SWGAide Help - Schematics Tab
This section of SWGAide is focused around schematics and crafting. Schematic data are obtained from
When — not if but when — you find anything to add, complement, or correct, post it in either our schematics forum, or the schematics channel on our discord.
In SWGAide, often a mouse right-click at a GUI element displays a popup dialog with various options and features.
Manage Assignee and Favorite
At a special dialog you manage assignees and their lists of favorite schematics. Open the dialog at the Edit menu, and at relevant popup menus, then click F1 for a more detailed text about assignees and favorite lists. Briefly though, each assignee has its list of favorites, create several assignees for multiple favorite lists. These lists are used in several filters, often to limit the display, but more features will be added.
Draft Schematics
This panel displays generic information about schematics, but also presents you with a shopping list, a used-in list, a find schematics feature, and more. With the help of the arrow buttons it is possible to navigate back, up and forward quite similar to a web browser. Or use the keyboard, Alt-Left or Alt-Right, for back and forward.
General Options:
Manage Assignees... – select this option to open the dialog for managing assignees and favorite lists. This dialog is not for other features related to schematic assignees.Always select – toggles on/off whether selecting a schematic should automatically select it at other panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display.
Selection tree:
The left-hand element is a tree of categories, schematics, and items. It is organized similar to what you see at a Bazaar Terminal, however, component categories are special and they are explained in the following block. Empty categories are hidden by default; if a category is visible it contains at least one schematic, category, or item.
Component Category — this is a special kind of category which is used a lot by schematics and in crafting. A component category is defined and given its in-game name when a schematic calls for something that is not an item but the component slot accepts several kinds of looted or crafted components. For example, all drink schematics call for one "Drink Container", and any one of Small Glass, Large Glass, or Cask will do fine (also Barrel though it is bugged). A component category usually contains several elements that always are interchangeable, but some component categories contain only one item.
Selection Tree — Popup menu:
The popup menu for the selection tree provides options related to assignees and favorite lists, to search for schematics, and to control the view. The options are:
Add to favorite... – select a schematic and use this option to select the assignee for the schematic, using this option also enables the following two options which operates on the selected assignee. Also use this option to switch between assignees. At this dialog you can also define a new assignee.
Add to ? – select a schematic and add it to the list of favorites for the assignee who you selected with the previous option. The assignee is denoted with a question mark until an assignee is selected.
Add category to ? – select a category and add all schematics which are contained by the category for the assignee who you selected. Only those schematics that are filtered by profession and/or skill and that are directly listed by the category are added, not schematics in sub-categories or if a filter hides them.
Manage Assignees... – select this option to open the dialog for managing assignees and favorite lists. This dialog is not for other features related to schematic assignees.
Notice: If you try to add a schematics that already is listed as a favorite it is ignored. Hence, you can "add" a schematic to an assignee to 1) switch between assignees, or 2) adding a whole category at a later time, or 3) just playing around.
Find... – search for schematics with a word or text in its name, the result is listed at the "Used In / Find" list. The find feature is also available at the Edit menu and by pressing Ctrl-F.
Select schematic – use this option to select the current schematic at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display. If Always select at the Options menu is enabled there is no need to invoke this option.
Hide empty – toggle on/off the filter to hide empty categories. If this option is selected only category nodes in the tree with content are displayed, at least one schematic, item, or another category. Otherwise all nodes are visible, also a few categories for extinct items or loot items.
Information – this option is only visible for a few categories of non-craftable or extinct item and it displays some brief information about the entry under the mouse.
Filters — Profession and Max skill level:
Below the selection tree, use the two filters to display only schematics which meet the specified criteria. These filters also apply to the drop-down menu to the right and optionally at some other panels.
Next to the filters is a drop down menu with schematics in alphabetical order. Select a schematic to update the details view and the selection tree.
Select a schematic and its data is displayed at the middle area. If further data is available it is appended to the end of the schematic's final text; credits to SciGuy and Onyx for the food&drink buff data, see http://www.swgchef.net/FoodChart-GU16.html for the complete chart. Bottommost is also displayed the SWGAide ID for the schematic, and if you can help submitting a screenshot from your datapad to SWGAide.com.
At this panel, click a component slot with a schematics or categories to navigate to that item. Use the navigation buttons to go back or forth, alternatively Alt-Left or Alt-Right.
Details — Popup menu:
The options at this popup menu varies with what is under the mouse cursor so that the options make sense for the context.
Filter current – filters the table of currently spawning resources for the resource class of the selected resource slot.
Filter inventory – filters the resource inventory for the resource class of the selected resource slot. If the schematic is HQ and if there is just one set of experimental weights this option sorts the listed resources accordingly, if several possible experimental weights are possible SWGAide does not know which one to sort for.
Quality guard... – opens the usual dialog for creating resource guards and with some values pre-filled. If several unequal weights exist and none is prioritized, then SWGAide selects one at random. This option is disabled if a matching guard exist or if the schematics is low-quality.
Plain guard... – creates a plain guard that alerts whenever the specified resource class spawns. The new guard is named "Any spawn" and it is set to OQ = 1 – such a guard alerts whenever the resource class spawns, no matter the quality. This option is disabled if a matching guard exist or if the schematics is high-quality.
Information – for non-crafted items and special categories this option displays some brief information about the entry under the mouse.
Copy shopping list – select this option to copy the displayed content from the shopping list and paste it as text wherever. At the shopping list you can also press Ctrl-C to copy.
Write shopping list – select this option to write the displayed content from the shopping list to a notes file for the current account. This action overwrites previous content of the file. The file is named "shop.txt" and in game it is opened with the command
/notes shop Append shopping list – select this option to write to the file described for the previous option. This action rather appends to the file, it does not overwrite.
Select schematic – use this option to select the current schematic at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display. If Always select at the Options menu is enabled there is no need to invoke this option.
Shopping List:
This panel displays a summary of the required resources and component requirements. Resources used for optional or interchangeable components are not included in the list, neither are losses from manufacturing sub-components.
Factory Batch:
Adjust the value to update the shopping list. This also updates the estimated time for the batch in a factory, not including possible expertise bonuses. If required, identical sub-components limit the possible outcome this value cannot exceed that limit; creating the manufacture schematic is included so the real outcome is at least one less.
If the size of a batch is adjusted and if you select an item at the component slot, then the batch size is adjusted to match the number of that component for the previous schematic. Navigating backwards will reduce the amount accordingly, not if you stray away though.
Notes field:
Below the shopping list and next to the factory elements a text area displays your notes for a schematic. These notes are added/edited both at this element and at the Laboratory panel and it is the notes for the default schematic. However, at this location you must click the element for a dialog so that you can edit/add/erase text.
Shopping List — Popup menu:
Copy shopping list – select this option to copy the displayed content from the shopping list and paste it as text wherever. At the shopping list you can also press Ctrl-C to copy.
Write shopping list – select this option to write the displayed content from the shopping list to a notes file for the current account. This action overwrites previous content of the file. The file is named "shop.txt" and in game it is opened with the command
/notes shop Append shopping list – select this option to write to the file described for the previous option. This action rather appends to the file, it does not overwrite.
Select schematic – use this option to select the current schematic at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display. If Always select at the Options menu is enabled there is no need to invoke this option.
Used In / Find Result:
This list displays all the schematics that do or may use the selected schematic as a component. The use is either direct or indirect. Direct is when a component slot calls for a component by name. Indirect is when a component slot calls for a component category which contains the particular schematic, or if a sub-category does. This latter group, indirect "users", are rendered on a colored background.
This list also displays the search result when you use Find.
Select a schematic at this list to update the details panel and the shopping list. This also scrolls the selection tree to display where the schematic is categorized.
Used In... — Popup menu:
Copy – select this option to copy the displayed list and paste it wherever. This is the list of "used in", or the result from using Find.
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Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
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Re: Add Server Genesis by SWGGenesis |