SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide

Part 11: CorSec Case Files

Quest Received: Speak with Major Walden: Level 38
Lt. Jasper asks you to speak with Major Alana Walden [-5150, -2361]. Talk to her in Tyrena to complete the quest.

Quest Received: CorSec Case Files: Stolen Honor: Level 38
Rewards: 16670 Quest XP, 19001 credits
Major Walden sends you to speak with Lt. Colonel Wilfred Quelsh (a retired CorSec officer) [-5099, -2442], who then has you speak with his aide, Edbr Vamagh [-5095, -2445]. The aide sends you to defeat 11 Braggan's Fist thugs, CL 38 [-5200, -2340]. When done, go to search the Braggan's Fist camp [-5289, -2024] At the camp, check Kal Braggan's datapad [-5288, -2016]. OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak with Sergeant Sola Hus [-5303, -2078]
The datapad points you to Kal Braggan's hiding place [-5285, -1657]. Kal is dead. Examine his remains, then search the hiding place for the Corellian Medal of Honor and Kal's journal [-5282, -1661] (for both), then return to confront Lt. Colonel Quelsh.
Return to Major Walden to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Recovering Stolen Goods: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 14956 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest that you can also begin at this camp, which requires you to go to the same slave bunker as the "Incriminating Evidence" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "Incriminating Evidence," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Sergeant Sola Hus [-5303, -2078] asks you to pick up 5 crates of stolen goods in the Braggan's Fist Camp:
[-5295, -2024]
[-5295, -2010]
[-5285, -2018]
[-5284, -2007]
[-5267, -2014]
Return to Sola for your reward.

Quest Received: CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery: Level 38
Rewards: 16670 Quest XP, 18994 credits
OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak with Teilo Monnro [-5658, -2332].
OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak with Pech Seki [-5726, -2290]
Major Walden Sends you to speak with Osto Grissom [-5150, -2363], a starship captain outside the cantina. Grissom Sends you to defeat 12 Meatlump Donks, CL 37 [-5109, -2732].
Once completed, you'll be sent to the Meatlump cave [-5694, -2289] to:
--destroy 5 Meatlump armor lockers
[-5765, -2362]
[-5807, -2354]
[-5866, -2391]
[-5836, -2460]
[-5815, -2491]
--destroy 6 Meatlump weapon caches
[-5847, -2414]
[-5776, -2362]
[-5807, -2354]
[-5866, -2391]
[-5836, -2460]
[-5820, -2500]
--destroy 4 Meatlump food stores
[-5809, -2353]
[-5839, -2403]
[-5760, -2357]
[-5806, -2441]
Kill 15 Meatlumps in the cave. Any of the Meatlump Simps (CL 38 SMILEY and Meatlump Nerps (CL 39) will do.
With the 4 tasks compelted, speak to Ubbal Fenn [-5787, -2359]
Return to Major Walden to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Hrath Koo Must Die: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 14954 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for the Meatlump cave you assault in the "CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Teilo Monnro [-5658, -2332] You're asked to defeat Hrath Koo, CL 37 elite [-5830, -2398] in the Meatlump cave.
Return to Teilo to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Meatlump Quitting: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 14932 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for the Meatlump cave you assault in the "CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "CorSec Case Files: Assault and Battery," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Pech Seki [-5726, -2290]. Find Pech Seki's bag and strongbox in the cave. The bag can be found at [-5760, -2362] and the strongbox at [-5846, -2453].
Return to Pech to complete the quest.

Quest Received: CorSec Case Files: The Lucky Mayor: Level 38
Rewards: 16670 Quest XP, 19021 credits
Travel to Kor Vella, Corellia and speak with Lt. Lon Cope [-3102, 2800].
Lt. Cope sends you to speak with the mayor [-3612, 3135], then use the data terminal next to him.
Go to the source of the threatening message [-3646, 2870].
OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak with Lejo Daramus [-3654, 2855].
Enter and search the bunker. The bunker is filled with fiendish durnis, CL 38.
Use the transmitter [-3655, 2843], then examine the scrap of paper under the table.
Go to confront Herschel Sheridan [-3066, 3003]. He is dead - examine his corpse.
Report to Lt. Cope to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Vermin Bunker: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 14943 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for the bunker you assault in the "CorSec Case Files: The Lucky Mayor" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "CorSec Case Files: The Lucky Mayor," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Lejo Daramus [-3654, 2855], just inside the entrance to the bunker. He asks you to kill 11 Fiendish Durnis, CL 38 ).
Return to Lejo for your reward.

Quest Received: CorSec Case Files: Ryll Smuggling Ring: Level 38
Rewards: 16670 Quest Combat XP, 19104 credits
Lt. Cope sends you to speak with ryll addict Menchi Lerann [-3469, 3023], who in turn sends you to Jaylon Geissler [-3324, 3411]. He won't give you the information you want, so go to the ryll storage [-3329, 3403] to destroy 8 crates of ryll to convince him:
[-3324, 3387 - first level]
[-3337, 3386 - second level]
[-3329, 3384 - second level]
[-3334, 3376 - second level]
[-3320, 3375 - second level]
[-3326, 3386 - second level]
[-3327, 3385 - third level]
[-3335, 3375 - third level]
With the crates destroyed, Jaylon gives you the waypoint to Vuul Sarlin's camp [-2955, 3397].
Head there and kill 12 Vuul's Guard (CL 38 ).
Speak with Vuul Sarlin [-2963, 3401].
OPTIONAL QUEST: Accept Vuul's quest.
OPTIONAL QUEST: Speak with Olivia Bain [-2326, 3281].
Kill Ladonna Poe (CL 37, elite) [-2226, 3297].
Besiege the bunker by completing three tasks.
Defeat 19 Ryll Smugglers. Any Ryll Smuggler Refiner (CL 39), Ryll Smuggler Sentry (CL 38 ), Ryll Smuggler (CL 38 ) or Ryll Smuggler Elite Guardian (CL 39) will do.
Destroy 7 crates of unrefined Ryll:
[-2216, 3306 - outside]
[-2126, 3346 - inside]
[-2132, 3392 - inside]
[-2126, 3401 - inside]
[-2144, 3400 - inside]
[-2107, 3293 - inside]
[-2136, 3314 - inside]
Access the Bunker's Mainframe [-2135, 3299].
Return to Lt. Cope to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Database Purge: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 14898 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for the Ryll smuggler bunker you assault in the "CorSec Case Files: Ryll Smuggling Ring" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "CorSec Case Files: Ryll Smuggling Ring," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Vuul Sarlin [-2963, 3401], who instructs you to use the two Seller Database Terminals in the Ryll Smuggler Bunker:
[-2171, 3292]
[-2149, 3315]
Return to Vuul for your reward.

Quest Received: Smuggle Civius Bain form the Smugglers: Level 38
Rewards: 12040 Quest Combat XP, 15944 credits
[NOTE: This is an optional side quest for the Ryll smuggler bunker you assault in the "CorSec Case Files: Ryll Smuggling Ring" Legacy quest to complete. While it is most convenient to run this quest at the same time as "CorSec Case Files: Ryll Smuggling Ring," it can be run at any time after completing that quest.]
Speak to Olivia Bain [-2326, 3281]. She sends you to speak to her son, Civius Bain [-2164, 3343]. To free him, kill Oret Sturm (CL 38, elite) [-2113, 3334] and Jaryn Minoze (CL 39, elite) [-2083, 3322].
Return to Olivia Bain for your reward.

Quest Received: CorSec Case Files: The Unlucky Mayor; Level 38
Rewards: 16670 Quest Combat XP, 19457 credits
Re-examine Hershel Sheridan [-3065, 3005] by clicking on the DL-44 Blaster lying next to his corpse.
Next, examine the package in the mayor's front room [-3617, 3125].
Return to Lt. Cope [-3102, 2800].
Head back to the Ryll Smuggler bunker and kill the Underboss, CL 38, elite [-2260, 3375].
Continue to the Red Circle base [-2274, 2682].
Kill 14 Red Circle Guards (CL 38 ) and access the Red Circle mainframe at [-2285, 2667].
Shut down the Red Circle chapter in Kor Vella by killing its three leaders:
Annor Fash, CL 37, elite [-2274, 2743 - second level of the bunker]
Vella Corse, CL 37, elite [-2284, 2742 - second level]
Vora Anjek, CL 38, elite [-2275, 2753 - third level]
Return to Lt. Cope to complete the quest.

Quest Received: Speak with Captain Baize: Level 38
Lt. Cope asks you to speak with Major Vitala Baize [3178, 5372]. Talk to her in Duaba Guerfel to complete the quest.