SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide

Part 14: Crisis of Allegiance

{{This time around, they've taken a page from the quests in part 13, and there are embedded quests that must be completed before the primary quest can be completed. To make the flow of reading this guide easier, I've embedded those quests within the primary, and noted where the primary picks back up.}}

Quest Received: Fellow Agent: Level 1
CorSec Agent Taarna wants you to speak with Officer Dathnaeya Loessin [649, -3190] in Dearic, Talus. Speak to her to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Crisis of Allegiance: Level 41
Rewards: 24700 Quest XP and 4400 credits
Dathnaeya wants you to check out the Rebel and Imperial organizations to help her choose a side in the Galactic Civil War. You can begin with either side, but must investigate both.
[continuing to embedded quests]

[NOTE: To complete "Crisis of Allegiance," you must only complete one of the factional embedded quests, and accept the other. For example, if you complete the Rebel quests, then speak to the Imperial mission starter, you should be able to complete "Crisis of Allegiance."]

To begin investigating the Rebels, speak with Captain Vande Quellum [276, -3135] at his office [284, -3136].

Quest Received: Rebel Investigation: Level 41
Rewards: 200 Quest XP, 50 Rebel faction points and 1000 credits
Quellum instructs you to speak with his assistant, Treyza Nenei [269, -3134], and retrieve medical supplies from an NSH base [-4600, -3248].
Treyza also instructs you to kill 25 NSH enforcers, CL 41, and locate a captured Wookiee medical officer, Syirlabradawk, within the base.
Once you're at the base and have killed the 25 enforcers, you are commed to kill the NSH seargant, CL 41 elite, patrolling the compound.
The base is staffed with NSH enforcers, CL 41, NSH Elite, CL 41 elite, NSH personnel, CL 30, NSH combat droids, CL 41, and NSH technicians, CL 35.
The medical supplies are primarily located in clusters at the following coordinates:
--[-4562, -3363] - 5 crates
--[-4584, -3411] - 4 crates
--[-4605, -3390] - 4 crates
--[-4582, -3364] - 4 crates
--[-4596, -3358] - 1 crate
--[-4595, -3361] - 3 crates
--[-4617, -3379] - 1 crate
--[-4622, -3380] - 1 crate
--[-4617, -3375] - 1 crate
--[-4619, -3386] - 2 crates
--[-4616, -3887] - 1 crate
Quest completed.

Quest Received: Medical Officer: Level 41
Slice the NSH mainframe [-4635, -3270], then speak to Syirlabradawk [-4552, -3341], who asks you to retrieve:
--chemicals from the supply officer, CL 41 elite [-4588, -3341]
--surgical tools from the medical droid [-4629, -3314]
--bio analyzer from the torture officer, CL 42 elite [-4560, -3284]
Return to Syirlabradawk to complete the quest. If you are a rebel, you can also take on a second quest from him-

Quest Received: Imperial Prisoner Escort: Level 41
Rewards: 100 Rebel faction points
[NOTE: This mission is only offered if you are Rebel]
Syir asks you to kill 10 Imperial escort stormtroopers, CL 41 elite, in the tower at approx. [-4601, -3252].
Return to Syirlabradawk to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Report to the Rebels: Level 41
Rewards: 19330 Quest XP
Return to Treyva and Captain Quellum to complete the quest.

To begin investigating the Imperial, speak with Colonel Braedic Ekirk [506, -2775] at the Imperial guild hall [515, -2825]

Quest Received: Imperial Investigation: Level 41
Rewards: 200 Quest XP, 50 Imperial faction points and 1000 credits
Colonel Ekirk has you speak with Galiir Ac Vandar [502, -2779]. Galiir sends you to the ACLO office [1280, -3127] to kill 5 ACLO saboteurs, CL 41 elite, and ACLO slicers, CL 41, until you are updated with information on the slicer you are looking for.
The office also has ACLO personnel, CL 30, ACLO soldiers, CL 41, ACLO officers, CL 41, ACLO commandos, CL 42 elite, and CLSO technicians, CL 35.
Once you have the slicer information, you are updated to kill Leeta Poandeu, CL 42 elite [1296, -3148].
Quest completed.

Quest Received: Mark Hieks, Deep Cover Agent: Level 41
Speak to deep cover agent Mark Hieks [1286, -3181]. He asks you to tap four computers:
--equipment manifest computer [1300, -3159]
--medical computer [1288, -3196]
--personnel computer [1271, -3152]
--operations computer [1275, -3173]
Return to Mark Hieks to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Imperial Inspectors: Level 41
Rewards: 100 Imperial faction points
[NOTE: This mission is only offered if you are Imperial]
Mark asks you to kill 10 Rebel Inspectors, CL 41 elite, outside the A.C.L.O. base, by the shuttle. [1260, -3080].
Return to Mark to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Report to the Imperials: Level 41
Rewards: 19330 Quest XP, 2000 credits
Return to Galiir and Colonel Ekirk to complete the quest.

[returning to primary quest "Crisis of Allegiance"]
Return to Dathnaeya and convince her to join a side to complete the quest.