SWGAide Help - Harvesting

The panel named "Harvesting" helps you to monitor several active harvesters; they will alert you when harvesters run out of maintenance, power, or is soon full, and when the harvested resource is depleted. Harvested resources are added to inventory.

In order to use these features you must first define one or several harvesters and at least one owner; see tips further down. To begin monitoring, at the "Current Resources" you select the wanted resource, right-click it and select the option "Add to harvester panel" at the popup dialog.


The upper leftmost table displays your defined harvesters. To add a new harvester, right-click inside the table and select to create or possibly clone a harvester. Define its properties: name, harvester type, BER, and hopper size. Of a defined harvester, only its name can be edited; this is the same as for in-game harvesters.

Harvesters — Popup menu

The popup menu for the this table provides options that are related to harvesters:

Create harvester – define a harvester for the current galaxy. Tips:you do not need to create as many harvesters as you usually put down on a resource; you rather want to use the feature for "Harvester Cluster" at the "Activate Harvester" dialog; see below.

Edit harvester – edit the name/description of a harvester.

Clone harvester – define a harvester for the current galaxy but copy all values from a selected harvester. Make its description unique.

Export – write harvesters and owners for the current galaxy to file, the two are merged to the same file. Use this to backup your definitions, or to transfer them to some other galaxy or installation of SWGAide.

Import file /ndash; import harvesters and owners to the current galaxy from file. Any entry with a name that equals an existing entry is silently ignored.

Delete harvester – delete a selected harvester; this action cannot be undone.

Harvesters — Create & Edit dialog

The dialogs for creating, cloning, and editing harvesters basically provides the same options, but some are disabled:

Harvester description– a unique name or text that describes each harvester. Examples: "Elite Mineral - 1" and "Elite Mineral - 2".

Harvester type – this value automatically defines certain properties, such as maintenance rates, power consumption, and for which resource classes the harvester is listed at the activation dialog.

Harvester BER – the base extraction rate of the harvester. This is the un-buffed value, as it reads at the deed.

Hopper size – the basic hopper size of the harvester. This is the un-buffed value, as it reads at the deed. Tip: do not up this value, rather round off downwards; this way alerts for full hopper are not delayed.

Extraction Modifier – the resource extraction rate modifier for your server. This modifier is used in the calculation of UBER and AER which controls how fast your hopper fills up. This function was added to accomodate different servers having their own rate for resource extraction... e.g. Legends uses a 2.0 modifier. Back on live this was 1.5x the normal rate in the latter years. If you are unsure what your server uses for a resource extraction rate modifier, just leave the default of 1.0 in place. You can always edit it later.


The upper rightmost table displays your defined owners. To add a new harvester owner, right-click inside the table and select to create an owner. Select a character from the list or edit/add any useful but unique name. Initiate values for harvesting expertise and entertainer buff; these determine the improvement SWGAide adds to an active harvester, the same as in-game.

Notice: if you decide to transfer ownership of a put-down harvester to another owner, then the applied bonuses stick on the harvester. This is so until it is re-deeded, exactly as for in-game harvesters. Remember that in-game, if the new owner fills up maintenance or power the bonus is adjusted to the expertise level of that owner.

Owners — Popup menu

The popup menu for the this table provides options that are related to owners:

Create owner– create a new harvester owner for the current galaxy, either select an existing player or create a uniquely named owner.

Edit owner – edit the properties of an existing owner, but not the name. Remember that when activating a harvester it is possible to adjust the owner's Entertainer buff right there and then.

Export – write harvesters and owners for the current galaxy to file, the two are merged to the same file. Use this to backup your definitions, or to transfer them to some other galaxy or installation of SWGAide.

Import file /ndash; import harvesters and owners to the current galaxy from file. Any entry with a name that equals an existing entry is silently ignored.

Delete owner – delete a selected owner. Just custom owners can be deleted, not in-game characters.

Owners — Create & Edit dialog

The dialog for creating and editing owners is the same, but the name field is disabled in edit mode:

Owner name– select an existing character of the current galaxy, or define an owner with a unique name.

Harvester Storage Efficiency – the owner's expertise level in this field.

Harvester Maintenance Efficiency – the owner's expertise level in this field.

Harvester Energy Efficiency – the owner's expertise level in this field.

Advanced Harvester Technology – the owner's expertise level in this field.

Harvester Fair – the owner's usual level of the Entertainer buff. Remember that when activating a harvester it is possible to adjust this value right there and then.

Harvester Warnings

The upper center panel allows you to specify how many hours in advance an alert indicates that an active harvester will stop. This feature monitors when maintenance and power are drained, and when the hopper is full. The alerts are visual and acoustic (optional); the default value is 24 hours.

Activate Harvester Dialog

The dialog "Activate Harvester" is opened in one of two modes: to activate a harvester for a specific resource; or to edit an active harvester.

Activate – at Current Resources panel, select and right-click a resource, then select "Add to harvester panel" at the popup dialog.

Edit – at the main table of active harvesters, select and right-click a harvester. You can adjust the very same properties that you can do at an in-game harvester, other properties are disabled but read their current values.

Options and features at the dialog:

Harvester – select a harvester to gather the selected resource. The list displays inactive harvesters that are suitable for the resource class; a harvester is listed as a deed, or as one that "stayed put" which denotes an in-game harvester which is no pulled up (re-deeded) and it retains all buffs that were applied on it when it was put down; this mimics how harvesters and bonuses work in-game.

b>Owner – select an owner for the harvester. If the harvester is listed as a deed the selected owner also sets the values for harvesting bonuses. However, if the harvester is listed as one that "stayed-put" the old bonuses are displayed at the details panel to the right; these bonuses stick until the harvester is re-deeded and another owner simply mimics a structure-transfer. To reset a harvester to "deed" form, right-click the harvester drop-down list, or at the harvester details panel for another dialog.

Resource name – reads the name of the resource, cannot be edited.

Resource class – reads the resource class, cannot be edited.

Misc notes – enter any kind of text: harvester location, planet, intended use of resource, etc...

Add to Inventory – select this option to add the hopper content to inventory each time the harvester is "refreshed". Tips: select this option when you activate a harvester which adds one unit to inventory. That one unit serves as a place-holder and to stop unwanted alerts; with the place-holders you do not need to manually add resources to inventory; neither resource guards or Today's Alert will alert you for something you are already harvesting.

Self powered – select this check-box if you apply a "Make a Harvester Self Powered" device to the harvester, something nullifies its power consumption.

Concentration % – specify the resource concentration for the location where the harvester is put down, as it reads at the survey device. This value is used when SWGAide estimates amount at hopper, which also is the amount that is added to inventory if that option is selected. Tips: if you use the cluster feature, see below, you specify the highest value for the location so that alerts are not delayed.

Remember that the estimated amount is never 100% accurate, there are hidden decimals and other factors that makes it deviate from the final yield from your harvesters. Thence you must adjust the value at the inventory no matter what, and it is pointless to spend too much time on accuracy at these panels.

Maintenance – specify the amount of maintenance that is added to the harvester. This is also the amount which is added to the harvester at a "refresh".

Power – specify the amount of power that is added to the harvester. This is also the amount which is added to the harvester at a "refresh".

Harvester details – this panel reads the properties and bonuses of the harvester. For a deed its bonuses are pending until it is activated. If it stayed-put the values are from the date it was put down, no matter who the current owner is.

Harv Fair – adjust the Entertainer buff Harvester Fair for the current owner before you activate the harvester. This value cannot be adjusted for an active or put-down harvester; this works the same as in-game.

Harvester Cluster – specify how many harvesters you put down in-game and let this one harvester represent them all, to denote a cluster of in-game harvesters; but use it only for harvesters of equal BER and hopper size. The cluster size just multiplies the amount that is added to inventory at each "refresh". Tips: use this feature to reduce the number of active harvesters at this panel. There is no need for many entries that essentially monitors the same thing; as long as you maintain all harvesters at one location at the same time alerts and whatever are monitored by just one entry.

Active Harvesters

The main table displays active harvesters for the current galaxy. Hover the mouse over the column titles to read the "tool-tip" texts. It is possible to edit cells for maintenance, power, and notes; just double click such a cell and edit its value.

Any alert colors one or more table cells in yellow or red; yellow warns that the harvester will stop soon, red that it already is stopped; either for maintenance or power. If a resource is depleted the cell is colored in purple.

Active Harvesters — Popup menu

The popup menu for the this table provides options that are related to active harvesters. Some options are doubled at the harvesters and owners tables, see their help texts.

Refresh harvester– empty the hopper and replenish maintenance and power. The "add-to-inventory" option determines if hopper content is added to inventory, possibly multiplied by the cluster size.

Edit active harvester – open the dialog to edit certain properties of the selected harvester, see above. Many options are disabled, this works as in-game mechanics.

Filter inventory – filter resource inventory for the resource class of the active harvester.

Select current – select the harvested resource at Current Resources.

Select schematic use – select the harvested resource class at Schematics: Resource Class Use. At that panel you can see which schematics that calls for the resource class by name, or which schematics that may use it. If the resource class is not a named resource class it is still selected at the right-most tree but the middle list displays the first super-class that is a named resource class.

Numerical hopper totals – select this to display numerical values rather than percent at the hopper column.

Display end dates – select this to display estimated end dates for maintenance, power, and hopper.

Mark depleted – send a depleted-resource message to SWGCraft.org for the harvested resource.

Deactivate harvester (stays put) – deactivate the harvester but let it retain applied bonuses. No bonuses, Entertainer buff, or self-powered mode are reset. This mimics deactivating in-game harvesters and reactivating them to harvest another resource but they stay put at the same location and retain all applied bonuses.

To "re-deed" a "stayed-put" harvester you must open the activate-harvester dialog at Current Resources, select the harvester, and right-click the harvester list or at the details panel to bring up a dialog.

Deactivate harvester (re-deed) – deactivate the harvester and return it to deed; this resets any buff, bonuses, and self-powered device. This mimics re-deeding in-game harvesters.