SWGAide Help - Test Bench

This dialog makes it possible for to test which combination of resources that gives the best result. Fill a schematic's resource slots and per unique experimental "group" and for each required stat this dialog displays the quality of each resource, and it displays the intermediate result per line and the total result. Replace resources and results.

Intermediate values and/or results may be decent or bad but other resources and/or lines may compensate so that the end result becomes great. Thus, find a combination of resources that gives the best possible result: see section "Coloring" at the end of this help text.

Operate this dialog at Schematics ⇒ The Laboratory.
The dialog stays open also if you switch to another panel of SWGAide, but it is operated only from The Laboratory.

Open the dialog— double click a schematic at the upper left list, or by a double click a resource at the table of best-matching resources.

Fill resource slots — double click a resource at the table of best matching resources.

Resource slots are filled by the following:

  • if a resource slot is selected...
    • if the resource matches the required resource class for that slot the resource fills it, potentially it replaces any previous resource
    • otherwise nothing happens
  • if no resource slot is selected...
      determined by its resource class the resource fills the first empty resource slot it matches
    • otherwise nothing happens

Hence, by selecting a resource slot you can try different matching resources for that slot.

Options at the dialog itself:

Select/Deselect resource slots— left-click a resource slot to select it, or to deselect it. See above on why it is good or not good to select a slot.

Empty a slot — right-click a filled resource slot to empty it.

Resource slots

These are displayed in the same order as they are listed in the schematics export from SWGAide.com. Report flaws and corrections in either our schematics forum, or the schematics channel on our discord. Notice that best-matching resources at The Laboratory are not listed per resource slot but by resource class and by merged experimental groups. Some best-matching resources will fit several slots, others will fit just one.


Results correspond to the merged experimental groups at The Laboratory, but just one per unique combination of required stats and weights.

Results per unique "group" correspond to and are displayed in the same order as the merged experimental groups at The Laboratory's table of best-matching resources, though this dialog displays just one blurb per unique combination of required stats-and-weights — the table of best-matching resources also splits on resource classes.

Within each "group" the results are lined up per required stat-and-weight and this dialog displays the final result per stat-and-weight. This result is not adjusted anymore.

Within each line resources are displayed in the same order as the resource slots they pertain to. Each resource reads the values that it contributes toward that particular stat; an empty slot reads and contributes 0.0 and penalizes the result; a resource that does not have that stat reads and contributes nothing.

The value that a resource contribute is better discussed in Beginner's Guide for Traders. Briefly though, it is the resource's value of that stat adjusted for the cap that is determined by the schematic; the value is reduced for the experimental weight of the stat; finally the value is reduced by its number of units relative the total amount of units that contributes to that stat (the latter is best explained by the examples in the guide). The formula is:

(resource_value / cap_of_schem_res_class * 1000) * (weight_exp / 100) * (resource_units / contributed_units)

For example (66% CD and the schematic's resource clot calls for 125 units of Steel; totally 225 units of resources has CD and thus contribute to CD; your have some steel with CD=645):

(645 / 650 * 1000) * (66 / 100) * (125 / 225) = 363.85

As is described in the guide, a resource that contributes with a large amount of units versus other resources is more important than others. Also, a stat with a higher experimental weight is more important than a stat with a lower weight.

The final line displays the end result which is the sum of the stats results; the closer to 1000 the better.

The math can be better explained with the following:

# This calculates the value used for a single slot stat, the same formula is used for all
# Lets use OQ for Ihaomic in a cryo chamber just as an example
# stat and schem values
v = 716            # value of res OQ stat
rescap = 1000      # cap for OQ on this res in this schem (note that schematic caps takes precedence over res caps in certain cases)
units = 8          # number of units this slot calls for
rslots = 4         # number of total res slots in this schem
weight = 33        # weight of stat for this schem slot
wd = weight / 100  # adjusted weight for this schem/slot (snipped to 10 decimals below for brevity)

# u1 u2 u3 u4 etc is the amount of units required for each slot
### FORMULA ### 
(v / rescap * 1000) * (units / (u1+u2+u3+1u4)) * wd
# see below for explanation of formula

adjcap = v / rescap * 1000
# add up all units to get total
tunits = 10 + 5 + 8 + 16     # this is your 100% unit quantity  39
# get % of units from slot:
sw = units / tunits     # 8 / 39 comes out with .20512  (I snipped the remaining decimals for brevity)
newvalue = adjcap * sw * wd
#eg 716 * .20512 * .3333333333 = 48.955 which is the res text for OQ you see in test bench. 

# Stat average line on 4 slots with any missing accounted for
# s1 s2 s3 etc come from the above formula (newvalue) for each res slot.
### FORMULA ###
(s1 + s2 + s3 + s4) / (slots - missing)
# explanation of formula below.
slots = 4
missing = 0
adjslots = slots - missing    # adjslots is 4
StatAverage = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4) / adjslots

# repeat above for each stat type that schem calls for (eg CD/SR/UT etc) and for each res slot. 
# In this example we would only need to do CD.

## Add up All Averages  .... StatAverage1 would be the OQ we just did above
## StatAverage2 would be for CD which would be repeating the above with CD values.
## StatAverage1 + StatAverage2 = Overall result for this line of Exp..

Coloring is determined by the limits you have set up at Resources ⇒ Display Options for Good and Great. However, here red denotes a bad value, a value that is less than Good, and orange denotes a value that is less than Great; and black denotes a great value that together with resource refinery expertise will cap the item for the experimental group you are viewing — this is unless you have set a too low or a too high a limit for Great, 960 is recommended.

Notice that intermediate results may con red or orange but other lines may compensate so that the end result becomes Great. Hence, this dialog helps you find a combination of resources that overcome flaws in one or a few resources.


  • this dialog, as SWGAide at large, treats resources with a missing stat in the same way as in SWG: if it is met once by any resource the result is not penalized. Only if a stat is not met by any resource the end result is inferior.
  • intermediate values and results are computed in the same way as in SWG: "schematics is king" and determines which caps to use, from the resource classes the schematic calls for. All results (also intermediate) are the "weighed average result adjusted for caps" which is explained in detail in The Beginner's Guide for Traders, chapter 8.


  • it is unclear whether this dialog properly reduce the result for a stat if it is not met at least once; the result is penalized but SWG may do it differently.