SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide
Part 17: Corellia Droid Factory
To continue, speak to CorSec Agent Taarna in Nashal, Talus [4377 5178].
Quest Received: Contact the CorSec Agent: Level 45
Reward: 237 Quest XP
Agent Taarna sends you to meet CorSec Agent Jornel Savas [-6350 356], about 2900m outside Tyrena, just inside the Droid Factory cave.
Quest Received: Talk to Lieutenant Varias in the CorSec Camp: Level 45
Reward: 237 Quest XP
Jornal sends you into the cave to talk to Lieutenant Varias [-6290 379].
Quest Received: Locate the Lost CorSec Patrol: Level 50
Reward: 32137 Quest XP
Lt Varias asks you to find the lost CorSec patrol in the Droid Factory. The Droid Factory is filled with Battle Droids (CL 50) and Super Battle Droids (CL 50 Elite).
The patrol is located at [-6274 447]. Talk to Sergeant Hirka.
Report back to Lt Varias to complete the quest.
Talk to Druno Kener [-6289 361] to continue.
There are a series of side quests that can be taken in the Droid Factory. To begin the side quests, speak to Sergeant Menev [-6280 372].
Quest Received: Destroy 10 Battle Droids: Level 48
Reward: 21263 Quest XP
Sergeant Menev tasks you with destroying 10 battle droids (CL 50).
Return to Sergeant Menev to complete the quest.Quest Received: Destroy 10 Super Battle Droids: Level 50
Reward: 32137 Quest XP
Destroy 10 Super Battle Droids (CL 50 Elite).
Return to Sergeant Menev to complete the quest.Quest Received: Destroy 5 Droidekas: Level 50
Reward: 32137 Quest XP
Destroy 10 Droidekas (CL 52 Elite)
Return to Sergeant Menev to complete the quest.Quest Received: Destroy the Prototype Droid: Level 50
Reward: 49990 Quest XP
Destroy the prototype droid at the bottom of the factory (CL 50 Gold Elite).
Quest Received: Reactivate the Communication Antenna: Level 45
Reward: 18563 Quest XP
Druno sends you to start the power generator [-6260 357], then activate the antenna [-6218 334].
Return to Druno to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Find and Activate the Four Control Terminals
Reward: 32137 Quest XP
Druno sends you to activate the control terminals:
- Terminal 1 [-6189 384]
- Terminal 2 [-6211 454]
- Terminal 3 [-6173 559]
- Terminal 4 [-6132 452]
Return to Druno to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Disable the Droid Factory: Level 52
Reward: 54483 Quest XP, Anakin Skywalker Replica Cybernetic Forearm
You are sent to activate the control override terminal [-6195 653].
Return to Lt Varias to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Traveling to Rori
Reward: 25295 Quest XP
You are sent to speak with Wernell Covington in Narmle, Rori [-5219 -2313].
Quest Received: Vengeance: Level 52
Reward: 35024 Quest XP, 7569 credits
Go speak with Horace Korr [-5126 -2249]. Horace sends you to check the Corellia Times News Archives in Coronet [-172 -4443]. Head back to Narmle to find Horace’s notes in the warehouse at [-5405 -2070]. The warehouse is filled with warehouse thugs (CL 52). The datapad is located at [-5388 -2084].
Return to Horace, then return to Wernell to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Vengeance, Part 2: Level 52
Reward: 35024 Quest XP, 169946 credits
You must reactivate 9 security terminals in Narmle.
- [-5110 -2496]
- [-5198 -2386]
- [-5204 -2262]
- [-5305 -2268]
- [-5452 -2131]
- [-5151 -2238]
- [-5049 -2236]
- [-5004 -2348]
- [-5003 -2469]
Once complete, you are sent to defeat Jurgen Nath (CL54). His hideout can be found at [209 -985], approximately 5400m from Narmle. The hideout is guarded by Jurgen’s bandits (CL 53).
Next, you’re sent to Vladlun Travan’s hideout [-151 1918] to defeat 19 Vladlun’s Henchmen (CL53) and Vladlun Travan (CL 54) [-97 1930].
OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak to Boba Fett.
Return to Wernell to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Boba Fett Throws You to the Wolves: Level 52
Reward: 35024 Quest XP, 9658 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for Vladlun Travan's hideout in the "Vengeance, Part 2" Legacy quest. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Vengeance, Part 2," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Boba Fett just inside Vladlun’s hideout [-156 1908]. He contracts you to defeat Tiaba Charr (CL 54) [-149 2026] on the lower level, Aztin Marn (CL 53) [-148 2020] on the upper level and Titus Dabrini (CL 52) [-48 2016] on the upper level.
Return to Boba Fett to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Lieutenant Orden Tarc: Level 54
Reward: 27511 Quest XP
Go to Lt Orden Tarc [-5120 -2513]
Quest Received: Right Handless Man: Level 54
Reward: 38093 Quest XP, 8654 credits
Check the Cybernetics Lab [-4989 -2546] for clues. There is a searchable data console at the bottom of the lab [-4984 -2553].
Return to Lt Tarc to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Right Handless Man, Part 2: Level 54
Reward: 38093 Quest XP, 8826 credits
Go to the Neo0Cobral base [-5696 -2125] to find info about Ponda Baba. At the base, you will find Cobral brutes (CL 54) and Cobral killers (CL 55). Kill them until the quest updates.
The info received sends you to the Garyn Raider base [=4625 -7543], approximately 5500m away. There, you will find Garyn Raider shooters (CL 53) and Garyn Raider shivs (CL 55). Kill them until the quest updates.
The info received sends you to meet with Ponda Baba and the Gungan Warrior Statue in Narmle [-5360 -2291]. Once there, click on the statue. You will be attacked by 1 Gundark hoodlum (CL 55) and 1 Gundark flunky (CL 54). Then by 1 Gundark flunky (CL 54) and 1 Gundark overseer (CL 56). Finally, by another Gundark flunky (CL 54).
Return to Lt Tarc to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Right Handless Man, Part 3: Level 54
Reward: 27511 Quest XP, 10429 credits, B’omarr Monk Costume Instructions, Standard Holoshroud Emitter
Go to the Gundark base [-5448 -1777]. At the base, you will find Gundark overseers (CL 56), Gundark flunkies (CL 54) and Gundark hoodlums (CL 55). Kill them until the quest updates. You are told that Ponda Baba is at a small camp [-4846 -2557]. You find Ponda Baba (CL 56) at the camp. Attack until he surrenders.
Return to Lt Tarc to complete the quest.
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