29 Elite (small room bottom left of the Bunker)
Next find the artifact. Click on the "An Unmarked Crate" in the central large room.
Next you will be led to Dee'Ja Peak as "Dee Skaak" has taken the artifact...
Type /find shutt and take a shuttle to Dee'Ja Peak and then to the Skaak Tipper Cave [4557, -935]
You are to kill Dee Skaak CL30 Elite [4459, -1060], 5 minute respawn, to recover the artifact.
Return and speak to Boss Nass. Type /find shutt to head to the nearest shuttleport... Quest Complete.
Quest Received: Recover the Gungan Artifact Stolen by the Muskegs: Level 28
Rewards: 9540 Quest XP, 9468cr
Head to the Muskeg Anarchist Camp and kill the following:
9 Muskeg Anarchists (CL28 )
Next kill 11 Muskeg Extremists (CL29) at the Muskeg Extremist Camp [-1726, -5682]
Next kill 9 Muskeg Reactionaries (CL30) at the Muskeg Reactionaries Camp [-1735, -5765]
Next kill Flossin Noz CL30 Elite [-1735, -5765]
Return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Recover the Gungan Artifact stolen by the Darkwalkers: Level 29
Rewards: 10135 Quest XP, 9521cr, + [Plasma Shield Generator]
Head to the Darkwalker Bunker [-2205, -5194] and kill the following:
9 Darkwalker Deathravens CL30 (inside the bunker)
11 Darkwalker Preylords CL29 (outside the bunker)
Next kill Vran Tristen (a darkwalker bloodlord) CL29 Elite. 5 minute respawn. Located at the bottom of the bunker. Once dead, return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Recover all Six Pieces of the scatterd Gungan Artifact: Level 29
Rewards: 12950 Quest XP, 9529cr, + [Boss Nass Aqualung]
The last Gungan artifact has been broken into 6 pieces, and you must locate all the pieces from all over the planet!!
[5051, -2084] Darkwalker Cave (Dee'ja Peak) actual [4979, -2026]
[-4526, 3650] Mummer Bunker (Theed) actual [-4540, 3630]
[4805, -4966] Moenia University Hall (Moenia) actual [4772, -4927]
[1787, 2609] Keren Bank (Keren) actual [1742, 2641]
[2858, 1085] Mauler Stronghold (Keren) actual [2925, 1106] (OUTSIDE THE BUNKER!)
[6699, 7187] Skaak Tipper Hideout (Kaadara) actual [6599, 7098]
Once you've found them all, return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Find the Passcode for Ultragungan Droids: Level 29
Rewards: 10135 Quest XP, 9511cr
Head to the Ultragungan camps, and kill 12 Flawed Ultragungan Battle Droids [-1753, -5240] CL29
Next, find 9 powered down Ultragungan Battle Droid. 3 in each camp.
[-1849, -5212]
[-1817, -5311]
[-1754, -5246]
Then return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Ultragungan Soldiers: Level 30
Rewards: 13755 Quest XP, 9518cr, + [Nass Cryo Bombs]
Kill 12 Ultragungan foot soldiers (CL29) at the camp [-1993, -5065]
Next kill 11 Ultragungan Droidtechs CL30
Next find a toolkit used by the droidtechs [-1840, -5075]
Return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
You can now extract the Droideka chip without a problem. Head over to the Ultragungan Lair [-1877, -5597]. At the bottom is a CL28 Elite Battle Droid. Kill it. Then head to Theed, and the RSF computer.
QUERY: Old Republic Droid Modules
Update Information about acquisition of a droid module
Quest Complete.
Return to Old Republic Droid Module Front Page
5. - Update: All Droid Modules Aquired.
Quest Received: Bring the droid modules to Wilson Tchorshel (Rebel)/Lieutenant Maximilian Vox (Imperial): Level 29
Rewards: 16745 Quest XP, 15874cr, [Medal of Bothawui](Bio-Linked)
Head to Kaadara, [4938, 6693] and speak with Special Agent Wilson Tchorshel (Rebel version)
Or Lieutenant Maximilian Vox [5140, 6753] in Kadaara (Imperial Version)
You have the choice to hand over the Droid AI to your contact here...
Quest Complete.
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