SWGAide Help - The Laboratory
This panel presents you with the means to review and select the best matching resources for a selected schematic.
Schematic data are obtained from
When — not if but when — you find anything to add, complement, or correct, post it in either our schematics forum, or the schematics channel on our discord.
The more players that update SWGAide about new resources the better this panel can support your crafting; find the ISDroid folder at the mail section and the "Submit Resources" which is for submission of one or several resource data.
In SWGAide, often a mouse right-click at a GUI element displays a popup dialog with various options and features.
Manage Assignee and Favorites
At a special dialog you manage assignees and their lists of favorite schematics. Open the dialog at the Edit menu, and at relevant popup menus, then click F1 for a more detailed text about assignees and favorite lists. Briefly though, each assignee has its list of favorites, create several assignees for multiple favorite lists. These lists are used in several filters, often to limit the display, but more features will be added over time.
Test Bench
At a special dialog you can test which resources that make for the best result. Double click a schematic at the upper left list, then click F1 for a more detailed help text. Briefly though, fill a schematic's resource slots and the dialog displays how well each resource makes it for the required stats and for different experimental lines, and it displays the total result. Replace resources and compare the total result.
The Laboratory
This panel displays the best matching resources, those that currently are spawning or those from the Resource Inventory. Features for stocked items (todo), notes, and more is also found at this panel, whereof some is coming soon™.
Select an assignee to display its favorite schematics at the below list of schematics, or select "All"; this is at the upper-left drop-down list. To manage assignees, see a paragraph above.
Assignees — Popup menu:
Manage assignees... – select this option to open the dialog for managing assignees and favorite lists. This dialog is not for other features related to schematic assignees.Filter "All" – toggles the behavior of "All"; select this option to use the filters at the Draft Schematics panel so they also filter and limit the below list of schematics, otherwise "All" lists all known schematics.
This list displays the favorite schematics for the assignee that you selected at the list above. Select a schematic to update the other GUI elements.
Double-click a schematic at this list to open the Test Bench dialog; it has its own help text.
Schematics — Popup menu:
Select schematic – select a schematic and use this option to select the current schematic at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display. If Always select at the Options menu is enabled there is no need to invoke this option. Find... – search for schematics with a word or text in its name. This option is also available at the Edit menu, and by pressing Ctrl-F.
Only HQ/LQ or All – select one of the options to filter the list of schematics for the selected assignee, default is "All". This option is for the current session and it affects only the list of schematics. Notice that as LQ counts any schematic that is tagged as LQ or is without experimenting properties, otherwise, if its quality level is HQ, mixed, or unknown it counts as HQ.
Manage assignees... – select this option to open the dialog for managing assignees and favorite lists.
Filter "All" – toggles the behavior of the "All" assignee; select this option to use the filters at the Draft Schematics panel so they also filter and limit the below list of schematics, otherwise "All" lists all known schematics.
Item Inventory:
The center element displays the inventory for the selected schematic (TODO). An entry contains information on inventory balance and also which resources and which components that were used to craft them – the information that is read at a manufacture schematic. The first entry at this table is always the default schematic, a common entry point while browsing for resources and future stuff.
Select an entry to update the notes field and the resource table; the default schematic updates the resource table with the best matching resources, see below for further details; any other entry (todo) updates the resources table with the resources which were used to craft the entry.
Notes field:
Select an entry at the center element to update this field, or to enter custom notes for the selected entry. Notes are per assignee and entry, not just per schematic. This means that if a particular schematic is a favorite for several assignees the notes are individual per assignee; "All" is considered a generic assignee. Remember to save the note, see below.
Notes field — Popup menu:
Save notes – select this option to save the new or edited notes, this is required, otherwise the new or edited text is discarded. You can also press Ctrl-S.
Table of Experiments and Matching Resources
Select a default schematic and the table for experiments and resources is updated and displays the best matching resources. Select an inventory item (todo) and the table rather displays the resources which were used to craft the item.
Best matching resources — these are resources that fit the resource slot in the schematic, their resource class fulfills the request. Here follows an explanation of this special table:
High quality — for schematics that require high quality resources the table displays the best possible match. For the details on the math behind the curtains, see chapter "Power Crafting" in the Beginner's Guide for Traders at SWGCraft.org, the General crafting forum.
Low quality — for schematics that can use low quality resources the table displays the worst possible rate. In this case the quality of the resource classes in themselves determines the rate, neither the stats nor the particular resource class which the schematic calls for. This is an attempt not to suggest high-quality resources.
Merged experiments:
For every experimentation line that equals another line the two or more are merged to one item. This happens if the lines call for the same resource class and identical weights.Example: the BM schematic "Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Filter" calls for "Fiberplast" and it has two experimentation lines, one line for "Purity" and one for "Mutagen Potential". However, both lines use "DR/OQ 20/80" and thus they are merged into one group. The merge is made visible in the group's name, in this case "Fiberplast DR/OQ 20/80 Enzyme Purity, Mutagen".
The merges result in one group per different resource class and per different weights. Most schematics have only a few combinations, just a few schematics result in a larger amount of merged groups.
However, low quality schematics display just one group per required resource class. They do not have experimentation properties and thus only the classes are displayed.
Inventory Resources:
Resources from your inventory read their names and resource classes at the "fair" background color in the same manner that is used at the Current Resources panel. Hover the mouse over the table row and the fly-over text displays the total amount in stock; this is also displayed in the Amount column.Superior Resources:
Resources that are better than your current stock read their names and resource classes at the "great" color background to make them stand out as an alert. This color alert is not applied to low quality schematics. Hover the mouse over the table row and the fly-over text displays the age.
The value of a resource stat is colored in the same manner as at the Resources section, its background is tinted with the colors for the "fair", "good", and "great" quality. Adjust the colors and the limits for the coloring at Current Resources → Display Options.For high quality schematics the the quality and color is determined relative the caps of the resource class for the merged group. Stats that are required by the experimentation line are rendered in bold.
For low quality schematics the colors are determined relative the resource itself, as how default coloring works at Current Resources and Inventory. This is to highlight that a resource might be great in itself, in one way or another.
For high quality schematics a "rate" is computed by the experimentation weights of the current group. A rate is computed per resource and is not the "weighed average result". At this section SWGAide always uses the "rule of thumb"; any resource that lacks one or or more of the required stats but yet have a good enough rating is listed.The resource stats used for the exp group are shown in bold text.
Rate calculation uses the stats needed for the exp group, taking into account resource caps, schematic weights and then sums them up for a rating.
(stat / stat_cap * 1000) * (weight / 100)For example lets assume a schematic calls for Ostrine Carbonate Ore with requirement for OQ/SR at 66/33. The resource we have has stats of OQ=949 and SR=418
First we get the adjusted stats based on caps: 66 / 100 = .6666666666 # adjusted OQ weight snipped for brevity (949 / 1000 * 1000) * .6666666666 = 632.6666666 # ostrine OQ caps at 1000 33 / 100 = .3333333333 # adjusted SR weight snipped for brevity (418 / 551 * 1000) * .3333333333 = 252.87356319 # ostrine SR caps at 551 Next we simply add up the results to get rating: 632.66666666 + 252.87356319 = 885.54For low quality schematics the "rate" is an average quality per resource, computed over all non-zero values, each value relative the cap for its own resource class, not the class that the merged group calls for.
Empty Group:
If no resource is available for a merged group it is left empty, it just reads its title, weights and resource class.
Double-click a resource at this table to open the Test Bench dialog and/or to fill its slots; it has its own help text.
Table of Experiments and Matching Resources — Popup dialog:
Resource details...&ndash: displays a dialog with details about the selected resource. The dialog reads details about planets and age, and if the resource is already in inventory also its notes and total amount.Select current – if the selected resource is in spawn then this option selects it at the table of current resources as a convenience.
Filter current – filters table of currently spawning resources for the resource class that the schematic calls for and highlights a selected resource.
Filter inventory – filters the resource inventory and sorts it for the filter that pertains to the selected entry, the class of a selected resource, or a class of the group. For the latter, select the header line of the group.
Quality guard... – opens the usual dialog for creating resource guards and with some values pre-filled. In this case the dialog is setup for the resource class of the group, no matter if a resource or a header line is selected. This option is disabled if a matching guard exist or if the schematics is low-quality.
Plain guard... – creates a plain guard that alerts whenever the specified resource class spawns. The new guard is named "Any spawn" and it is set to OQ = 1 – such a guard alerts whenever the resource class spawns, no matter the quality. This option is disabled if a matching guard exist or if the schematics is high-quality.
Resource amount... – adjust the maximum amount of resources to display at the main table; the range is from 3 to 10 resources. The table displays as many resources as possible but never more than 5 or the value you select.
Currently just 5 resources per group are displayed. Soon™ more options will be available in SWGAide to fine-tune what to display and what not.
If you have read this far I think it is fair to tell that there are lots of minor and major items at the todo-list. Some are mentioned already but more are planned for. If there is anything in particular you wish for, post in either our forum, or our discord.
The immediate items are to fix several glitches, and to add those options that are essential for making this section of SWGAide to excel. Adding a panel for improved resource guards, adding Inventory for crafted items, wiring such an inventory between schematics and required components, wiring such an inventory with the Trade section (probably that section needs some love first), and more.
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by Mr-Miagi |
Re: Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Server specific... by frapus |
Add Server SWG Secura by bcalabro |
Re: Add Server Genesis by Stadium |
Re: Add Server Genesis by SWGGenesis |
Re: Add Server Genesis by Mr-Miagi |