SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide
Part 6: Corellia
Return to Colonel Panaka [5196, 6713], Kadaara, Naboo or your factional contact:
[4938, 6693] Special Agent Wilson Tchorshel (Rebel version)
Lieutenant Maximilian Vox [5140, 6753] in Kadaara (Imperial Version)
Quest Received: Working for CorSec: Level 30.
You are to report to Lt. Jasper of the Corellian Security Force, Coronet, Corellia [-69, -4634] Speak with him to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Find the Missing Shipment of Starship Components: Level 30
Rewards: 7775 Quest XP, 10090 Cash.
You are to talk to Ral Mundi [-138, -4719] Coronet.
He will send you to get 2 things, A shipping invoice from Abagga Creel [-293, -4661], and then a shipping schedule from Jesseb Convorr [-65, -4681].
Once you have both, return to Ral Mundi to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Reacquire the Missing Starship Component Shipment: Level 30.
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 10090 Cash
Your are to trace the delivery route taken by the transport which was supposed to deliver the goods.
Launch into space, and head over to the waypoints supplied. The third waypoint you will be jumped by 5x Tier 1 Hutt Ships, kill them and head back to Ral to complete the Quest.
You are now to follow up on new information, and intimidate (kill) 6 Ragtags (CL29) from outside of most cities of Corellia. I found some at [-228, -4941] coronet.
Killing the last ragtag will send you to kill Tomi Jinsin (CL31, elite), Coronet, in his bunker [-527, -5053]. The bunker contains many Ragtags CL31.
Once you have killed Tomi, you are to head to the Coronet Capital building [-211, -4506] to find the shipment. The shipment is located inside [-194, -4595] and labelled an assortment of shipping crates. Return to Ral Mundi. Once you have spoken to Ral, return to Lt Jasper [-69, -4634] to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Coronet Starport Vandalism: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 10258 Cash.
Report to Jesseb Convorr [-65, -4681]. He will send you to Finn Shallo [-175, -4445] to look into vandalism, possibly caused by the Meatlumps...
Finn will send you off to kill 6 Meatlumps (around CL27), found on the edge of the city. I found some at [-10, -4917]. After killing the 6, you get a cryptic message about being blamed for the vandalised terminals. Return to Finn to complete the quest.
Quest Received: Coronet Starport Vandalism: Level 30.
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 10258 cash.
You are to report to an ex-ragtag, called Demmi Wot, [-452, -4467]
You are to destroy 2 groups of Ragtags in space. When you're ready, launch into Corellian space.
You will have to destroy 1 group of 3x Tier 1s and 1x Tier 2 Ragtag fighters, and the 2nd group of 4x Tier 2 fighters. Once destroyed, return home to Demmi. Demmi will send you to Jesseb Convorr [-65, -4681], and Jesseb will send you back to Lt Jasper to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Help Farmer Pol Handerin: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 10879 Credits, and:
[Homemade Sweet Cakes]
Head to Farmer Pol [185, -4261], he will send you to kill the following:
@ [309, -3997]
Gravefeather, CL30, Elite
Enraged Carrion Spats, CL30
Once you've killed them return to Pol, to receive the second part:
Travel to a Nedgar Camp [337, -4404]
Kill Trae Nedgar, CL31 Elite
Kill 12 Nedgar Bandits, CL31
Recover stolen 8x grain
[338, -4395] Outside
[348, -4405] Outside
[355, -4411] Inside
[342, -4419] Inside
[345, -4402] Inside
[350, -4399] Inside
[356, -4397] Inside
[368, -4422] Inside
Once they're all dead, and you have all the grain, return to Pol, and then return to Lt. Jasper to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Working for the government: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 11025 Credits
You are to head to see Gallura Handerin [-216, -4560] at the Corellia Capital building. [-211, -4506]
Gallura's first task is to seek out 7 government drop boxes:
[-179, -4386]
[-10, -4446]
[-479, -4492]
[-491, -4670]
[-83, -4617]
[-126, -4698]
[-362, -4444]
2nd, 5th & 7th one you loot, you will be jumped by 2x CL30 Vicious Thugs
Once you have all the 7, return to The Corellia Capital Building, and Gallura to get your next task.
You are to recover some stolen armour. There are 14 Armour thieves, CL31, which you need to kill. Head over to [-521, -4413] and let loose the aggression! Once you've killed the thieves, head back Gallura, [-216, -4560] for your next task.
You are to head to the Theatre to look for a missing Courier.
The Courier is located at [-193, -4241], when you click on the corpse, you will be sent a COMM saying you are to pay 1,000,000 credits if you want the government documents back. You are to head to the given waypoint to meet Preens B'oola [407, -4972]. The camp is surrounded by CL30 Vicious Thugs, and Preens B'oola is CL30 Elite. Once you've killed Preens, head back to Gallura to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Help Get the Informant's Information: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 11045 Credits, and:
[Nutritional Supplements]
You are to report to Brantlee Spondoon [-236, -4570].
Your first task is to meet with an informant to gather some information at [137, -4621]. Inside the warehouse where you are to meet the informant, there are the following aggro NPC's:
CL33 CorSec Deserter
CL30 CorSec trooper
CL34 Renegade CorSec trooper
CL31 Rogue CorSec trooper
At the bottom of the warehouse is the prone body of the government informant [120, -4640], speak with him to get your next task; you are to find his hidden datadisk. Head to [444, -4644] where you'll find a crate marked "A Dented Crate" again surrounded by the same CL Ex CorSec troopers encountered in the warehouse. Clicking on the crate will then reveal your next task, to kill 5 of the CorSec in the area. Killing the 5th will give you a pop up message stating a Rogue CorSec Datapad has been placed in your inventory. You are to log onto this datapad. To do so, simply right click it, and select the option, "Log onto Datapad" from its radial menu. You find you can't access the datapad, and figure you should take it to Lt. Jasper, [-69, -4634], but first head back to Brantlee, [-236, -4570]. Returning to Lt. Jasper will complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Find out what the Rogue CorSec are Doing, Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 11089 Credits and one of the following:
[CorSec E-11 Rifle]
[CorSec Sword]
Head to the Cantina, and meet a guy called Jonset, [-320, -4487]. Jonset will send you to a secret meeting between the Ragtags and the rogue CorSecs at [-697, -4182]. Head there, and let loose your big ol' cannon or shiny stick! The place is surrounded by CL31 -CL34 rogue CorSec and Ragtags. You are to kill 6 of each side. Once they're dead, access the rogue CorSec Data Terminal, [-701, -4180] (on the desk). Return to Lt. Jasper with the information to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Search the Diktat's Office: Level 30
Rewards: 7775 Quest XP, 9989 Credits
Head to the Diktat, Daclift Gallamby at [-246, 4572] inside the Capital. Once you have spoken to him, you are to search his Desk, (by clicking on it), then his data terminal. Speak with the Diktat about a device attached to his data terminal. He does not know, and you should take the device to Lt. Jasper to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Seek out the gadget specialist: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 11154 credits and:
[Diffusion Generator]
You are to head to the Gadget Specialist, [19, -4775], and speak with him. He will tell you the device can control the data terminal, and be used to seemingly send messages from it. He will rig it to give the coordinates of the remote location, but in the mean time, he has a task for you.
Head to [14, -4577] to meet Frye Troeman] for a bit of debt collection. Frye, wants you to do him a favour before he'll pay, and wants you to meet his supplier at [-41, -5172] to collect some supplies. It's of course a trap, and you'll have to defeat 9 "Troeman's Lackey's", CL30, to continue. Once they're dead, head back to Frye Troeman and ask him politely why he just tried to kill you... Get the money for the Gadget Specialist from Frye, and return. Then back to Lt. Jasper to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Go to the source of the remote signal: Level 30
Rewards: 10765 Quest XP, 11213 credits and:
[CorSec Jacket]
The Source is a long way a way, so get a shuttle. Once you arrive, you have 4 tasks to complete:
Infiltrate 3 rogue CorSec Bases, as follows:
Search for proof, Found in the computer at [5201, 1611]
Kill Commander Hiram Bish, CL31 Elite, [5195, 1615]
Kill Commander Mtara Vinram, CL32 Elite, [5215, 1585]
The place is surrounded by CL33 Rogue CorSec.
You will also get a badge: (Location: Rogue CorSec Base on Corellia) at [5227, 1590]
Once the tasks are complete, return to Lt. Jasper to complete the Quest.
Quest Received: Receive the thanks of the grateful Diktat: Level 30
Rewards: 16745 Quest XP, 29600 Credits, and:
[Medal for distinguished Service]
Return to the Diktat, [-245, -4571], speak with him, get your praise, and return to Lt. Jasper to complete the Quest.
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Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
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Re: Add Server Genesis by SWGGenesis |