SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide

Part 13: Talus

Quest Received: Travel to Talus: Level 40
Travel to Nashal, Talus and speak to CorSec Agent Taarna [4380, 5177]

Quest Received: Talk to Kiki: Level 40
Go to the Selonian den [4962, 5199] and talk to Kiki Dorente [4836, 5094].
The Selonian den has a handful of Talusian smuggler taskmasters, CL 40.

Quest Received: Finding a Weakness: Level 40
Rewards: 23530 Quest XP
Kiki asks you to perform recon on a smuggler base, starting with the southeast hill [4340, 4679], then the landing pad [4275, 4676], the western hill [4201, 4752], then finally the north hill [4275, 4866].
Return to Kiki.
Kiki sends you to gather missions from her den mates:
--Ravi Thienta [4777, 5051] - gives the "Under Your Thumb" quest
--Tika Sileste [4797, 5153] - gives the "Exploiting a Weakness" quest
--Lika Fimente [4771, 5128] - gives the "Gather the Missing" quest.
[NOTE: These are not optional quests - they are all taken simultaneously, and all take place at the smuggler base.]
Kiki wants you to slice the cargo shuttle flight plan, using the terminal at [4289, 4704].
Return to Kiki to complete.

Quest Received: Under Your Thumb: Level 40
Rewards: 18415 Quest XP and [A Selonian Laser Scope]
At the smuggler base, find:
--4 food crates
first food crate: [4257, 4766]
second food crate: [4277, 4780]
third food crate: [4277, 4781]
fourth food crate [4254, 4751]
--3 hide crates
first hide crate: [4260, 4771]
second hide crate: [4279, 4780]
third hide crate: [4326, 4762]
--2 electronics crates
first electronics crate: [4262, 4771]
last electronics crate: [4326, 4762]
--destroy weapons cache [4255, 4764]
Return to Ravi to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Exploiting a Weakness: Level 40
Rewards: 18415 Quest XP and [Modified Alliance Electro-Needler]
At the smuggler base, kill Talusian smugglers, CL 40, until you find a password for the main computer. Once obtained, use the main computer [4282, 4783].
Destroy the 4 binary load lifters, CL 30
Destroy the 4 power droids, CL 30.
Kill 12 Talusian smuggler guards, CL 40. (There are more outside the main base if you need them.)
Kill 4 Talusian elite smuggler guards, CL 40 elite. (There are more of these outside the main base, too.)
Kill the Talusian smuggler leader, CL 40 elite.
Return to Tika to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Gather the Missing: Level 40
Rewards: 18415 Quest XP and [A Selonian Personal Shield Generator]
Find the missing Selonians by searching:
--the supply building [4282, 4769]/[4282, 4783]
--the landing pad building [4297, 4700]/[4286, 4705]
--the living quarters [4267, 4748]/[4255, 4748]
In the living quarters, talk to the smuggler [4255, 4752]. He gives you a password to slice the cargo manifest database [4286, 4776].
Return to Lika to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Address the Den Mother: Level 40
Rewards: 13300 Quest XP, 100 CorSec faction, 27500 credits and [A Selonian Honor Neclkace]
Speak to the Den Mother [4811, 5181] to complete the quest.