SWGAide Help - SWGAide Options

These options apply to Traders and their support for swgaide.com. To use many of the crafting related features of SWGAide you must first register at swgaide.com

Main galaxy: the default galaxy which is preselected at panels related to crafting, unless the current character is from another galaxy.

Auto-update: if this option is selected SWGAide automatically downloads resource data for the main galaxy.

Time zone: your time zone relative to the international GMT (UTC). Daylight saving is unsupported.

User name and password: your login details to swgaide.com The password is stored locally in strongly encrypted form.

Verify: validates the entered username/password before saving them locally. An invalid username and/or password makes many crafting related features of SWGAide unusable.

Save: the user name and password are the only data which you must save manually.

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