SWGAide Help - Today's Alert
This panel helps you to quickly review currently spawning resources that are better than what exists in your resource inventory. SWGAide scans current resources which are not yet harvested and computes their experimental weights which are compared versus your resource inventory. In low-quality mode this panel displays resources for classes that are missing in inventory.
This panel does not replace resource guards at the Resources panel. Guards alert you when a resource meets its criterion, whether high or low, and they automatically check for news at your main galaxy at SWGAide.com. This panel, for your assignees and their lists of favorite schematics it displays which resources that are better than your stock. Or you select to do this for all schematics or for a selected profession.
Schematic data are mainly obtained from SWGAide.com and all resource data are obtained from there. This is the data which are submitted and updated by players like you and me.
The more players that update SWGAide the better this panel supports your crafting; find the ISDroid folder at the mail section and also the "Submit Resources" panel for manual submission of one or several resource data. See help file for Draft Schematics for details on how to update or submit schematics.
In SWGAide, often a mouse right-click at a GUI element displays a popup dialog with various options and features.
Today's Alert
When computing the weights for schematics this panel makes use of the resource classes that these schematics call for. Thus, computed rates and coloring is done relative the caps of the required resource classes. It allows for zero-stats but requires at least one stat for the displayed resources. See the Beginner's Guide for Traders for a complete discussion on how rates are computed for a single resource.
Limits and colors are the same as for the Resources panel and this panel displays resources with a computed rate better than anything in inventory or resources with a rate better than the "fair" limit. Specify limits and colors at the panel Current Resources ⇒ Display Options. For example, set the limit for "fair" to 800 and if nothing in inventory meets the schematic then only resources with a rate better than 800 are listed, and then 800 is also the lower limit for the "fair" color.
To the upper left, select an assignee and for its list of favorite schematics SWGAide scans the current resources and displays those that are better than your resource inventory — define assignees and add favorite schematics either at the Manage Assignees and Favorites dialog or at the Draft Schematics panel; the dialog is opened at the Edit menu and it has its own help text.
Below the assignees you have created you see more entries. If you select "Pro: All" or "Pro: " this panel rather scans all schematics for the selected item. If you are new to SWGAide and inventory is quite empty, then these options may display way too much to be useful for you, then create one or several assignees and add schematics to their list of favorites. On the other hand, if resource inventory is well stocked you may prefer these options over assignees — or not.
Assignees — Popup menu:
Manage assignees... – select this option to open the dialog for managing assignees and favorite lists. This dialog is not for other features related to schematic assignees.Default assignee – select an entry as a default assignee; when SWGAide starts it scans all current resources against the list of favorite schematics of this assignee and if a resource is found that is better-than-inventory it colors the tabs for Schematics and Today's Alert as a notification. If nothing is selected SWGAide scans schematics for all professions, which equals the "Pro: All" entry.
Adjust the limits for which resources to include and what inventory stock to consider:
Max days – specify maximum age for the resources to display; e.g. "2" displays all better-than-inventory resources that are reported to SWGAide.com within the recent two days. This option applies to both HQ and LQ mode.Inventory – specify a limit for which inventory resource crates to ignore. For example "50,000" makes SWGAide to ignore any crate smaller than 50k when it compares resource rates. Hence this option gives an early warning that something soon runs out; zero (0) compares against all inventory resources, also very small crates. This option only applies to HQ mode.
HQ / LQ – switch between high-quality and low-quality mode.
– HQ mode: for each favorite schematic and for its combinations of required resource classes and experimental weights, SWGAide computes the rates for current and inventory resources; only resources with rates equal or better than inventory are displayed.
– LQ mode: for each favorite schematic SWGAide checks if its required resource classes are missing in inventory. This feature does not determine if resources are bulk or superior qualities.Show Great – select this option to ignore inventory and rather display all "great" resources. For each schematic of the selected assignee or profession and for all its combinations of required resource classes and its experimental weights, SWGAide computes the rates for all of the current resources and displays only resources with rates that are better than "great". Define the limit of Great at Resources → Display Options. This option is disabled in LQ mode.
Ignore K/M – select to ignore resources from Kashyyyk or Mustafar. Notice that this option does not apply to creature resources from these two planets.
Main table:
This table is populated when you select an assignee so that for its list of favorite schematics SWGAide scans all current resources and displays the result at this table. If nothing outshines your inventory this table is empty. For a resource this table reads its rate and its improvement over inventory. A resources is displayed per combination of resource-class-and-weights that pertains to the resource. Thus you may see several entries for the same resource, each of its entries is for a discreet combination of resource-class and weights.
Columns and Colors – for resource values, the rate, and the percent columns the limits and colors are the same as at the Resources panel. The stats that are called for by the experimental weights are rendered in bold face. Rates are based on the combination of resource class and weights of the favorite schematic that the entries pertain to.
In LQ mode coloring is based on the classes of the resources themselves, without rate because there is no experimenting but the
Main table — Popup menu:
Resource details...&ndash: displays a dialog with details about the selected resource. The dialog reads details about planets and age, and if the resource is already in inventory the total amount is included.Select current – selects the spawning resource at the table of current resources as a convenience.
Filter current – filters table of currently spawning resources for the class of the filter and selects the resource for entry.
Filter inventory – filters and sorts the resource inventory for the weights and class that pertains to the selected entry; that is, the resource class of the selected resource and the experimental weights of the filter the resource pertains to.
Schematics viewer – select a resources and open a window that gives a quick display of the quality of the monitored resource versus schematics that can use it. The viewer has its own help text, press F1 when it has focus.
Creature harvesting – for a selected creature resource class and this option displays two sub-options:
Harvested from... which displays a dialog that lists the creatures that the class may be harvested from, if any. Egg and Seafood are not supported because they are harvested wherever.
Browse SWGPets.com which opens your web browser for the selected resource class. Notice that for generic resource classes SWGPets displays all creatures.Organic vs. Creature Resources – toggles whether Creature Resources are disregarded or not when a schematic calls for Organic; using harvesters for Flora Resources is "cheaper" for Organic.
Resource class & weights and best from Inventory:
Select an entry at the table of current resources and this text field displays information that pertains to the selected resource:
Filter – displays the required resource-class and the weights; this is the combination that is used to calculate the rate for the selected resource, the class and the weights from one or several favorite schematics.Inventory – displays the best resource you have on stock for the current resource class and weights. It also displays its total amount.
Resource class & weights and best from Inventory — Popup menu:
Filter current – filters the table of currently spawning resources for the resource class of the displayed filter.Filter inventory – filters and sorts the resource inventory for the displayed filter, i.e. the displayed resource class and experimental weights.
Select an entry at the table of current resources and this field displays a list of the schematics which are using the Filter that is displayed at the left-hand text field.
Select an entry at this list; if the menu option Always select is enabled the schematic is selected at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display.
Schematics — Popup menu:
Select schematic – use this option to select the current schematic at other GUI panels as a convenience. This overrides but does not modify possible filters that would hinder the display. If Always select at the Options menu is enabled there is no need to invoke this option.
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